魁北克 Arrima 系统要开始处理2018年8月2日前递交申请的那批申请了



  • 之前在魁北克境外递交的16000份魁北克技术移民申请将被结案并退回申请费;
  • 2018年8月2日前在魁北克境内递交的申请人或当前已经在魁北克境内的申请人将被优先处理;
  • 2018年8月2号后递交 Arrima 系统的申请人大概要等到这批处理完后才被邀请,已经有魁北克offer但没有登陆魁北克的申请人还是需要注册 Arrima 系统等邀请


同时,Arrima 系统将加快实施进度,之前说的时2019年2月份开始邀请,现在可能为了满足新移民引入要求而提前邀请,但优先邀请的将是2018年8月2日之前提交系统的并且当前还在魁北克工作或学习的当地申请人,他们已经在魁省很久了,他们是魁北克政府欢迎的移民候选人。

之前已经递交过魁北克申请同时当前在魁北克境内的技术移民申请人将优先获得邀请 - 飞出国

根据魁北克官方说明,2018年8月2日之前(Arrima 系统正式公布之前)已经提交魁北克技术移民CSQ申请:

  • 在递交申请时符合魁北克法律 Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals 中 section 5.01 的魁北克临时居民身份的申请人;或者
  • 在法案通过时,在魁北克读书或者工作的临时居民;

Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals 中 section 5.01 参考下面:

5.01. A foreign national staying temporarily in Québec may file an application for a selection certificate in Québec if

(a) in the case where the main purpose of the stay is to study,

i. the foreign national holds a certificate of acceptance, a study permit or a temporary resident permit, except if the foreign national is exempt therefrom under this Regulation or the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/02-227);

ii. the foreign national complies with the conditions of the certificate or permit;

iii. the foreign national pursues, or has successfully completed, a secondary-level vocational training program of 900 hours or more, a program of full-time college or undergraduate studies of 12 months or more, a graduate specialization or a master’s program or a doctoral program in a Québec educational institution in Québec; and

iv. if the foreign national pursues graduate studies or another program whose duration is less than 18 months, the foreign national has completed half of those studies or, if the other program is 18 months or more, the foreign national only has 12 months or less to complete the program;

(b) in the case where the main purpose of the stay is to work, the foreign national

i. holds a certificate of acceptance, a work permit or a temporary resident permit, except if the foreign national is exempt therefrom under this Regulation or the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations;

ii. complies with the conditions of the certificate or permit; and

iii. has been lawfully admitted in the territory for a period or consecutive periods totalling at least 1 year;

(b.1) in the case where the foreign national participates in a youth exchange program under an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada,

i. the foreign national holds a work permit and complies with the conditions of the permit;

ii. the foreign national has been lawfully admitted in the territory for a period or consecutive periods totalling at least 1 year; and

iii. the foreign national holds full-time employment at the time of filing the foreign national’s application; or

(c) the foreign national is a temporary resident within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C. 2001, c. 27) and has lost Canadian citizenship.

飞出国: Légis Québec

Candidates who can submit an application at any time

Even if the maximum number of applications has been attained, you can submit your application at any time through Mon projet Québec if:

  • you have a job offer validated by the Ministère;
  • you are a temporary resident and entitled to submit an application for a Certificat de sélection au Québec.

Royal Assent of the Immigration Act

The Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration was assented to on June 16, 2019.

Under this Act, applications for Quebec selection certificates for which no decision had been rendered before the Act was assented to are now closed. In accordance with Article 20 of the Law, the Minister will return the paid required fees to the applicant. The procedure for obtaining this refund will be communicated to the persons concerned shortly.

From now on, the Ministère will use a new system, which allows it, on a priority basis, to invite those who best meet Quebec’s needs to file an application for permanent selection.

Under the law, the first ones to be invited via the Arrima platform will be those who applied for a Quebec selection certificate before August 2, 2018, and who:

  • were temporarily residing in Québec at the time of their application, in accordance with section 5.01 of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals or;
  • who were residing in Quebec at the time the law was assented to and who held a study or work permit.

The Minister will invite candidates who have filed an expression of interest (EI) and who meet the conditions set out in the Act to submit an application for permanent selection.

Individuals who still wish to immigrate to Quebec can create an account in Arrima and file an expression of interest at no cost.

Sanction de la loi sur l’immigration

La Loi visant à accroître la prospérité socio-économique du Québec et à répondre adéquatement aux besoins du marché du travail par une intégration réussie des personnes immigrantes a été sanctionnée le 16 juin 2019.

En vertu de cette loi, les demandes de certificat de sélection du Québec pour lesquelles aucune décision n’avait été rendue avant la sanction de la loi sont maintenant fermées. Le Ministère procédera au remboursement des droits exigibles, conformément à l’article 20 de la loi. La procédure à suivre pour obtenir ce remboursement sera communiquée prochainement aux personnes concernées.

Dorénavant, le Ministère utilisera un nouveau système, qui permet d’inviter en priorité à présenter une demande de sélection permanente les personnes qui répondent le mieux aux besoins du Québec.

En vertu de la loi, seront invitées en premier, par la plateforme Arrima, les personnes qui avaient présenté une demande de certificat de sélection du Québec avant le 2 août 2018 et qui :

  • séjournaient temporairement au Québec au moment de la présentation de leur demande, conformément à l’article 5.01 du Règlement sur la sélection des ressortissants étrangers ou;
  • qui séjournaient au Québec au moment de la sanction de la loi et qui étaient titulaires d’un permis d’études ou de travail.

Le ministre invitera les personnes qui ont déposé une déclaration d’intérêt et qui respectent les conditions prévues à la loi à présenter une demande de sélection permanente.

Les personnes qui désirent toujours immigrer au Québec peuvent se créer un compte dans Arrima et déposer gratuitement une déclaration d’intérêt.



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