加拿大卑诗BC省温德松医护疗养学院(Windsong College of Healing Arts)学校简介

温德松医护疗养学院(Windsong College of Healing Arts)是一所高等教育局指定职业学院,与一家提供私人疗养服务的诊所及另一家静修中心同属温德松医护疗养有限公司(Windsong School of Healing Ltd.)旗下。温德松医护疗养学院(Windsong College of Healing Arts)拥有着具备专业学历和多年实践经验的强大师资力量,致力于培养出专业的医疗从业人员,提供按摩、指压、水疗等专业疗养课程。

  • 所在省份: 加拿大卑诗BC省
  • 地址: Windsong College of Healing Arts 6199 Smith Road, Port alberni, BC, Canada, V9Y 8M1
  • 电话: 250-723-3307
  • Email: admissions@windsongcollege.ca

Windsong College of Healing Arts

——Training Practitioners of Natural Health and Wellness

Who We Are & What We Do

Windsong School of Healing Ltd. hosts a Ministry of Advanced Education designated Career College (Windsong College of Healing Arts), a clinic for private therapies (Eastern Arts tehrapy Clinic Ltd.), and a retreat center (Aarastyn Holistic Awareness Centre). Windsong is located on 10 acres at the foot of the Beauforts in the Alberni Valley. The facility is host to many avenues of Holistic Healing for those who want to find self-development, regain health and vitality, create an abundant career, or become facilitators in teaching others.

Whether your goal is to Create Better Health, Create an abundant Life, or Create a Career Path, Windsong has a place for you.