
E3 签证

E3.1 签证授予的自由裁量问题

  1. 除非2009移民法案明文规定,没有人有权将签证授予作为其应享的权利(见E2.35)
  2. 在签证申请审核期,根据任何特殊指令,移民部长或移民官可以行使其自- 由裁量权:
  • 授予或拒绝发放签证
  • 不管申请的签证为何种类型, 可能授予任何类型的签证
  • 对签证申请条件进行添加、改变与免除


E3.1 Grant of visa generally a matter of discretion

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 45

  1. No person is entitled to a visa as of right unless the Immigration Act 2009 expressly provides otherwise (see E2.35).
  2. In determining a visa application, the Minister or, subject to any special direction, an immigration officer, in his or her discretion:
  • may grant or refuse to grant a visa; and
  • regardless of the class and type of visa that was applied for, may grant a visa of any class and type; and
  • may impose conditions on the visa granted, or vary or waive conditions that would otherwise apply to it.

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.5 新西兰旅游签证授予前的保金缴

在新西兰旅游签证授予前, 移民部长或移民官可能会依据2009移民法第396章规定要求申请人支付保金。


E3.5 Grant of visitor visa to travel to and be in New Zealand may be subject to payment of bond

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 47, 396

Before granting a visitor visa the Minister or an immigration officer may require a bond be paid in terms of section 396 of the Immigration Act 2009 (see E4.55.10).

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.10 现行签证

  1. 以旅游为目的的临时入境签证一般不被发放,除非申请人的护照或旅行证件:
  • 离签证到期之日至少还有三个月有效期
  • 有效期还有一个月,如果相关证件发行政府在新西兰设有领事代表,则可以重新发放或更新护照
  1. 除以上条款以外,如果申请人获签有效期为24个月或更长的工作签证,需要对护照材料进行检查与更新。如果签证时间长于护照到期日,且申请人希望持新护照出入新西兰,需书面告知护照持有者将签证附在新的护照上。
  2. 签证条目必须清楚明晰,如:
  • 开始日期
  • 任何与旅游有关的签证条件,包括:
    • 该签证是否允许持有者再次访问新西兰
    • 若该签证允许签证持有者访问新西兰,在哪些时段签证持有者可以访问新西兰
    • 如果签证允许签证持有者访问新西兰,签证是否允许持有者进行单程或多次旅行
  • 涉及签证持有者在新西兰的停留问题,在什么时间或在什么时段之后签证会到期
  • 关于签证的其它情况
  • 获批准入许可的人群,其入境日期也是经过许可的
  • 其它需要行政长官批准的情况
  1. 如果签证持有者在新西兰境内,签证的到期日最早自:
  • 签证指定到期日开始
  • 签证所规定的事件发生之日开始
  • 签证所规定的在新西兰停留的有效期限的最后一天之后开始
  • 疫情管理通知期满3个月之后的第一天开始,如果签证:
    • 为临时性入境签证,且被视为疫情管理通知延期的结果
    • 且还没有被取消
  1. 如果签证持有者在新西兰境内,签证的到期日最早自:
  • 签证持有者离开在这里之日开始,如果该签证不允许持有者再次访问新西兰
  • 签证允许持有者访问新西兰的指定日期的最后一天之后开始
  1. 除非有相关官员进行特例说明或发布移民指令,签证有效期不得长于:
  • 12个月(针对旅游签证)
  • 5年(针对工作签证)
  • 4年(针对学生签证)
  • 6个月(针对过渡签证)
  1. 对于以下签证不设定最长停留期限:
  • 外交、领事或公务签证(见section H);
  • 军事签证(见section M)
  1. E3.10(6)以上所列涉及个人签证与非最大的逗留时间的条款在再次申请个人签证时同样适用。

