申請186簽證 Bridging visa 護照到期更換問題

2/24申請了186,當時發給了Bridging visa
請問是否上移民局網站的Update us,填寫護照更新表單就好了?
我需要寄信去移民跟他說我的Briding visa上的護照號碼也要更新嗎??

在线申请 186 时自动发给 Bridging visa 的情况或者在线单独申请的 Bridging visa,只需要在移民局网站在线更新就可以。

ImmiAccountDepartment of Home Affairs

对纸质邮寄申请的才需要填写929表寄过去: Department of Home Affairs

You must tell us if your circumstances change. This includes a new residential address, a new passport, or a pregnancy, birth or death in your family.

You can use the following forms:

Send the form(s) with all necessary documents to the relevant visa and citizenship office in Australia that is processing your associated substantive visa application.

If you applied online, you might be able to update your details using ImmiAccount.

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