2021最新塔州TAS491州担保材料准备清单(Document Checklist)

塔州491州担保材料准备清单 (彩色扫描) 主要分为 三个部分

  • 适用于所有申请类别的必需文件ESSENTIAL (required for all applications)
  • 不同申请类别单独要求的文件CATEGORY SPECIFIC (required depending on your choice of nomination category)
  • 其他证明文件ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING (other miscellaneous documents)

一. 适用于所有申请类别的必需文件

  • 护照首页
  • 提交后的EOI信息页
  • 有效职业评估函
  • 3年内考出的语言成绩单(雅思或同等水平的其他考试),持英国、美国、加拿大、新西兰、爱尔兰护照的申请人,无需雅思成绩,提交空白PDF文档即可
  • 最新个人CV
  • 资金声明表
  • Commitment(1页),包含如下信息

Include the following points:

  • why Tasmania’s lifestyle suits your way of life more than other places in Australia
  • include evidence that you have personally researched and understand Tasmania’s lifestyle and attractions
  • avoid using statements that are obviously copied from other sources (and not written in your own words)
  • if your spouse/partner (if applicable) intends to work, their skills and experience, evidence that they have also researched employment opportunities in Tasmania and they are satisfied to be successful in attaining employment
  • if you have studied or lived in another Australian state or territory within the last 12 months indicate why you want to re-settle in Tasmania
  • if your spouse/partner or any dependents have studied or lived in another Australian state or territory within the last 12 months indicate whether they will be moving with you to the state, and if not, why not

二. 不同申请类别单独要求的文件

Category 1 塔州毕业生类别(491州担保)

  • 当前所持签证的准签信
  • 塔州学历证书:包括成绩单和完成信
  • 其他澳洲学历证书:包括成绩单和完成信
  • 银行流水:过去1年内在塔州境内的交易记录
  • 塔州生活证明:包括租房协议或者法定声明
  • 行程单(Travel Itinerary)
  • 签订的劳动合同(如当前没有工作,可提交空白PDF文档)
  • 就业能力声明(如当前在工作,可提交空白PDF文档)
  • Career Plan

Category 1: TASMANIAN GRADUATE (Subclass 491)

Current Visa Grant Notice including any bridging visa notice or AAT or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not sufficient)

Tasmanian Qualifications Academic transcript and a completion letter

Any other Australian Qualifications Academic transcript(s) and a completion letter(s)

Bank Transaction Statements showing daily activities in Tasmania (12 months if applying for Subclass 491)

Evidence of Living in Tasmania showing daily activities in Tasmania(rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations)

Travel Itinerary (Airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary of permanent arrival in Tasmania)

Signed Employment Contract if working (if not working please attach a ‘blank’ pdf)

Employability Statement if not currently employed (if working please attach a ‘blank’ pdf)

  • this statement should explain how your study, along with your previous skills and experience will enable you to settle in and contribute to Tasmania.

Career Plan (more specific guidance for Tasmanian Graduates can be found on our International Student Graduates page)

Category 2 塔州境内工作类别(491州担保)

  • 当前所持签证的准签信
  • 银行流水:登陆塔州开始到提交州担保期间的银行交易记录
  • 塔州生活证明:包括租房协议或者法定声明
  • 行程单(Travel Itinerary)
  • 签订的劳动合同/工作offer
  • 工资单(递交州担保前6个月内)
  • 薪资和待遇无差别证明

Category 2: WORKING IN TASMANIA (Subclass 491)

Current Visa Grant Notice including any bridging visa notice or AAT or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not sufficient)

Bank Transaction Statements showing daily activities (since the date of arrival in Tasmania)

Evidence of Living in Tasmania (rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations)

Travel Itinerary (Airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary of permanent arrival in Tasmania)

Signed Employment Contract/Letter of Offer

Payslips (6 months immediately prior to application submission)

Evidence that pay and conditions no less favourable
This can be demonstrated by:

  • reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
  • Job Outlook information
  • Market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides
  • advertisements from the last six months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
  • remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
  • written advice from unions or employer associations

Category 3A 塔州境外紧缺职业TSOL类别(491州担保)

  • 塔州州担保邀请信
  • 就业能力声明,包含如下信息:
    • 近6周内的与提名职业相关的 招聘广告 5-8条
    • 从学历、专业知识和工作经验方面说明如何胜任上述广告中的职位
    • 定居说明:关于塔州生活成本及安家成本的估算与说明

Category 3A: OVERSEAS TSOL (Subclass 491)

Invitation Letter from Migration Tasmania via SkillSelect

Employability Statement
The evidence must include:

  • personal research into recent advertised positions relevant to the nominated occupation ( 5-8 advertisments required and no older than 6 weeks before application submission). You must include copies of the full advertisement that show date of advert and location (website links are not sufficient and will be considered as requirement not met)
  • an employment statement for each advertisement explaining how your qualifications, knowledge and experience relate to and meet the requirements for each submitted job advertisement (simply stating you meet the requirements is not sufficient)
  • job advertisements must be relevant to the nominated occupation; for example:
  • if the nominated occupation is a Real Estate Agent we will not accept jobs for Property Manager
  • if the nominated occupation is HR Advisor we will not accept jobs for recruitment consultants
  • if the nominated occupation is for a manager, we will not accept assistant, support or junior positions

Settlement Statement (1 page written summary to demonstrate that you have researched the cost of living in Tasmania and understand the settlement costs involved while you seek employment)
The evidence must include:

  • the estimated cost of living in Tasmania, including rent, food, transport and entertainment
  • the estimated cost of relocation to Tasmania in Australian Dollars, including but not limited to: flights; freight; and initial accommodation
  • the estimated cost of living in Tasmania for you and any dependants, in Australian Dollars