E3.10 Currency of visas

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 6, 62, 63, 77

  1. Temporary entry class visas with travel conditions must not be granted unless the applicant’s passport or travel document is current for:
  • at least three months beyond the expiry date of the proposed visa; or
  • one month, if the issuing Government has consular representation in New Zealand that is able to issue and renew passports.
  1. Despite (a) above, if an applicant has been approved a work visa for 24 months or longer, they may be granted the full duration of their visa, regardless of the applicant’s passport expiration date. If a visa is granted beyond the expiry of the passport, the holder must be informed in writing that their visa must be transferred into their new passport if they wish to travel in or out of New Zealand on their new passport.
  2. The entry for the visa must specify, as appropriate:
  • the start date (which may be the date of its grant or a future or past date);
  • any conditions of the visa that relate to travel, including:
    • whether the visa allows travel to New Zealand on a later occasion;
    • if the visa allows travel to New Zealand, the period during which the holder may travel to New Zealand;
    • if the visa allows travel to New Zealand, whether the visa gives permission to travel to New Zealand on a single journey, multiple journeys, or a set number of journeys;
  • in relation to the holder’s stay in New Zealand, the date or event on which the visa will expire, or the period after which it will expire;
  • any other conditions of the visa;
  • for those persons granted entry permission, the date or dates the entry permission was granted.
  • such other matters as may be required or approved by the Chief Executive.
  1. If the holder of a visa is in New Zealand, the visa expires on the earliest of:
  • the beginning of the day after the date specified in the visa as the expiry date; or
  • the beginning of the day after the day on which an event specified in the visa as the event on the occurrence of which the visa will expire occurs; or
  • the beginning of the day after the last day of the period for which the visa grants stay in New Zealand to the holder;
  • the beginning of the day that is three months after the day on which an epidemic management notice expires, if the visa:
    • is a temporary entry class visa deemed to be extended as a result of an epidemic management notice; and
    • has not been cancelled earlier.
  1. If the holder of a visa is outside New Zealand, the visa expires on the earlier of:
  • the day and time the holder left New Zealand, if the conditions of the visa do not allow further travel to New Zealand;
  • the beginning of the day after the date that is specified by the conditions of the visa as the last day of the period of time within which travel is allowed to New Zealand.
  1. Unless an appropriately delegated officer makes an exception to instructions (see E7.25) or immigration instructions state otherwise, an individual visa must not be granted for a period longer than:
  • (in the case of a visitor visa) 12 months; or
  • (in the case of a work visa) 5 years; or
  • (in the case of a student visa) 4 years; or
  • (in the case of an interim visa) 6 months.
  1. There is no maximum length of stay for:
  • a Diplomatic, Consular or Official Visa (see section H);
  • a Military visa (see section M).
  1. Since the periods listed in paragraph E3.10 (f) above relate to individual visas and not the maximum length of stay, further individual visas may be granted, provided that relevant temporary entry class visa instructions are met.

E3.10.1 孕妇申请者

  1. 该部分条款适用于孕妇申请者:
  • 打算居留新西兰超过6个月的人群
  • 被认为有结核病的危险因素(肺结核)
  • 符合移民条款,授予临时入境签证
  1. 孕妇申请者只有在生产之后才会被授予有效期为3个月的签证
  2. 申请者可以获得其打算停留时长的签证:
  • 如果其提供了胸部X光检查结果(INZ 1096)、之前的签证申请与A4.25(c) or A4.25.1(d) 适用条件
  • 或根据A4.25.1(f)规定提供的胸部X光检查结果(INZ 1096)
  1. 依据条款b及以上规定被授予签证的申请人可以再次申请签证以停留至其计划停留时间,如果该人员出示:
  • 完整的申请表
  • 完整的胸部X光检查结果(INZ 1096)
  • 胸部X线检查所需的任何相关的医疗或实验报告
  • 其有效护照及身份材料
  • 适当的费用
  1. 如果申请人根据其提供的胸部X光检查结果被评定为不可接受的健康标准,那么除非A4.25.1(h) 或 A4.65条款适用,否则申请人不会被授予新的签证。


E3.10.1 Pregnant Applicants

  1. This section applies to pregnant applicants for temporary entry class visas who:
  • intend to be in New Zealand for more than six months; and
  • are considered to have risk factors for tuberculosis (TB) (see A4.25.5); and
  • otherwise meet immigration instructions for the grant of a temporary entry visa.
  1. These applicants may only be granted a visa for up to three months from the date that they are due to give birth, unless (c) below applies.
  2. An applicant may be granted a visa for the length of their intended stay:
  • if they have provided a Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) with an earlier application and A4.25(c) or A4.25.1(d) applies; or
  • where a Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) has been provided in accordance with A4.25.1(f).
  1. Applicants who are granted a visa in line with (b) above may apply for a further visa for the remainder of their intended stay if they provide:
  • a completed application form; and
  • a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096); and
  • any associated medical or laboratory reports required for the Chest X-ray Certificate; and
  • their current passport or certificate of identity; and
  • the appropriate fee (if any).
  1. If the applicant is assessed as not having an acceptable standard of health based on the Chest X-ray Certificate they provide, a further visa may not be granted unless A4.25.1(h) or A4.65 applies.

