ANZSCO 2514 验光师和视力矫正师 Optometrists and Orthoptists - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 2514 验光师和视力矫正师 Optometrists and Orthoptists - FLYabroad

ANZSCO 2514 验光师和视力矫正师职责概述 - FLYabroad

  • 验光师和视力矫正师进行眼部检查和视力测试,规定镜片、光学配件和治疗方案,诊断眼球运动异常和相关感知问题。 OPTOMETRISTS AND ORTHOPTISTS perform eye examinations and vision tests, prescribe lenses, other optical aids and therapy, and diagnose and manage eye movement disorders and associated sensory problems.

ANZSCO 2514 验光师和视力矫正师技能要求 Indicative Skill Level - FLYabroad

  • 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平(ANZSCO 1级水平)。需要注册和许可证。 In Australia and New Zealand: Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).Registration or licensing is required.

ANZSCO 2514 验光师和视力矫正师主要职责 Tasks Include - FLYabroad

  • 检查病人眼部,进行测试决定视力问题和异常状况 examining patients’ eyes and setting tests to determine the nature and extent of vision problems and abnormalities
  • 通过测量视力敏锐度和屈光不正评估眼部健康和视力功能,用特别的眼部测试仪器测试视觉通道的功能、视野、眼部运动、视力和眼压的自由度等测试 assessing ocular health and visual function by measuring visual acuity and refractive error, and testing the function of visual pathways, visual fields, eye movements, freedom of vision and intraocular pressure, and performing other tests using special eye test equipment
  • 检查和诊断眼部疾病,向病人咨询得到在其他医疗机构治疗的情况,规定眼部疾病诊断的处方 detecting, diagnosing and managing eye disease, referring patients to, and receiving referrals from other health providers, and prescribing medications for the treatment of eye disease
  • 诊断眼球运动异常和双眼功能缺陷 diagnosing eye movement disorders and defects of binocular function
  • 选择合适和舒服的镜片、隐形镜片和低视力配件 prescribing lenses, contact lenses and low vision aids, and checking suitability and comfort
  • 制定协调眼部运动和集中视力的练习 prescribing exercises to coordinate movement and focusing of eyes
  • 制定眼球运动异常的管理程序,为正确使用仪器和眼保健操提供指导和咨询 managing programs for eye movement disorders, and instructing and counselling patients in the use of corrective techniques and eye exercises
  • 提供视力健康方面的咨询,例如隐形眼镜的维护、老年人视力保护、光学、视觉工效学和职业眼部安全 advising on visual health matters such as contact lens care, vision care for the elderly, optics, visual ergonomics, and occupational and industrial eye safety
  • 开展预防性检查计划 conducting preventative screening programs
  • 为视障人士进行康复计划 conducting rehabilitation programs for the visually impaired

ANZSCO 2514 验光师和视力矫正师职位列表 List of occupations - FLYabroad

  • 251411 验光师 Optometrist
  • 251412 视力矫正师 Orthoptist

251411 验光师 Optometrist

  • 进行眼部检查和视力测试,确定视力、视觉情况和其他方面的异常、眼部疾病以及眼部疾病引起的全身疾病,规定镜片和其他光学配件、治疗方案和药物,正确的对待视力问题和眼部疾病。需要注册和许可证。 Performs eye examinations and vision tests to determine the presence of visual, ocular and other abnormalities, ocular diseases and systemic diseases with ocular manifestations, and prescribes lenses, other optical aids, therapy and medication to correct and manage vision problems and eye diseases. Registration or licensing is required.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

251412 视力矫正师 Orthoptist

  • 诊断眼球运动异常和相关感知缺陷。需要注册和许可证。 Diagnoses and manages eye movement disorders and associated sensory deficiencies. Registration or licensing is required.
  • 技能等级:1 Skill Level: 1

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  • 接下来的5年内,即截止到2019年11月,验光师和眼斜校正师的职位空缺数量预计将会较低,不超过5000。职位空缺包括就业增长和人员流动(人员流动指的是工人的换岗或者离职)。

  • 在过去5年里,该职业就业情况非常强劲地增长(以百分比计算),但是从长期来看(10年)该职业就业情况却温和增长。预计到2019年11月,验光师和眼斜校正师就业情况将会强劲增长。

  • 这是一个需求量非常小的职业(2014年11月的需求量达仅5600个),表明该职业在部分地区就业机会非常有限。

  • 验光师和眼斜校正师中全职工作者比例一般,占74.5%。全职验光师和眼斜校正师,平均每周工作34.9小时(所有职位平均每周40.9小时),收入较高,一般9位数。此外,验光师和眼斜校正师失业率低于所有职业平均失业率。

  • 验光师和眼斜校正师教育水平普遍是硕士学位或学士学位,其中占52.4%。

  • 验光师和眼斜校正师几乎都从事医疗保健与社会援助。

  • Over the five years to November 2019, the number of job openings for Optometrists and Orthoptists is expected to be low (equal to or less than 5,000). Job openings count both employment growth and turnover (defined as workers leaving their occupation for other employment or leaving the workforce). Further information about job openings and projected employment growth is available on the Help page.
  • Employment for this occupation rose very strongly (in percentage terms) in the past five years and rose moderately in the long-term (ten years). Looking forward, employment for Optometrists and Orthoptists to November 2019 is expected to grow strongly.
  • This is a very small occupation (5600 in November 2014) suggesting that opportunities may be quite limited in some regions.
  • Optometrists and Orthoptists have an average proportion of full-time jobs (74.5 per cent). For Optometrists and Orthoptists working full-time, average weekly hours are 34.9 (compared to 40.9 for all occupations) and earnings are high - in the ninth decile. Unemployment for Optometrists and Orthoptists is below average.
  • The most common level of educational attainment for Optometrists and Orthoptists is Post Graduate/Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate (52.4 per cent).
  • Optometrists and Orthoptists are nearly all employed in Health Care and Social Assistance.

Key Indicators

These data show 9 key indicators for this occupation - employment size, full-time share of employment, earnings, unemployment, historical employment growth (long-term, medium term and short-term), future employment growth, mix of industries and job openings. Estimates have been rounded and consequently some discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.

2514 Job Prospects

2514 职业统计数据 Statistics

  • 周薪(税前)Weekly Earnings (before tax)

  • 就业水平 Employment Level (thousands)

  • 增长比例 Recent Job Growth (per cent)

  • 按性别计算就业增长 Employment Growth by Gender (thousands)

  • 性别比例 Gender (per cent share)

  • 周工作小时数 Weekly Hours Worked

  • 年龄 Age Profile (per cent share)

  • 各州就业比例 Employment by State and Territory (per cent share)

  • 所在行业 Main Employing Industries (per cent share)

  • 教育程度 Educational Attainment (per cent of employment)

2514 职业找工作信息

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