昆州远北指定区域移民协议申请流程及如何转永居 FNQ DAMA Application Process and Permanent Residence Pathway

昆州远北指定区域移民协议 (Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement)昆州远北指定区域移民协议职业列表 FNQ DAMA Occupation List 继续讨论:

FNQ DAMA申请流程-飞出国

  1. 雇主需要向the Cairns Chamber of Commerce申请背书
  2. 如果雇主符合FNQ DAMA的要求,QLD则会将背书以及其他材料提交给澳洲政府并发回给雇主自己
  3. 雇主通过immiAccount申请labor agreement
  4. 雇主需要提供给所聘用的海外申请人一份settlement package(Cairns Chamber of Commerce提供的),以便于申请人递交签证申请
  5. 雇主通过immiAccount给海外申请人提交担保申请
  6. 被担保的海外申请人提交TSS 482签证申请


在FNQ DAMA协议下,申请人获得482签证后,一些职业可以申请186雇主担保永居签证。具体可以转永居的职业详见上方FNQ DAMA职业列表,申请要求详见以下:


  1. 年龄45周岁以下
  2. 持有FNQ DAMA协议下签发的TSS 482签证
  3. 满足学历和经验要求
  4. 雅思至少4个6或者同等分数
  5. 过去四年内为FNQ DAMA认可的雇主工作至少3年,可以为一个或者多个雇主工作;3年工作经历中所从事的职业必须是提名职业或者与提名职业相关的职业(即ANZSCO职业代码前四位相同的职业);这三年持有的签证必须是FNQ DAMA 协议下签发的482签证。
  6. 满足移民局的要求


  1. 雇主提供的职位必须与申请人的482签证相关
  2. 为申请人提供至少两年的全职工作并且有延长的可能性
  3. 雇主必须经过FNQ DAMA认可,并和澳洲政府签证相关协议。


  1. 雇主向the Cairns Chamber of Commerce申请背书
  2. 收到背书后,雇主通过immiAccount申请labor agreement
  3. 向移民局提交186签证担保申请
  4. 担保通过后,申请人提交186签证申请

Pemanent Residence Pathway

The new Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement (FNQ DAMA) also provides a pathway to permanent residence for select occupations where endorsed by the Chamber.

Eligible employees will be able to apply for permanent residence through the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) subclass 186 visa. Please note that as the FNQ DAMA was signed in 2019 and one of the eligibility requirements to access this pathway through the FNQ DAMA is that the worker has held a TSS subclass 482 visa under the FNQ DAMA for three years, requests for endorsement for ENS permanent visa posiitons cannot be made until 2022. The information and forms in this FNQ DAMA website will be updated with the relevant information before that date.

Eligibility criteria for employees

Under the current FNQ DAMA, employees must meet the following at the time of nomination:

  • be under 45 years of age.
  • hold a TSS subclass 482 visa issued under the current FNQ DAMA
  • meet the qualifications and experience requirement
  • must have a minimum score of at least 6 in an IELTS test or equivalent
  • meet the work requirement
    • have worked full-time in FNQ, for at least three of the four years prior to nomination in one or more FNQ DAMA endorsed businesses
    • in those three years, must have worked in the nominated occupation or in an occupation in the same ANZSCO four-digit level; that occupation must be specified in the FNQ DAMA eg Diesel Motor Mechanic (ANZSCO 321212) and Motorcycle Mechanic (ANZSCO 321211) are on the same ANZSCO four-digit level
    • in those three years, must have been on a TSS subclass 482 visa issued under the FNQ DAMA
  • meet the requirements from the Department of Home Affairs website.

Requirements for nominating employers

Nominating businesses must meet the following nomination requirements:

  • the occupation you are nominating must be the one connected to the employee’s TSS subclass 482 visa
  • you must offer full-time employment to the nominee for at least two years, with the possibility of extension.

Nominating businesses must be endorsed under the current FNQ DAMA and have an associated labour agreement in place with the Australian Government.

In addition to the above, nominating businesses must also meet the endorsement criteria including labour market testing requirements, and meet the requirements from the Department of Home Affairs website.

How to apply

Step 1: Your business needs to apply to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce for endorsement (as above - the information and forms will be made available closer to 2022 when workers may begin to fall eligible and requests for endorsement will be accepted).

Step 2: Once endorsed, you must request a labour agreement from the Department of Home Affairs through ImmiAccount.

Step 3: Submit your nomination application for the ENS subclass 186 to the Department of Home Affairs.

Step 4: The employee can then lodge an application for a ENS subclass 186 visa.
