未来美发培训中心课程及费用-Future Hair Training Centre Student Programs and Tutions

未来美发培训中心(卑诗省温哥华市) Future Hair Training Centre 继续讨论:

未来美发培训中心课程-Future Hair Training Centre Student Programs




  • 全日制在校学习项目:10个月,每周49学时,周一至周五10:00-18:00
  • 夜校学习项目:每周三、四、五上课(16:00-20:00),周六(11:00-17:00)上课,上课周期为18个月;
  • 非全日制学习项目:以上2种方式可随意结合着上课,完成整个规定的课程即可;
  • 绿色通道项目:这是一个为期6个月的强化课程项目。学生需要参加周一至周二(10:00-18:00),周三、周四和周五(10:00-20:00)以及周六(11:00-17:00)课程来完成该项目。



FHTC can help you to fulfill all of these goals. The following schedules are the most popular:

  • Full Time:Forty hours per week for ten months usually Monday to Friday from ten to six.
  • Evenings:Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from four to eight and Saturday from eleven to five for eighteen months.
  • Part Time:Combine any of the above days and times to accomplish however many hours you are available per week and month to complete the program.
  • Fast Track:This is a six month intense program. The student completes after attending Monday and Tuesday from ten to six, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from ten to eight and Saturday from eleven to five.

All of these Program Options are flexible to accommodate your lifestyle.

Upon completion of the program, student will receive two diplomas; one for extensive training in advanced color design and the other for general hairdressing.

The Tuition is $8000.00; Supplies are $1500.00 for a total of $9500.00. There are no additional fees once the program commences.

网址: http://www.futurehairtraining.com/education

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