Effective 17/11/2014

E3.11 签证转移

  1. 如果申请人由于护照到期日临近而被授予比申请时长短的临时签证,相关部门需要以书面形式通知签证到期日期
  2. 如果申请人的随行子女由于申请人的护照到期日临近而被授予比申请时长短的临时签证,相关部门需要以书面形式通知其签证到期日期
  3. 如果申请人的随行配偶由于申请人的护照到期日临近而被授予比申请时长短的临时签证,相关部门需要以书面形式通知签证到期日期
  4. 一旦获得新的护照,签证持有者需申请将其签证附在新护照上;申请变更签证到期日;如果E3.10(2)条款适用,签证可以被转附在新护照上而无需改变到期日
  5. 如果适用,每个申请人必须提供:
  • 完整的签证转移申请
  • 有效护照或身份证明材料
  • 到期护照或身份证明材料
  • 申请费用


E3.11 Transfer of temporary visas on expiry of passport

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 52(2)

See also Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010, Reg 32

  1. Where a temporary visa is granted for a shorter currency than requested because an applicant’s passport is due to expire (E3.10a), the applicant must be informed in writing of the date the visa would have expired, had the passport remained valid.
  2. Where a temporary visa is granted for a shorter currency to a dependent child/ren because their parent’s passport is due to expire (see E4.5), the dependent child/ren must also be informed in writing of the date the visa would have expired had the passport remained valid.
  3. Where a temporary visa is granted for a shorter currency to a partner because their partner’s passport is due to expire (see WF3.1), the partner must also be informed in writing of the date the visa would have expired had the passport remained valid.
  4. Once a new passport has been obtained, the visa holder (and any other applicants as described at E3.11(b) or (c)) should apply to have their visa transferred to the new passport and varied so the expiry date matches the intended currency of their visa as specified when the visa was originally granted, or if E3.10(b) applies, the visa can be transferred without varying the expiry date.
  5. If applicable, each applicant must supply:
  • a completed Application for Transfer or Confirmation of a Visa (INZ 1023)
  • their current passport or certificate of identity; and
  • the expired passport or certificate of identity; and
  • the appropriate fee (if any).

Effective 17/11/2014

E3.15 临时入境签证持有者所需满足条件

  1. 临时入境签证持有者可以:
  • 以合法目的持临时入境签证访问新西兰,如度假、观光、家庭或社会访问、业余体育活动、商业交流及医学治疗
  • 在签证条件允许的情况下在新西兰或在新西兰的专属经济区内工作
  • 在签证条件允许的情况下在新西兰学习
  • 以明确的目的持签证访问新西兰
  1. 过渡签证持有者可根据其签证的条款在新西兰工作、学习或旅游
  2. 除以学习为目的的过渡签证和限制签证外,任何旅游、工作和限制签证需满足以下条款:
  • 自费支付飞往其他国家的机票
  • 用由在新西兰的他人代表签证持有者管理的资金购买机/车票
  • 由赞助人支付


E3.15 Conditions to which holders of temporary entry class visas are subject

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 48, 49, 52, 77

  1. The holder of a temporary entry class visa may:
  • visit New Zealand consistent with the conditions of the visa, for any lawful purpose; or
    Examples: Holidaying, sightseeing, family and social visits, amateur sport, business consultations, undergoing medical treatment.
  • work in New Zealand, or within the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand, only if the conditions of the visa allow, and only consistently with those conditions; or
  • study in New Zealand, only if the conditions of the visa allow, and only consistently with those conditions; or
  • undertake the express purpose for which they were approved to travel to New Zealand, and only consistently with the express purpose conditions, if granted a limited visa.
  1. An interim visa holder may work, study or visit only as authorised by the terms or conditions of their interim visa.
  2. Subject to any special direction to the contrary, every visitor, work and interim and limited visa that is not an interim or limited visa granted for the purpose of study, is subject to the following conditions:
  • at all times during the currency of the visa to be in New Zealand, the holder has sufficient funds available for the holder’s maintenance in New Zealand, or a current approved sponsorship undertaking (see E6); and
  • at all times during the currency of the visa to be in New Zealand, the holder has the means to travel to a country to which the holder has a right of entry, such means to be in the form of:
    • a fully paid travel ticket to any such country; or
    • sufficient funds held in New Zealand by or on behalf of or in trust for the holder to purchase any such ticket; or
    • a current approved sponsorship (see E6).

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.20 以学习为目的的学生、限制和过渡签证所需满足条件


  1. 在签证有效期内,签证持有者有办法用以下形式维持其在新西兰人的日常生活开销
  • 由他人或信托机构管理的资金
  • 由符合条件的第三方以可接受形式承担生活费用
  • 由担保人承担生活费用
  • 由新西兰政府部门或法定机构管理的多边或双边援助方案提供的资金援助
  1. 在签证有效期内,签证持有者有权以以下形式进入其他国家:
  • 自费支付飞往其他国家的机票
  • 用由在新西兰的他人代表签证持有者管理的资金购买机/车票
  • 由符合条件的第三方以可接受形式承担费用
  • 由赞助人支付
  • 由新西兰政府部门或法定机构管理的多边或双边援助方案提供资金援助
  1. 如无特殊情况,签证持有者需在所需时间内及签证所批注地点进行学习
  2. 签证持有者在其学习过程中取得的进展由项目举办方依据其学术进展政策进行评估
  3. 签证持有者所需支付的已经完成进行或将要进行的研究项目费用是不时变化的
  4. 如果有需要,签证持有者有享有可接受保险的权利


