351211 屠夫和肉类加工者 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker

ANZSCO 351211 屠夫和肉类加工者 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker - FLYabroad

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者职业描述 Job description - FLYabroad


Selects, cuts, trims, prepares and arranges meat for sale or supply, operates meat or smallgoods processing machines, or manages the processes in the production of smallgoods

Previously referred to in ASCO as:
4511-11 Butcher
4511-01 Meat Tradespersons - Supervisor
4511-13 Smallgoods Maker

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者职位别名 - FLYabroad

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者技术等级 Skill level - FLYabroad

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者所属职业列表 - FLYabroad

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - FLYabroad

  • TRA - 澳大利亚职业技术认证中心 Trades Recognition Australia:大陆技术移民申请的绝大部分职业都是通过该类别评估。TRA移民技术评估类别申请的条件为具有澳洲要提名职业相对等的资格(一般是AQFIII,IV或 Diploma),至少3年的全职提名职业作经验,近2年内至少1年全职带薪提名职业工作经验。对于在获得等同AQF相关资质之前的工作要获得认可的话,需之前至少5年提名职业或者提名职业相关全职工作经验。TRA类别评估周期60工作日,评估费用300澳币,不支持信用卡。

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者州担保情况 - FLYabroad

近期担保过 351211 屠夫和肉类加工者 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker 职业的州包括:

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者新西兰技术移民紧缺职业加分要求 - FLYabroad

  • 不属于新西兰绝对紧缺职业

351211 屠夫和肉类加工者执业注册要求(不代表移民要求) - FLYabroad

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

351211A 收入图示(Earnings) - 飞出国

351211A 职业全职从业者税前周薪比例(Income Range Per Week - Before tax)

351211A 职业全职与兼职从业者税前周薪比较(Income Based On Employment Status Per Week - Before tax)

Earnings of persons working full- and part-time

数据来源: abs.gov.au 及 myfuture.edu.au

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

What’s it like to be a Butcher?

Butchers select, cut, trim and prepare meat for sale or supply.

Butchers work with a variety of knives, hand tools, power equipment (including
mincers, mixers and bandsaws) and computer-operated machinery.
They work in shops and boning/slicing rooms. They usually have early morning
starts and their work involves a lot of contact with people, such as customers
and workmates. Butchers are exposed to animal blood.

How much can I expect to earn?

Full-time employed Butcher earn an average of $867 per week. The [average
annual salary for this job is $45084 excluding super.]

Personal requirements

  • enjoy practical and manual activities
  • in good health
  • able to cope with the physical demands of the job
  • good hand-eye coordination
  • good interpersonal skills.

This job also involves:

Full use of hands/fingers

Use of precision or semi-precision tools or instruments or deft hand movements
are required for these occupations. Included are jobs where poor co-ordination
or incomplete use of hands or fingers may make tasks dangerous or difficult to

Hot, cold or humid environment

These jobs are generally performed in an unusually hot, cold or humid
environment, so may be unsuitable for people who have diabetes or other
conditions aggravated by extremes of temperature or humidity.

Mainly indoor work

Workers performing these jobs would usually be expected to spend more than
three-quarters of their day indoors, in an office, factory or other enclosed
area protected from the weather.

Physical effort

The main duties and tasks involved in these jobs require daily physical
exertion, such as bending and twisting, lifting, climbing, pulling, pushing,
carrying or other effort where physical fitness is required. People with
heart, back or other conditions who should avoid physical strain may wish to
avoid these jobs.

Reading or writing

These jobs require moderate or better reading and writing skills. Workers may
be expected to prepare, understand or act on written materials, such as
letters or reports. People may wish to avoid these jobs if their reading or
writing English skills are limited to a small range of words or phrases and
symbols. Jobs remaining may still require very basic reading or writing

Standing for long periods

The main duties and tasks involved in these jobs are usually performed
standing up for periods of at least two hours at a stretch.

This occupation offers jobs at the following skill levels:

Skilled Trade Jobs

These jobs do not usually require completion of secondary education, however
further part-time study usually at Certificate III level, and on-the-job
training offered as an apprenticeship, is required.

