复审申请-Application for Leave and Judicial Review

复审申请-Application for Leave and Judicial Review-飞出国

Application for Leave and Judicial Review:申请人对CIC的决定表示异议,可以向加拿大联邦法院提出申请,要求法院进行复审。如果复审确定CIC的决定错误,那么CIC需要重新作出决定。

An individual who has received a decision from CIC, and who thinks that an error was made in that decision, can generally apply to the Federal Court of Canada and ask that the Court review the decision. Making an application to the Court for a review of the decision is called an Application for Leave and Judicial Review. A review means that the Court will read the decision and decide whether an error was made or not. If the Court decides that CIC made an error, it will usually mean that CIC has to make a new decision.
For more information on this process, see http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/refugees/inside/appeals-review.asp
