南澳家庭链移民类别 - Chain migration-family member in South Australia

南澳州担保留学生及南澳工作及有南澳亲属类别申请条件及职业清单 继续讨论:

I have an immediate family member permanently residing in South Australia for 12 months or more.

南澳家庭链移民类别(Chain migration)允许符合条件的申请人申请南澳州担保清单上的 “Special conditions apply” 职业,同时可以申请 Supplementary Skilled List 上的职业。

申请人首先要符合申请南澳州担保的基本要求,例如雅思4个6,有职业评估,近3年内有1年工作经验,同时 SA Chain migration 要求有本科及更高学位,南澳亲属需要符合下列条件并做声明:年满18周岁,作为公民或永久居民在南澳定居1年以上,且是申请人的祖父母,父母,兄弟姐妹,过继或收养的也可以。


Your immediate family member in South Australia must meet all requirements listed below:

  • Your family member residing in South Australia must be your grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother or sister. You can still apply if it’s your step or adoptive parent / sibling.
  • Your family member must be over 18 years of age.
  • Your family member in South Australia must be either an Australian Permanent Resident or an Australian Citizen.
  • Your family member must be currently residing in South Australia and have resided in South Australia for the last twelve months.
  • Your family member in South Australia is required to complete a statutory declaration to confirm that they meet the all chain migration requirements

可以申请南澳家庭链移民类别的职业清单见附件:sa-offlist-2015-07-01_20-29.pdf (144.5 KB)

官方链接: http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/skilled-migrants/nomination-process/skilled-nomination-requirements/chain-migration-family-member-in-south-australia


南澳亲属 chain migration,需要亲属在南澳居住24个月,亲属除开公民,永居,还可以是南澳489签证持有人;

Chain migration - South Australia - flyabroad

As previously advised, the chain migration pathway, which also provides access to a broader occupation list, is available for state nomination for a provisional 489 visa.

The immediate family member will need to be residing in South Australia for a minimum of 24 months. The family member can be an Australian Citizen, permanent resident or a South Australian state nominated 489 provisional visa holder.

飞出国:Immigration SA will be publishing a revised and expanded occupation list for the 2018/19 program year and re-opening the 489/190 application system later this week.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