E3.20 Conditions of student visa, limited visa and interim visa for study purposes

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 378

Subject to any special direction to the contrary, every student visa, limited visa and interim visa granted for the purpose of study is subject to the following conditions:

  1. At all times during the currency of the visa to be in New Zealand, the holder has the means to maintain himself or herself in New Zealand, in the form of:
  • funds held in New Zealand by or on behalf of or in trust for the holder; or
  • an acceptable form of financial undertaking by an eligible third party; or
  • a current approved sponsorship undertaking (see E6); or
  • financial assistance available to the holder under any multilateral or bilateral aid programme administered in New Zealand by a Government department or statutory body; and
  1. At all times during the currency of the visa to be in New Zealand, the holder has the means to travel to a country to which the holder has a right of entry, such means to be in the form of:
  • a fully paid travel ticket to any such country; or
  • sufficient funds held in New Zealand by or on behalf of or in trust for the holder (being funds additional to any sum required under paragraph (a)) to purchase any such ticket; or
  • an acceptable form of financial undertaking by an eligible third party; or
  • a current approved sponsorship (see E6); or
  • financial assistance available to the holder under any multilateral or bilateral aid programme administered in New Zealand by a Government department or statutory body; and
  1. The holder attends the programme of study at all times as required, at the place of study endorsed on the visa, unless there are genuine reasons for absences; and
  2. The holder makes satisfactory progress in the programme of study, which is primarily determined by the education provider offering the programme of study, and assessed against its academic progress policies; and
  3. The holder pays all or any fees that may be fixed from time to time and that are payable by the holder in respect of the programme of study undertaken or to be undertaken; and
  4. The holder has acceptable insurance (see U3.45) if required to do so (see U3.1(vii)).

Effective 02/12/2013

E3.21 其他旅行要求

  1. 若临时入境签证持有者想离开新西兰到其他国家旅行并持同一签证返回新西兰是,必须确保其持有有效的旅行证件以使其返回新西兰
  2. 在新西兰且需要进一步出行证件的申请人需要完成信息变更申请表(INZ 1020)并支付一定的费用
  3. 除非有特别说明,否则当申请人申请进一步居留时,移民官必须对其进行评估以确定是否发放旅行证件


E3.21 Further travel conditions

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 49

  1. The holder of a temporary entry class visa, intending to travel out of New Zealand and return on the same visa conditions, must ensure that he or she hold valid travel conditions to enable his or her return to New Zealand.
  2. Applicants in New Zealand requiring further travel conditions must complete the form Application for the Variation of Conditions or a Variation of Travel Conditions (INZ 1020) and pay the appropriate fee.
  3. Unless stated otherwise in specific instructions, an immigration officer must assess whether travel conditions should be granted when an application for a visa with further stay conditions is approved.

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.25 临时入境签证条件的添加、更改与删除

  1. 在临时入境签证发放问题上,移民部长或移民官可能会:
  • 增加与该类签证有关的临时入境指示的条件
  • 更改与删除适用于该类签证的条件
  1. 在临时入境签证发放后,移民部长或移民官可能会:
  • 增加进一步条件,无论该条件是否包含在该类签证有关的临时入境指示中
  • 变更或取消在签证授予时增加的适用于该类签证的条件
  1. 移民部长或移民官也会通过协议对签证持有者采取E3.25(2)条款所涉及活动
  2. 移民部长或移民官必须以书面形式通知签证持有者条件的添加、更改与删除。通知必须:
  • 发给签证持有者本人
  • 发到签证持有者的联系地址
  • 注意事项:如果联系地址是物理地址,通知必须通过挂号邮寄到该地址。如果地址是电子地址,则必须通过电子方式发送到该地址。
  1. 条件的添加、更改与删除生效于:
  • 签证发放之日(如果签证被发放之时,相关条件进行了添加、更改与删除)
  • 通知中所指定日期,指定日期不得早于通知日期

