
但是根据移民局官网2021年4月12日更新的消息,自动延期这一政策于4月11日结束,4月12日起签证官会陆续给申请人发final request letter,在收到final request letter后,必须在30天内递交补料,或者是提供合理的解释和相关证明材料来申请延期。

Program delivery update: COVID-19 – Expiry of 90-day extensions for open applications

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

April 12, 2021

As of today, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is returning to pre-pandemic processing of applications, including cessation of the COVID-19 automatic 90-day extensions for missing information or supporting documents.

Applications with missing information or documents will be given a final 30-day extension for submission.

Applications with a reasonable explanation provided by the applicant, related to local COVID-19 lockdowns, will still be facilitated as per officer discretion.

Please review the section Requests for additional information on open applications in the updated program delivery instructions for more details.

Updated instructions