Study requirements

At school, you can study these subject(s) to get a good foundation for this

Home Economics

School subjects that include some aspect of HOME ECONOMICS provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a home economics-related subject is a
pre-requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

Rural Studies

School subjects that include some aspect of RURAL STUDIES provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases an rural studies subject is a pre-
requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

Duties and tasks of a Butcher

Butchers may perform the following tasks:

  • cut, trim and shape standard cuts of meat to size
  • process carcasses into primary and secondary cuts
  • pack and store products for display and sale
  • order supplies from wholesalers using AUS-MEAT Language, and weigh and check stock on receipt
  • assemble and operate mincers, grinders, mixers, patty-forming or sausage-forming machines, and bandsaws
  • use correct detergents and sanitisers to prevent food poisoning and contamination of premises and equipment
  • assist clients (including hotels and restaurants) with menu planning, estimating food portions and production costs
  • collect payment for sales
  • prepare marinated meats and ready-to-cook dishes
  • advise customers about alternative cuts, cooking methods, storage requirements and nutritional aspects of meat.

351211B 收入图示(Earnings) - 飞出国

351211B 职业全职从业者税前周薪比例(Income Range Per Week - Before tax)

351211B 职业全职与兼职从业者税前周薪比较(Income Based On Employment Status Per Week - Before tax)

数据来源: abs.gov.au 及 myfuture.edu.au

本文由飞出国(FLYabroad @Copyright)独家整理完成,请尊重知识产权,不要以任何形式散布和传播。

What’s it like to be a Smallgoods Maker?

Smallgoods makers select and prepare meat, and manage the processes in the
production of smallgoods.

Smallgoods makers work with a variety of knives, hand tools, power equipment
(including mincers, mixers and bandsaws) and computer-operated machinery.
Smallgoods makers work in shops and boning/slicing rooms. They usually have
early morning starts and their work involves a lot of contact with people
including customers and workmates. Smallgoods makers are exposed to animal
blood in some parts of the process.

How much can I expect to earn?

Full-time employed Smallgoods Maker earn an average of $867 per week. The
[average annual salary for this job is $45084 excluding super.]

Personal requirements

  • enjoy practical and manual activities
  • physically fit and in good health
  • good hand-eye coordination
  • good interpersonal skills
  • good hygiene.

This job also involves:

Full use of hands/fingers

Use of precision or semi-precision tools or instruments or deft hand movements
are required for these occupations. Included are jobs where poor co-ordination
or incomplete use of hands or fingers may make tasks dangerous or difficult to

Good vision for detail

These jobs require you to be able to see clearly to examine items close-up. It
covers jobs where poor vision e.g. tunnel vision, could make the work place
unsafe or the job difficult to undertake, e.g. draftsperson working with
detailed drawings; checkout operator reading dockets; work requiring good
hand-eye co-ordination for working with precision or semi-precision tools.

Handling chemicals/greasy items

These jobs involve the daily handling of substances which may cause irritation
to skin, eyes, etc., and may aggravate dermatitis or other medical conditions.

Mainly indoor work

Workers performing these jobs would usually be expected to spend more than
three-quarters of their day indoors, in an office, factory or other enclosed
area protected from the weather.

Physical effort

The main duties and tasks involved in these jobs require daily physical
exertion, such as bending and twisting, lifting, climbing, pulling, pushing,
carrying or other effort where physical fitness is required. People with
heart, back or other conditions who should avoid physical strain may wish to
avoid these jobs.

Reading or writing

These jobs require moderate or better reading and writing skills. Workers may
be expected to prepare, understand or act on written materials, such as
letters or reports. People may wish to avoid these jobs if their reading or
writing English skills are limited to a small range of words or phrases and
symbols. Jobs remaining may still require very basic reading or writing

Standing for long periods

The main duties and tasks involved in these jobs are usually performed
standing up for periods of at least two hours at a stretch.

This occupation offers jobs at the following skill levels:

Skilled Trade Jobs

These jobs do not usually require completion of secondary education, however
further part-time study usually at Certificate III level, and on-the-job
training offered as an apprenticeship, is required.

Study requirements

At school, you can study these subject(s) to get a good foundation for this

Home Economics

School subjects that include some aspect of HOME ECONOMICS provide a useful
background to these jobs. In some cases a home economics-related subject is a
pre-requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

Duties and tasks of a Smallgoods Maker

Smallgoods makers may perform the following tasks:

  • order supplies from wholesalers, as well as weigh and check stock on receipt
  • store meat in refrigerators or freezers
  • prepare meat by removing bones and trimming fat
  • make seasonings, flavouring agents and pickling solutions, and pickle meat according to recipes
  • assemble and operate mincers, grinders, mixers, and patty-forming or sausage-forming machines
  • shape meat or meat emulsion to make sausages and smallgoods
  • add seasonings to ground meat
  • operate filling machines, cooking kettles and vats, and smoking chambers
  • cure and cook meat products
  • use correct detergents and sanitisers to prevent food poisoning and contamination of premises and equipment
  • help clients in menu planning and working out food portions and production costs
  • pack and store products for display and sale
  • collect payment for sales.