E3.25 Conditions of temporary entry class visas may be imposed, varied or waived

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 52, 386 A(3) and 387A

  1. On granting a temporary entry class visa, the Minister or an immigration officer may:
  • impose conditions in addition to those specified in temporary entry instructions in relation to a visa of that class or type;
  • vary or waive conditions that would otherwise apply to a visa of that class or type.
  1. Following the grant of a temporary entry class visa, the Minister or an immigration officer may:
  • impose further conditions whether or not the conditions are specified in temporary entry instructions in relation to a visa of that class or type;
  • vary or cancel conditions that would otherwise apply to a visa of that class or type or which were imposed when the visa was granted.
  1. The Minister or an immigration officer may also do one or more of the things mentioned in E3.25 (b) by agreement with the visa holder.
  2. The Minister or an immigration officer must notify the visa holder in writing of the conditions imposed, varied, waived or cancelled in E3.25 (b) or (c) above. Notice must be:
  • given to the visa holder personally; or
  • sent to the contact address.
    Note: If the contact address is a physical address, notice must be sent by registered post to that address. If the contact address is an electronic address, notice must be sent by electronic means to that address.
  1. The conditions imposed, varied, waived or cancelled take effect:
  • from the date the visa is granted, if the condition is imposed, varied, or waived when the visa is granted; or
  • from the date specified in the notice. The specified date must not be earlier than the date of notification.

E3.25.1 临时入境签证条件变更

  1. 签证持有者需要申请签证条件变更,如果:
  • 签证持有者希望在新西兰工作,但其签证条件不允许
  • 签证持有者持有工作或旅游签证并且希望在新西兰进行为期超过3个月的项目研究(除非符合U2.5条款)
  • 签证持有者持有限制类工作签证,并且希望改换雇主、工作或工作地点
  1. 倘若申请人完成条件变更申请及流程,移民官将会同意其条件变更,材料包括:
  • 申请费用
  • 有效护照或旅行材料
  • 变更请求支持文件:
    • 工作邀请(见WK2.10.10)
    • 教育院校的留学邀请(见U3.5)及学费缴纳或豁免证明(见U3.10)
  • 移民官所需其他材料
  1. 若条件变更符合该签证被授予时的要求,则条件变更将会被通过
  2. 为满足重要技能要求目标,尤其是WK1.1(c),希望更换工作或工作地点的普通工作签证持有者将不会被授予签证变更,只能申请新的签证。除非申请人的工作在重要技能需求列表上且其申请符合列表需求
  3. 根据V3.100条款规定获得旅游签证的新西兰留学生陪同监护人只能被授予工作/学习时间为周一至周五周上午9:30至下午2:30的兼职工作或研究变更签证(见V3.100.35)
  4. 旅游签证持有者只能变更签证周期为6周以在社会发展部确定的季节性劳动力缺乏地区从事季节性工作(作物的种植,维护,收获,包装)
  5. 学生签证持有者可能会获得变更签证允许其根据U13条款工作
  6. 根据WS2条款作为运动员或职业体育教练获得工作签证的人群可以获得变更签证以使其从事其他工作。在下列情况中,变更签证可以被授予:
  • 第二份职业由体育俱乐部或体育公司提供,且该职位是为该特殊运动员或教练所准备
  • 第二份职业由用人单位提供且该职位经由移民官判定没有新西兰公民或新西兰居住签证持有人符合该职位


E3.25.1 Varying the conditions of temporary entry class visas

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 52

  1. Holders of temporary entry class visas should apply for a variation of the conditions of their visa if:
  • they wish to work and do not have a visa that allows work in New Zealand; or
  • they hold a work or visitor visa and wish to undertake a programme of study in New Zealand for longer than 3 months (unless U2.5 applies); or
  • they hold a work visa limited by conditions and wish to change employers, and/or occupation and/or the place of employment.
  1. Immigration officers may grant a variation of conditions in such cases provided that the applicant completes an Application for Variation of Conditions and produces:
  • the appropriate fee;
  • a valid passport or travel document;
  • documents which support the requested variation, such as:
    • an offer of employment (see WK2.10.10); or
    • an offer of place at a suitable education provider (see U3.5), and evidence of tuition fee payment or exemption (see U3.10); and
  • any other documents or information requested by the immigration officer.
  1. A variation of conditions will only be granted where the varied conditions still meet the objectives of the instructions which the visa was granted under.
  2. In order to meet the objective of Essential Skills instructions, particularly WK1.1(c), Essential Skills visa holders seeking to change occupation or place of employment will not be granted a variation of conditions and must instead apply for a new work visa, unless their occupation is listed on the Essential Skills in Demand Lists and the applicant meets the requirements of the list.
  3. Holders of visitor visas granted under V3.100 Guardians accompanying students to New Zealand may only be granted a variation of conditions for part time work or part time study between the hours 9:30am and 2:30pm Monday to Friday (inclusive) (see V3.100.35).
  4. Holders of visitor visas may be granted a variation of conditions for a duration of six weeks to undertake seasonal work (planting, maintaining, harvesting and packing crops) in any region where the Ministry of Social Development has identified a shortage of seasonal labour and for any employer in the horticulture or viticulture industries, provided the applicant has not been granted a variation of conditions for this purpose since their most recent entry to New Zealand.
  5. Holders of student visas may be granted a variation of conditions to allow them to work in line with the requirements at U13.
  6. Holders of a work visa granted under WS2 as players or professional sports coaches may apply for a variation of conditions of their work visa to undertake additional employment. A variation of conditions may be granted if:
  • the secondary employment is offered by the sports club or a company involved in the sport and the position is offered solely to this particular player or coach; or
  • the secondary employment is offered by an employer other than the sports club or a company involved in the sport and an immigration officer is satisfied that there are no New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders available to be employed in the position (see WK2.5).

