加拿大卑诗BC省时尚造型艺术学院(Hair Art Academy)申请要求


  • 申请人须年满19周岁,或具备12年级毕业证书
  • 申请人须通过学校的英语测试和英语面试

Admissions Policy

In order for applicants to be accepted into our program they must meet the following requirements:

Applicants must be 19 years of age or provide the school with a Grade 12 high school diploma or equivalent and are required to attend a personal interview. Note, the institute is required by provincial legislation to keep a copy of the diploma or age verification. Instruction at Hair Art Academy is conducted in English. Students whose first language is not the language of instruction are required to attend a personal interview and successfully pass a written Language Proficiency exam in order to ensure they have the language abilities necessary to successfully complete the program of their choice. Language proficiency requirements are admission requirements and may not be waived by either the institution or the student.


  1. 申请人提供身份证明、教育证明等申请材料
  2. 开学前一天申请人受邀参加介绍会,了解课程概况,熟悉同学环境
  3. 参加英语综合考试

Applicants to the full-time, part-time and flexi-hairdressing program at the Hair Art Academy are required to provide proof of identity and educational background (i.e. photo ID and confirmation that they have Grade 12 or mature students status). The material must become part of their file.

All applicants will be invited to an orientation, an evening prior to commencement of their program. The purpose of the orientation is to outline the program offered, and to acquaint the prospective student with the atmosphere, the mission statement and the rules and regulations of the school.

Applicants may not be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, gender, color, sexual preference, physical challenges, or any other discriminatory factor prohibited by law.

Prior learning assessment may be applicable for ESL students, therefore an English Comprehensive Exam is strongly suggested.