公民官-Citizenship officer

公民官-Citizenship officer -飞出国

Citizenship officer:由部长根据公民法授权的执行公民法规职责的职员,具体职责包括:

  • 审查申请材料确定一个人是否符合加拿大公民身份,必要时进行面试和听证。
  • 规划面试、 测试、 听证会和公民身份仪式,
  • 授予申请人公民身份。
  • 向拒签申请人提供书面拒签理由和决定。

A person who is authorized by the Minister under the Citizenship Act to perform the duties of a citizenship officer prescribed by the Citizenship Regulations such as:

  • reviewing applications to see whether a person meets the requirements for Canadian citizenship and conducting interviews and hearings with applicants as necessary,
  • planning interviews, tests, hearings and citizenship ceremonies,
  • granting citizenship to applicants, and
  • providing written decision of refusal to applicants including reasons for the refusal.