Effective 06/07/2015

E3.30 临时签证更换

  1. 在新西兰的临时签证持有者在其现持签证到期前可以申请其他类别签证
  2. 移民部长或移民官可以在签证申请审核阶段行使其自由量裁权以:
  • 授予或拒绝授予申请人签证
  • 授予申请人任何类型的签证,无论申请人申请的何种签证
  • 对签证申请条件进行添加、变更或删除
  1. 除非2009移民法另有明文规定,E3.30(2)条款使用于所有签证申请
  2. 签证申请必须以规定方式进行


E3.30 Changing a temporary visa

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 45(2)(b), 57(1), 79(1)(c)

  1. A temporary visa holder in New Zealand may apply for a visa of another type at any time before the current visa expires.
  2. In determining a visa application the Minister or, subject to any special direction, an immigration officer, in his or her discretion:
  • may grant or refuse to grant a visa; and
  • regardless of the class and type of visa that was applied for, may grant a visa of any class and type; and
  • may impose conditions on the visa granted, or vary or waive conditions that would otherwise apply to it.
  1. E3.30 (b) applies unless a provision in the Immigration Act 2009 expressly provides otherwise.
  2. An application for a visa must be made in the manner prescribed for the class or type of visa sought (see E4.50.1).

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.35 延期签证

  1. 在新西兰的临时签证持有者可以在其现持签证到期前任何时间申请新的临时签证
  2. 签证申请必须以规定方式进行
  3. 如果申请人与新西兰移民局或劳动监察局合作,根据2009移民官第351规定提供工作单位对其进行剥削的自己,在其签证授予资格审核期间,移民官可能会忽略:
  • 申请人之前违反其签证规定进行工作的时期
  • 申请人移民经历中非法工作时期或在此非法时期,申请人就某一雇主的剥削提供证据


E3.35 Further temporary visas

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 57(1), s351

  1. A temporary visa holder in New Zealand may apply for a further visa at any time before the current visa expires.
  2. An application for a visa must be made in the manner prescribed for the class or type of visa sought (see E4.50.1).
  3. If an applicant has cooperated with Immigration New Zealand and/or the Labour Inspectorate by providing evidence of workplace exploitation against him or herself, as defined in section 351 of the Immigration Act 2009 (see D7.45), then in determining whether he or she is eligible for a further visa, immigration officers may disregard:
  • any previous periods when the applicant had been working in breach of the conditions of his or her current or previous visa/s, and/or
  • any previous periods of unlawfulness in the applicant’s immigration history during which he or she was employed and he or she has provided evidence of workplace exploitation in respect of that employer.

Effective 10/06/2013

E3.40 由于触发事件而导致的签证取消

  1. 在下列情况中,签证将会被取消:
  • 当签证持有者被驱逐出境时
  • 当签证持有者被拒绝发放准入许可
  • 当签证持有者的准入许可被撤销
  • 如果签证持有者抵达移民管控区域:
    • 在其离开移民管控区域时未向移民官移民官展示身份
    • 未能遵循移民官所提的留在该区域的要求
  • 如果签证持有者抵达非移民管控区域,且未能根据2009移民法第103章(1)(b)规定按照指定方式展示身份
  • 自新护照发放之日起
  • 自签证持有者获得新西兰公民身份起
  • 自签证持有者根据1977公民法获得新西兰公民身份
  • 根据1977公民法规定的相关证明材料证明签证持有者为新西兰公民
  1. 除条款(6)以上情况,居住签证持有者在获得临时签证后,原有居住签证不会取消。除非临时签证是根据2009移民法第68章规定发放的(见E3.50)


E3.40 Cancellation of visas on triggering event

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 64

  1. A visa is cancelled in the following circumstances:
  • on the deportation of its holder from New Zealand; or
  • on the refusal of entry permission to its holder; or
  • on entry permission granted to its holder being revoked; or
  • if the holder arrived at an immigration control area:
    • on the holder leaving the immigration control area without presenting himself or herself to an immigration officer; or
    • on the holder failing to comply with the instruction of an immigration officer to remain in the area; or
  • if the holder arrived at a place other than an immigration control area, on failing to present himself or herself in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time as required under section 103(1)(b) of the Immigration Act 2009; or
  • on the start date of a further visa granted to its holder; or
  • on the grant of New Zealand citizenship to its holder; or
  • on the registration of New Zealand citizenship by descent under section 7(2) of the Citizenship Act 1977 by its holder;
  • on the issue of an evidentiary certificate under section 21 of the Citizenship Act 1977 that confirms the holder is a New Zealand citizen.
  1. Despite (vi) above, the grant of a temporary entry class visa to the holder of a residence class visa does not cancel the residence class visa unless the grant of the temporary entry class visa was made under section 68 of the Immigration Act 2009 (see E3.50).

