


  1. 从2020年3月20日澳大利亚东部夏令时21:00起,只有澳大利亚公民、永久居民及其直系亲属才能前往澳大利亚。其中,持有伴侣类100/309/801/820类签证或者子女类101/102/445类签证可以前往澳大利亚,无需申请豁免,但是需要接受14天强制隔离。配偶结婚类300签证持有者不能前往澳大利亚

From 21:00 AEDT 20 March 2020, only Australian citizens, residents and immediate family members can travel to Australia.

  1. 从2020年3月28日澳大利亚东部夏令时23:59起,所有抵达澳大利亚的旅客都必须在其抵达口岸的指定设施(例如旅馆)内接受14天强制隔离。

From 23:59 AEDT on 28 March 2020, all travellers arriving in Australia will be required to undertake a mandatory 14-day quarantine at designated facilities (for example, a hotel), in their port of arrival.​

  1. 从2020年3月25日澳大利亚东部夏令时12:00起,澳大利亚公民和澳大利亚永久居民被限制前往海外旅行。该旅行限制不适用于:
  • 通常居住在澳大利亚以外国家的人士
  • 航空公司机组人员和海员及相关安全工作人员
  • 持特殊类别(444子类)签证的新西兰公民就《生物安全决定》而言不是永久居民,允许离开澳大利亚。持永久签证的新西兰公民可以申请澳大利亚边境执法局局长的酌情豁免
  • 从事日常进出口货运的人士
  • 因在海外地点的必要工作而旅行的人士,以及
  • 因官方政府事务而旅行的人士,包括澳大利亚国防军成员。
    认为自己符合旅行限制豁免条件的旅客可以向澳大利亚边境执法局局长提出网上申请。你应该尽早申请豁免 - 最好比计划出发时间提前至少12小时。如果获得豁免,你必须携带豁免证明去机场。

Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents are restricted from travelling overseas from 25 March 2020 at 12:00hrs AEDST.

This travel restriction does not apply to:

  • people ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia
  • airline and maritime crew and associated safety workers
  • New Zealand citizens holding a Special Category (Subclass 444) Visa are not permanent residents for the purposes of the Biosecurity Determination and are permitted to depart Australia. New Zealand citizens who are permanent visa holders may apply for a Commissioner’s discretion
  • people engaged in the day to day conduct of outbound and inbound freight
  • people whose travel is associated with essential work at offshore facilities and
  • people travelling on official government business, including members of the Australian Defence Force.

Travellers who believe they meet a travel restriction exemption can apply online to the Commissioner of the ABF.​​

You should apply for the exemption as early as possible - preferably at least 12 hours before your intended departure time. If granted an exemption, you must take evidence of that exemption to the airport.


  1. 澳洲出境限令不适用于通常居住在澳洲以外国家的人士,允许返回自己的居通常居住国。

COVID-19-related restrictions around travelling outside Australia do not apply to people ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia. You can return to your home country/country of habitual residence if it is safe and possible to do so.

  1. 当前持有签证在澳洲境内,但是签证即将到期,如果还想停留在澳洲境内,则需要申请申请新的签证,在新的签证下签之前,申请人可以获得过桥签以合法停留在境内。

You must apply for a new visa before your current visa exp​ir​es. You might be granted a bridging visa that will keep you lawful until a decision is made on your visa application.​

  1. 对于当前持有学生签500签证在澳洲境内的申请人,如果签证即将过期,可以考虑申请新的签证或者600签证。除开所读的课程是研究型硕士课程或者博士课程,一般只允许在读期间每周工作20小时,即使改成线上学习,每周工作小时仍然不能超过20小时,但是对于当前就读护理专业或者在给澳洲当地几大超市工作的留学生可以豁免工作小时限制要求。

If your study in Australia is ending, you can apply for a Visitor visa (subclass 600). You need to do this before your Student visa expires.

There are new provisions for student visa holders if they are:

  • already enrolled in nursing

  • employed by select supermarkets.

  1. 对于当前持有489签证的申请人,如果当前在澳洲境内,在签证过期前都可以合法停留在澳洲境内,如果签证即将到期,则需要申请新的签证,在新的签证下签之前,申请人可以获得过桥签以合法停留在境内。如果要从澳洲离境,按照当前限制条件,则暂时不能再次入境。

You can stay in Australia on a Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) until your visa expires.

If you wish to stay longer, you must apply for a new visa before your current visa expires.

If you leave Australia you may not be able to return.

  1. 如果当前持有489签证,但是还未入境澳洲,则当前不准入境。如果申请人认为自己有强有力的原因需要入境澳洲,则需要申请限制豁免,征得移民局的豁免同意后,方可入境。

Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) holders are currently not allowed to travel to Australia.

As you are not a permanent visa holder, you must comply with the current travel restriction.

If you think you have a compassionate or compelling reason to travel to Australia, you can apply for an exemption.

Do not travel to Australia until we confirm that you can.

If you are not granted an exemption, you cannot travel to Australia.

All travellers applying for an exemption must apply online.

Apply online for a travel exemption.

