魁北克移民局20190710起暂停魁北克留学生经验类移民申请 Temporary suspension of intake of applications under the Québec Graduates stream of the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec experience program)

魁北克PEQ留学生类别 20190710 起暂停受理( PEQ工作类不受影响)-飞出国

魁北克移民局在 20190710-20191101 期间暂停受理留学生类PEQ,只是暂停,且有工作许可的将不受影响,飞出国总结如下:

  1. 已经递交csq申请的人员不受影响,刚毕业想要递交PEQ的要先等一等,先提交毕业后工签申请
  2. 申请毕业后工签的人员工签申请不受影响
  3. 7.10号时还有工签且该工签在11月1号前失效
  4. 之前受一刀切影响但属于移民部长豁免可以优先处理的不受影响(2019年6月16日的时候持有学签或工签居住在魁北克)
  5. 2019.11.1日重新启动留学生 peq csq 申请

飞出国:这次只是临时暂停 PEQ 留学生类别,不是永久关闭,暂停的目的是将更多人力集中到1.6万申请人的退费和最近的 Arrima 邀请处理上,目前看移民局负责留学移民 peq csq 申请的人员最多,影响也会最小(因为正常csq申请递交后,快的十几天慢的一两个月就会处理完),所以移民局在官网宣布从10号起,临时暂停peq 已经毕业学生的csq申请,为期三个多月,为了给Arrima系统里已经找到工作的技术移民申请人员让路。




通知 - 临时暂停处理魁北克省毕业生计划(魁北克省经验类移民)

Ministère暂时停止魁北克省毕业生经验类移民(PEQ - Québec体验计划)的魁北克毕业生流程申请永久移民申请。此暂停将于2019年7月10日至2019年11月1日生效。目的是优先考虑在此期间在魁北克省工作的申请人。

魁北克留学毕业生仍然可以继续在魁省申请毕业后开放工签(加拿大联邦的 post-diploma work permit from the Government of Canada)。


  1. 2019年7月10日时还拥有有效工作许可证的毕业生,且该工签在2019年11月1日之前到期
  2. 申请选择的申请人根据该法案终止,以增加魁北克的社会经济繁荣,并通过成功的移民融合充分满足劳动力市场的需求(2019, ch. 11):
    a)根据“关于选择外国国民的条例”第5.01节,向部长提交了他们终止的永久选择申请(第I-0.2,r.4) 或
    b)他们于2019年6月16日居住在魁北克省,同时持有根据“移民和难民保护法”(DORS / 2002-227)签发的学习或工作许可证。

Notice - Temporary suspension of intake of applications under the Québec Graduates stream of the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec experience program)

The Ministère is temporarily suspending the intake of permanent immigration applications under the Québec Graduates stream of the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ - Québec experience program). This suspension will be in effect from July 10, 2019, to November 1, 2019. The basis of this decision is to give priority to applicants who occupy a job in Québec during this period.

However, it is still possible for Québec Graduates who wish to remain in Québec to apply for a post-diploma work permit from the Government of Canada.

Please note that there are two exceptions to this suspension. The following people are not subject to this temporary suspension and may submit an application for selection under the PEQ - Québec Graduates stream between July 10 and November 1, 2019:

  1. Graduates who have a valid work permit as of July 10, 2019, that expires before November 1, 2019
  2. Applicants whose application for selection was terminated under the Act to increase Québec’s socio-economic prosperity and adequately meet labour market needs through successful immigrant integration (2019, ch. 11). In this case, either:

a) their terminated application for permanent selection was presented to the minister pursuant to Section 5.01 of the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals (ch. I-0.2, r. 4)


b) they resided in Québec on June 16, 2019, while holding a study or work permit issued under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (DORS/2002-227).

[5.01.] A foreign national staying temporarily in Québec may file an application for a selection certificate in Québec if

(a) in the case where the main purpose of the stay is to study,

i. the foreign national holds a certificate of acceptance, a study permit or a temporary resident permit, except if the foreign national is exempt therefrom under this Regulation or the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/02-227);

ii. the foreign national complies with the conditions of the certificate or permit;

iii. the foreign national pursues, or has successfully completed, a secondary-level vocational training program of 900 hours or more, a program of full-time college or undergraduate studies of 12 months or more, a graduate specialization or a master’s program or a doctoral program in a Québec educational institution in Québec; and

iv. if the foreign national pursues graduate studies or another program whose duration is less than 18 months, the foreign national has completed half of those studies or, if the other program is 18 months or more, the foreign national only has 12 months or less to complete the program;

(b) in the case where the main purpose of the stay is to work, the foreign national

i. holds a certificate of acceptance, a work permit or a temporary resident permit, except if the foreign national is exempt therefrom under this Regulation or the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations;

ii. complies with the conditions of the certificate or permit; and

iii. has been lawfully admitted in the territory for a period or consecutive periods totalling at least 1 year;

(b.1) in the case where the foreign national participates in a youth exchange program under an international agreement entered into by Québec or Canada,

i. the foreign national holds a work permit and complies with the conditions of the permit;

ii. the foreign national has been lawfully admitted in the territory for a period or consecutive periods totalling at least 1 year; and

iii. the foreign national holds full-time employment at the time of filing the foreign national’s application; or

(c) the foreign national is a temporary resident within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C. 2001, c. 27) and has lost Canadian citizenship.



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