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.45 由于管理原因而导致的签证取消


  1. 该临时签证是依据2009年移民法案的第383章授予在指定地点的人员且:
  • 该人员仍在指定地点
  • 该人员尚未离开其抵达新西兰是的机场或港口的入境大厅
  1. 签证被授予给移民管控区域的人员或新西兰政府部门的官员,且该人员仍在移民管控区域或政府部门
  2. 在任何其他情况下,关于授予签证的建议尚未发送给相关的人员
  3. 在下列情况下,签证被视为由于管理错误而发放:
  • 签证被发放给新西兰公民(除非该新西兰公民根据2009移民法第13(4)(b)规定情况进入新西兰)
  • 签证被发放给无签证申请资格的人员(除非根据2009移民法第17章规定破例授予签证给无签证申请资格的人员)
  • 签证申请人被授予其所申请签证类型以外的签证
  • 签证被授予时超过了移民指示所指明的该类签证的期限(见E3.10)(除非移民部长或移民官故意为之)
  • 签证被授予给已经持有签证的人员
  • 签证被授予时违反了:
    • 特殊指令
    • 移民规定(除非移民部长或移民官将其作为特例故意为之)
    • 2009移民法第378章(7)条款所涉及的规定——限制或影响部长发布类似指令给行政长官的权力
  1. 在下列情况下,准入许可被视为由于管理错误而发放:
  • 准入许可被发放给新西兰公民(除非该新西兰公民根据2009移民法第13(4)(b)规定情况进入新西兰)
  • 准入许可被发放给无签证申请资格的人员(除非根据2009移民法第17章规定破例授予签证给无签证申请资格的人员)
  • 签证被授予时违反了:
    • 特殊指令
    • 移民规定(除非移民部长或移民官将其作为特例故意为之)
  • 签证在以下情况的基础上或连同以下签证被授予:
    • 由于行政错误而被授予的签证
    • 签证被授予时超过了移民指示所指明的该类签证的期限(见E3.10)(除非移民部长或移民官故意为之)
    • 签证为非申请人所申请的签证类型


E3.45 Cancellation of visa for administrative error

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 8, 67

An immigration officer may cancel a visa that the officer believes on reasonable grounds was granted as a result of an administrative error if:

  1. The visa was granted to a person in a designated place where entry permission may be granted under section 383 of the Immigration Act 2009; and
  • the person is still in the designated place; or
  • the person has not left the arrival hall of the airport or port at which he or she arrived in New Zealand; or
  1. The visa was granted to a person in an immigration control area, or an office of the Department, in New Zealand and the person is still in the control area or office; or
  2. Advice of the grant of the visa has not been sent or given to the person concerned, in any other case.
  3. A visa is granted as a result of an administrative error if:
  • it is granted to a New Zealand citizen (unless the person is a New Zealand citizen entering New Zealand in the circumstances described in section 13(4)(b) of the Immigration Act 2009); or
  • it is granted to an excluded person (unless section 17 of the Immigration Act 2009 making an exception to the non-eligibility for a visa criteria applies) (see A5.40); or
  • the person granting it intended to grant a visa of a type other than the one that was actually granted; or
  • it is granted for a period exceeding the period specified in immigration instructions for visas of that type (see E3.10) (unless the Minister or an immigration officer deliberately and properly granted it as an exception to the immigration instructions); or
  • it is granted on the basis of the person holding a visa that was granted as a result of an administrative error; or
  • it is granted in contravention of:
    • a special direction; or
    • immigration instructions (unless the Minister or an immigration officer deliberately and properly granted it as an exception to immigration instructions); or
    • an instruction of a kind referred to in section 378(7) of the Immigration Act 2009 which limits or affects the powers of the Minister to give all such instructions to the chief executive as the Minister thinks fit in the ordinary course of the administration of the immigration portfolio and of the Immigration Act 2009.
  1. Entry permission is granted as a result of an administrative error if:
  • it is granted to a New Zealand citizen (unless the person is a New Zealand citizen entering New Zealand in the circumstances described in section 13(4)(b) of the Immigration Act 2009); or
  • it is granted to an excluded person (unless section 17 of the Immigration Act 2009 making an exception to the non-eligibility for a visa criteria applies) (see A5.35); or
  • it is granted in contravention of:
    • a special direction; or
    • immigration instructions (unless the Minister or an immigration officer deliberately and properly granted it as an exception to immigration instructions); or
  • it is granted on the basis of, or in conjunction with:
    • a visa that was itself granted on the basis of an administrative error; or
    • a visa that was granted for a period exceeding the period specified in immigration instructions for a visa of that type (unless the Minister or an immigration officer deliberately and properly granted the visa as an exception to the immigration instructions); or
    • a visa of a class or type other than that intended to be granted.