  1. 如果当前持有600签证在澳洲境内,如果签证即将到期,则需要申请新的签证,在新的签证下签之前,申请人可以获得过桥签以合法停留在境内。由于600签证持有者通常会有一些签证限制条件,对于不同的签证条款,移民局有对应的说明:
  • 当前签证注有No further stay条款(包括8503,8534和8535条款),但是不能如期出境,则需要在签证到期之前的4周内申请豁免以上条款
  • 当前签证注有8531条款 Condition 8531 (must not remain in Australia beyond the period of stay permitted by the visa),但是不能如期出境,如果签证即将到期,则需要申请新的签证,在新的签证下签之前,申请人可以获得过桥签以合法停留在境内。
  • 当前签证注有8558条款 Condition 8558 (must not stay in Australia for more than 12 months in any 18 month period),但是不能如期出境,如果签证即将到期,则需要申请新的签证,在新的签证下签之前,申请人可以获得过桥签以合法停留在境内。


  1. 3月12日,澳洲政府宣布将会发放数十亿资金,在不同形式上帮助中小型企业及非盈利机构度过难关。

The Government is enhancing the Boosting Cash Flow for Employers measure it announced on 12 March 2020. The Government is providing up to $100,000 to eligible small and medium-sized businesses, and not for-profits (NFPs) that employ people, with a minimum payment of $20,000. These payments will help businesses and NFPs with their cash flow so they can keep operating, pay their rent, electricity and other bills and retain staff.

  1. 3月22日,澳总理宣布660亿经济刺激计划。其中,经济困难人士可以获得每两周550澳元的新冠补贴。7月13日起自动支付给大约500万澳洲人750澳元的经济补贴,包括那些领取养老福利金、护工津贴或家庭税收福利的人以及老年卡持有者。

We’ll pay a temporary fortnightly $550 Coronavirus Supplement from 27 April 2020 if you’re getting an eligible payment.

We’ll extend eligibility for the first $750 Economic Support Payment to pay it from 31 March 2020. This is if you’re getting an eligible payment on any day from 12 March to 13 April 2020.

The temporary Coronavirus Supplement will be an extra $550 a fortnight payment on top of your income support payment.

You’ll automatically get the supplement if you’re getting one of these payments:

  • JobSeeker Payment, Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance, Sickness Allowance and Wife Pension
  • Youth Allowance for job seekers
  • Youth Allowance for students and apprentices
  • Austudy for students and apprentices
  • ABSTUDY for students getting Living Allowance
  • Parenting Payment partnered and single
  • Farm Household Allowance
  • Special Benefit.
  1. 3月30日下午,澳总理宣布总值1300亿澳元的工资补贴计划–Jobkeeper Payment,无论职位如何,原来工资水平如何,符合资格的停薪留职人士将收到每两周1500澳元的补贴,政策追溯到3月1号,补贴将会在5月开始由ATO统一发放,持续6个月。可领取该补贴的包括澳洲公民,永久居民和新西兰444签证持有者,其他临时签证持有者暂不包括在内。

Under the JobKeeper Payment, businesses impacted by the Coronavirus will be able to access a wage subsidy from the Government to continue paying their employees. Affected employers will be able to claim a fortnightly payment of $1,500 per eligible employee from 30 March 2020, for a maximum of 6 months.

Eligible employees include Australian citizens, the holder of a permanent visa, a Protected Special Category Visa Holder, a non-protected Special Category Visa Holder who has been residing continually in Australia for 10 years or more, or a Special Category (Subclass 444) Visa Holder.


  1. 对于因办事处关闭而无法提供额外信息(健康或警方无犯罪记录证明、生物识别信息、英语语言测试) ,申请人将会得到额外的时间来完成索要提供的信息。
  2. 当前有签证申请在审理中,则可能会受到冠状病毒病的影响有所延迟。

Applicants should be aware that some services relating to the visa application process may be impacted by COVID-19.

  1. COVID-19对澳大利亚境内和境外的签证医疗服务造成了影响,因此,移民局在审理签证申请时,对于体检无法及时完成的,将会考虑延长期限。如果尚未提交签证申请或尚未收到移民体检通知,目前无需联系澳大利亚境内的签证医疗服务诊所或海外指定诊所。

Clients should be aware of disruptions to visa medical services, both in Australia and outside Australia, due to COVID-19.

Our visa processing officers are aware of the disruptions. We will take the extended timeframes in to account when considering your visa application.

  1. 已经获得永久签证但尚未持此签证抵澳的海外人员可以返回澳大利亚,但是必须在其抵达口岸的指定设施(例如旅馆)内接受14天强制隔离。已经获得临时签证(比如489签证或者491签证)但尚未持此签证抵澳的海外人员暂时不能入境澳洲,如果首登面临到期的问题,需要与移民局咨询申请是否可以延期。

Permanent residents of Australia may return to Australia. They will be required to undertake a mandatory 14-day quarantine at designated facilities (for example, a hotel), in their port of arrival. This include people offshore who have been granted a permanent visa but have not yet arrived on that visa.

Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) holders are currently not allowed to travel to Australia.

  1. 除开签证申请,目前各州政府也有对应的应对政策,从移民申请层面来讲,目前南澳塔州已经对应调整州担保政策,倾斜于医护人员的申请,职业评估机构的服务基本如常,不受影响。