Level of study-教育等级

Level of study-教育等级-飞出国

Level of study:在加拿大的国外留学生有5个教育等级,分别是:

  • 大学:本科(学士学位)、研究生(硕士学位)和博士、博士后级别。并可能也提供不同学科的大专文凭项目。
  • 学院:提供学术或专业培训项目,提供专科文凭或证书 (包括大专在魁北克省,通常是强制性在上大学之前)
  • 职业教育: 非大学教育机构提供的职业和/或技术教育(如高职院校或私人职业院校)。
  • 其他中学后教育: 不在大学、 学院或职业学校开展的中学后教育。包括在语言机构和私营机构,和大学资格项目的教育。
  • 中学及以下教育:小学和中学教育。
  • 其他:不在以上类别中的教育级别。

There are five levels of study for foreign students in Canada. They are:

  • Universities: Offer degree-granting programs at the undergraduate (bachelor’s) graduate (master’s), and postgraduate (doctoral, post-doctoral) levels, and may also offer programs leading to certificates or diplomas in various academic disciplines.
  • Colleges: Offer academic or professional training programs leading to diplomas or certificates (includes CEGEPs in Quebec, which is generally mandatory before attending university).
  • Trade: Non-university educational institutions in Canada that offer vocational trades and/or technical programs (such as vocational institutions, or private career colleges).
  • Other post-secondary: Post-secondary studies that are not undertaken at university, college or trade school. This includes studies at language institutions and private institutions, and in university qualifying programs.
  • Secondary or less: Includes primary and secondary schools in Canada.
  • Other: Studies that cannot be classified at any of the above levels of study.
