VIC 188 维州商业创新与投资签证(临时)- Victoria Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188)

维州188商业创新与投资签证(临时) - 飞出国

Australia Victoria Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188).


  • 188A商业创新签证
  • 188B投资签证
  • 188C重大投资者签证

维州188C重大投资者签证 - 飞出国


  • 至少50万澳元投资于符合条件的澳洲风投资本或增长型私募股权基金,此类风投资本或增长型私募股权基金须投资于新兴公司与小型私营公司。
  • 至少150万澳元投资于符合条件的管理基金或上市投资公司(LIC),此类管理基金或上市投资公司须投资于澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市的新兴公司。
  • 最多300万澳元用于“均衡投资”,投资于管理基金或上市投资公司(LIC),此类管理基金或上市投资公司须投资于符合条件的资产组合,报告其他澳洲争取交易所上市公司、符合条件的公司债券或票据、年金和房地产(其中住宅房地产以10%为限)。


维州188三类签证对比 - 飞出国

签证类别 商业创新 投资者 重大投资者
拟议企业或投资 在维州发展和管理新企业或现有企业 至少投入150万澳元至指定投资项目
所需资产总额 企业及个人总资产:80万澳元 企业、投资及个人总资产:225万澳元 500万澳元
年龄 未满55周岁 未满55周岁 无要求
英语 没有强制要求,但申请人须具有基本functional英语水平,否则将须为每个未达该英语水平的人支付第二次签证申请费 没有强制要求,但申请人须具有基本functional英语水平,否则将须为每个未达该英语水平的人支付第二次签证申请费 没有强制要求,但申请人须具有基本functional英语水平,否则将须为每个未达该英语水平的人支付第二次签证申请费
评分测试 65分 65分 无要求
商业经历和背景 申请前的4个财政年度中的2个年度里持有一企业股权,该企业该2年的年营业额须达50万澳元。
1. 51%,若企业年营业额不足40万澳元;
2. 30%,若企业年营业额达到40万澳元或以上;
3. 10%,若企业为公开上市公司。
1. 申请人或其配偶或二者合计至少用于10%股权之符合条件的企业;或
维州签证提名 1. 企业能对维州经济做出贡献
2. 参与企业的日常及战略管理
1. 指定投资于维多利亚国库公司(Victorian Treasury Corporation)
2. 参与维州企业或其他投资活动
1. 风投资本与成长型私募基金
1.1 基金提供者需在维州积极寻
1.2 资金提供者在维州拥有办事
2. 均衡投资与新兴公司
2.1 于维州的投资包含在选定投
2.2 管理资金提供者在维州拥有


VIC 对 188C 重大投资者类别取消了 “Change of Complying Investment” 的批准流程。

Business Innovation and Investment visa

Significant Investor stream

Removal of ‘Change of Complying Investment’ approval process

Victorian nominated Significant Investor visa applicants and holders no longer need to notify or seek approval from the Victorian Government to change their complying investment following their nomination from Victoria. As a result of this change, there are new visa nomination conditions for the Significant Investor visa available on the Live in Victoria website for future applications.

You and your clients should seek professional financial and legal advice to ensure investments comply with the Significant Investor visa framework and meet Victoria’s nomination conditions by providing economic benefit to Victoria, to qualify for the subclass 888 permanent visa - Significant Investor stream.

The Significant Investor Services Directory provides a list of Victorian-based financial and professional service providers.

188 签证 “Change of Business Activity” 也不需要了。

Notification of Change of Business Activity no longer required for 188 visa

15 February 2017

Victorian nominated subclass 188 - Business Innovation stream visa holders no longer need to notify or seek approval from Victoria to change their business activities following their nomination from Victoria. This change also applies to subclass 163, 164 and 165 visa holders.

As a result of this change, there are new visa nomination conditions for the subclass 188 visa - Business Innovation stream available on the Supporting Documentation & Forms page.

It is the responsibility of provisional visa holders to ensure that they meet the Victorian Government visa nomination criteria for the permanent visa stage.

Subclass 188 visa holders and migration agents should familiarise themselves with the subclass 188 visa - Business Innovation stream nomination conditions and the subclass 888 - Business Innovation stream nomination assessment criteria, in particular the ‘eligible’ business requirement, to ensure continued eligibility for permanent residence.

This change does not apply to the Business Talent (subclass 132) visa - Significant Business History stream. It is still a condition of Victorian nomination for the Business Talent visa that any proposed change of business activity must be agreed to in advance by the Victorian Government.