Category 3B 塔州境外Job Offer类别(491州担保)

  • 工作/岗位招聘广告
  • 雇佣记录(与雇主的沟通记录)
  • 签字劳动合同/Offer
  • 薪资和待遇无差别证明
  • 招聘中介信息(如适用)

Category 3B: OVERSEAS JOB OFFER (Subclass 491)

Job/Position Advertisement (actual copy of advert not a website link)

Recruitment Communications (dated email/phone evidence of all correspondence with Employer)

Signed Employment Contract/Letter of Offer

Evidence that pay and conditions no less favourable
This can be demonstrated by:

  • reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
  • Job Outlook information
  • Market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides
  • advertisements from the last six months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
  • remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
  • written advice from unions or employer associations

Recruitment Agency Information all correspondence and contact details if employment secured through an agency (if not please attach a ‘blank’ pdf)

Category 4 塔州境内直系亲属类别(491州担保)

  • 当前所持签证的准签信
  • 亲属关系声明
  • 亲属支持信
  • 主申请人出生公证
  • 亲属出生公证
  • 亲属永居或公民身份证明
  • 亲属过去12个月内在塔州的银行交易流水
  • 亲属过去12个月内在塔州居住的证明(市政费或水电费单)

Category 4: FAMILY IN TASMANIA (Subclass 491)

Current Visa Grant Notice of applicant (if not applicable please attach a ‘blank’ pdf)

Family Statutory Declaration (click HERE for the form) - signed and witnessed

Letter of Support from sponsoring Tasmanian family member (no more than 1 page)

Birth Certificate of Main Applicant - signed and witnessed

Birth Certificate of Sponsoring Family Member - signed and witnessed

Australian Permanent Residency/Citizenship Certificate of Tasmanian family member (if born overseas)

Bank Transaction Statements showing daily activities of sponsoring Tasmanian family member (12 months)

Residential evidence of sponsoring Tasmanian family member (12 months of council rates or utility bills)

Category 5 塔州小生意类别(491州担保)

  • 当前所持签证的准签信
  • 塔州生活证明:包括租房协议或者法定声明
  • 行程单
  • 登记和运营证明(ABN/ASIC证书)
  • 近6个月内业务相关的银行交易流水
  • 6-12个月的营业损益表
  • 商业计划
  • 组织结构图
  • 营业地点和经营情况的照片证明(10-12张)
  • 营销和推广计划
  • 完成Fair Work Ombudsman在线学习的证明

Category 5: SMALL BUSINESS OWNER (Subclass 491)

Current Visa Grant Notice including any bridging visa notice or AAT or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not sufficient)

Evidence of Living in Tasmania (rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations)

Travel Itinerary (Airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary of permanent arrival in Tasmania)

Business Registration and Operational evidence (ABN/ASIC Certificate)

Business Bank Transaction Statements (6 months of most recent operations)

Business Profit & Loss Statement (6-12 months)v

Business Plan details on how to draft a business plan can be found on the Business Tasmania website.
Include in your business plan details of:

  • evidence of thorough research into, and understanding of the target market
  • research and understanding of relevant industry conditions, licensing and/or registration requirements for the business in Tasmania
  • realistic market opportunities for the proposed business in Tasmania, particularly where the business would be competing with other similar existing businesses already established in Tasmania
  • how your previous experience and qualifications will help you successfully build your business in Tasmania over at least the next 3-5 years.

Organisational Chart (job titles only with an indication of ‘full-time’ or ‘part-time’)

Photo evidence of business location and operations (10-12 photos)

Marketing and Promotion (website information, operational hours, ongoing marketing plans)

三. 其他证明文件(如适用)

  • 劳动力市场测试报告(LMT),仅适用于申请491塔州境内工作类别且提名职业为ANZSCO skill level 4或5的申请人
  • 未偿还债务/支付计划概要(如有未清债务)
  • 担保义务声明(如申请由代理律师提交)
  • 956表(如申请由代理律师提交)
  • 塔州驾照
  • 志愿者证书及证明
  • 当前工作推荐信
  • 配偶护照首页
  • 配偶最新CV
  • 随行儿童护照首页
  • 配偶职业评估函
  • 配偶工作合同(如当前在塔州工作)
  • 其他在澳洲境外取得的学历证书


Below are some additional documents you can provide during the online application process.

Labour Market Testing (LMT) report (REQUIRED only if applying under Subclass 491 ‘Working in Tasmania’ category and position is ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5)
The following needs to be included:

  • evidence that your employer has made a genuine effort to recruit locals (Australian citizens/permanent residents) but were unsuccessful. Please include copies of the advertisements your employer has posted in open-to-public platforms, such as University of Tasmania Career hub, Tasmanian vocational institutions, Jobactive, local newspapers and from on-line sources or social media
  • a selection report including information on applications received and why no local applicants were suitable for the position as well as details and expenses of any advertising the employer conducted. There is no prescribed format for this report, however it is important that all of the points above are covered. If this evidence does not accompany your nomination application or is insufficient, it will be refused

Outstanding Tasmanian Debts/Payment Plan summary (REQUIRED if you have an outstanding debt) - signed and witnessed

Declaration of Nomination Obligations if application has been submitted by a Migration Agent

Form 956 if application has been submitted by a Migration Agent

Tasmanian Drivers’ License

Volunteer Certificates and evidence

Current Employment Reference Letter

Adult Dependent’s Passport (Bio-Data page)

Adult Dependent’s Resume (up-to-date)

Dependent Child/Children Passports (Bio-Data pages)

Adult Dependent’s Skills Assessment (if available)

Adult Dependent’s Employment Contract (if currently employed in Tasmania)

Other Educational Qualifications achieved overseas