Effective 29/11/201

E3.50 由于错误而被授予的延期签证

  1. 如果移民部长或移民官根据2009移民法规定判定某一被授予签证为由于管理错误被发放但尚未取消,则移民部长或移民官可以行使其自由裁量权来:
  • 根据情况重新授予签证持有者该类型签证
  • 在签证持有者同意的情况下重新授予其该签证
  1. 如果签证持有者不同意,则其仍负有驱逐出境的责任


E3.50 Grant of further visa where visa granted in error

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 11, 68, 155

  1. If the Minister or an immigration officer determines that a visa was granted as a result of an administrative error but the visa was not cancelled in accordance with the Immigration Act 2009, the Minister or an immigration officer may, in his or her absolute discretion:
  • offer the holder a visa of such class and type, and subject to such conditions, as the Minister or immigration officer considers appropriate; and
  • if the holder agrees, grant such a visa.
  1. If the holder does not agree, he or she remains liable for deportation (see D2.15.1).

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.55 临时入境类或过境签证的取消

  1. 如果移民部长或移民官确认理由充分,则将:
  • 当持有者在新西兰境外时,在任何时间取消临时入境类或过境签证
  • 在任何时间取消临时入境类签证,如果该签证在疫情管理通知开始时已经延期
  • 在任何时间取消过境签证
  1. 如果移民部长或移民官根据本节规定取消新西兰境外的签证持有者的签证时,需要以书面形式对其进行通知


E3.55 Cancellation of temporary entry class or transit visas

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 66

  1. If the Minister or an immigration officer determines there is sufficient reason, they may:
  • cancel a temporary entry class visa at any time when its holder is outside New Zealand;
  • cancel a temporary entry class visa at any time, that has been extended based on the commencement of an epidemic management notice (section 78 of the Immigration Act 2009);
  • cancel a transit visa at any time.
  1. The Minister or an immigration officer must notify a person, in writing, if they cancel a visa under this section and the visa holder is outside of New Zealand.

Effective 06/07/2015

E3.60 临时入境类签证持有人的遣返责任

  1. 如果移民部长或移民官确定有充分的理由将临时入境签证持有者驱逐出境,那么该签证持有者负有遣返责任
  2. 自遣返责任通知之日起,签证持有者有14天时间进行辩解
  3. 下列情况中,条款(2)不适用:
  • 该人员为限制签证持有者
  • 移民部长认定该人员为无资格申请签证的人员
  1. 根据E3.60规定被认定为负有遣返责任的人员可以在遣返责任通知之日起的28天内以人道主义为由向法庭申请上诉
  2. E3.60(1)条款中所提充分的理由包括但不限于:
  • 违反签证条件
  • 犯罪行为
  • 其他涉及品德方面的问题
  • 隐藏与签证申请相关的个人信息
  • 申请人的情况不再符合签证授予条件



E3.60 Deportation liability of temporary entry class visa holder for cause

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 157

  1. A temporary entry class visa holder is liable for deportation if the Minister determines that there is sufficient reason to deport the temporary entry class visa holder (see (e) below).
  2. The person has 14 days from the date of service of the deportation liability notice to give good reason why deportation should not proceed.
  3. E3.60 (b) above does not apply if:
  • the person is the holder of a limited visa; or
  • the Minister determines that the person is an excluded person.
  1. A temporary visa holder or interim visa holder who is liable for deportation under E3.60 may, no later than 28 days after the date of service of the deportation liability notice, appeal to the Tribunal on humanitarian grounds against his or her liability for deportation.
  2. For the purposes of E3.60 (a) above, sufficient reason includes, but is not limited to:
  • breach of conditions of the person’s visa;
  • criminal offending;
  • other matters relating to character;
  • concealment of relevant information in relation to the person’s application for a visa;
  • a situation where the person’s circumstances no longer meet the rules or criteria under which the visa was granted.
    (See section D2) for deportation procedures.)

Examples: the holder of a student visa who fails to attend their place of study without reasonable excuse, or the holder of a visitor visa who undertakes employment without authority.

Effective 29/11/2010

E3.65 非法停留新西兰的人员的遣返责任



E3.65 Deportation liability if person unlawfully in New Zealand

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 154

A person unlawfully in New Zealand is liable for deportation. For further information see D2.10.15.

Effective 29/11/2010