2021年7月1日起,澳洲入籍申请Citizenship Application将有两个重要变化!


  • 申请费上调

  • 通过继承关系以及收养关系获得澳洲公民身份的人士,将会获得Australian citizenship certificate



  • 澳洲政府颁发的抚恤金特许卡(Pensioner Concession Card)持有者

  • 17 岁或以下、在抚恤金特许卡(Pensioner Concession Card)上被列为受抚养人的独立申请人


The changes to citizenship fees apply from 12.00am, 1 July 2021 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). New fees apply for any application submitted on or after this time.

If you lodge a paper application by mail, the date you submit your application is the date the Department receives it, not the day you post the application form. If we receive your application on or after 1 July 2021, the new fee applies.

入籍证明(Australian citizenship certificate)

2021年7月1日之后,通过继承关系以及收养关系获得澳洲公民身份的人士(包括7月1日之前递交,7月1日或之后获批的入籍申请),将获得Australian citizenship certificate作为澳洲入籍证明,以取代原来的Australian citizenship extract。

Australian citizenship extract是一份非正式的文件,可用于获得有限的政府服务。而Australian citizenship certificate是正式的证明澳洲公民身份的官方文件。

2021年7月1日之前签发的Australian citizenship extract也可以用来申请澳洲护照。

Receiving your Australian citizenship certificate

The way in which your citizenship certificate will be sent to you depends on your location.

We encourage all applicants to provide an Australian postal address with their application. This will help to ensure your certificate is delivered securely and as quickly as possible. It may take around two weeks for a citizenship certificate to arrive at an address in Australia.

If you are unable to provide an Australian postal address, generally we will send the certificate to you by international express mail from Australia. It may take around six weeks for a citizenship certificate to arrive.

If your country of residence does not have a functional mail system, we will send your certificate to the closest Australian Embassy or High Commission. We will notify you on how you can collect the certificate.

Applying for an urgent Australian passport

If you are outside of Australia, you do not need to wait until you receive your certificate to apply for an Australian passport. Information on how to apply will be included in your approval letter.