VETAssess 普通类职业评估指南 - 飞出国2016版

谢谢,可是好像建筑绘图员在介绍的TASK里并没有3D效果图这个范围?? 会不会不相关?


建筑绘图员也包括3D绘图,312199说的是指的其他未分类的建筑技术人员,比如Roof Truss Detailer,Structural Steel Detailer


如果是VET A类职业,就必须相关;其他组别的不要求

VET 142114 職業需要interview嗎?





VETC类职业, 不要求专业相关, 只要符合职责要求, 通过率很大





请问在建筑设计公司做搭建模型的 model maker 这个职业 需要做哪个的职业验证?


VET 推荐信(Statement of Service)要求,与其他机构要求类似,同时管理职业(1开头职业)需要组织结构图。

Statement of Service:

A Statement of Service is a written statement by your employer confirming your employment on official letterhead. Official letterheads should include the organisation’s full address details, telephone, email and website addresses. The content of the letter must be signed by your direct supervisor or the manager of the human resources department.

The Statement of Service must include the following:

a) The company letterhead
b) Your full name
c) Whether the employment is / was on a full-time or part-time basis
d) The working hours per week
e) Your official position title (s) held at the organisation
f) The exact period of your employment in each position held
g) Details of your official main duties for each position held
h) The main five duties undertaken
i) The salary earned
j) A signature by the authorised person whose name and position are legible below the signature
k) Direct contact details of the authorised signatory

Payment evidence:

Payment evidence can include one of the following types:

  • Pay slips
  • Taxation Records of Assessment (bearing company and applicant name)
  • Bank Statements showing at least two salary payments, your name and the employer’s name
  • Employment-linked insurance / superannuation records (bearing company and applicant name).

Organisational Chart:

If you are nominating a managerial occupation, you must submit an organisational chart highlighting your duties and reporting lines. If you are unable to obtain an organisational chart from your employer, please provide a statutory declaration outlining the reasons why this information cannot be provided.





2017 年 VETASSESS 工作证明要求 - 飞出国:

工作证明文件(Employment documents)上需要保护雇主姓名,在职时间,职位,核心职责,工作小时数。VET 职业评估申请表上列举了多个职位或工作的需要附上cover说明这封推荐信对应哪个职位。



  • 提供雇主出具的服务证明或推荐信(Statement of Service or Reference Letter);
  • 不能提供雇主证明信的可以自己做声明,同时提供其他支撑资料,例如聘书,公司职位描述,工资单;
  • 评估经理职业需要提供组织结构图


  • 企业会计师或律师的声明书,需要打印在信头纸上且签名;
  • 自己的任职声明,并附上其他证明资料(例如与其他机构签订的合同,其他合作伙伴的证明);
  • 企业注册资料,例如营业执照;


  • 企业注册,执照文件
  • 组织结构图(打印在公司信头纸上,高亮显示申请人职位)
  • 申请人工作期间企业的专业发展(professional development)
  • 证书,奖状
  • 自雇人员可以提供与客户或供应商的合同或客户详细的业务往来证明

带薪证明:受雇人员或自雇人员(包括自己经营企业的企业主)需要提供工资单,带有公司名称的纳税记录,社保记录(superannuation records)。



Employment evidence - VETASSESS

You must supply sufficient evidence of the employment you have completed which is related to your nominated occupation. You should also submit a Résumé or Curriculum Vitae with your application.

Employment documents

For each position, you must provide evidence of employment which shows the employer’s name, the period of employment, the position held, the main tasks and hours of work. If you have listed more than one position or job on your application form, attach a cover sheet to the relevant employment documents which states the position to which the documents relate.

All employment documents must be:

  • colour scans of certified copies or, if you are submitting the documents via post, certified copies or original documents
  • supported by certified English translations compiled by a registered translation service if originally issued in a language other than English.

If your evidence is insufficient we will contact you to obtain further information. Evidence of employment includes, but is not limited to, the documents listed below.

If you worked for an employer:

a) Evidence of tasks performed at the skill level of your nominated occupation

  • a Statement of Service or Reference Letter from your employer for the required information for this document
  • a Statutory Declaration if you are unable to obtain a Statement of Service as described above. This should be verifiable and supported by other evidence such as Appointment Letter, Official Position Description and evidence of paid employment. A Statutory Declaration on its own will not suffice as evidence of tasks performed.
  • an organisational chart if nominating a managerial occupation.

b) Evidence of paid employment - at least one of the following:

  • payslips
  • payment summaries for taxation
  • taxation records of assessment which show the company name
  • superannuation records.

If you worked in your own business:

a) Evidence of tasks performed at the skill level of your nominated occupation

  • a statement from your accountant or lawyer that verifies the name of your business and the position that you held. This must be written on letterhead and signed by the practitioner.
  • a Statutory Declaration listing your main duties and other relevant employment information. This should be verifiable and supported by other evidence.
  • your business registration details.

b) Evidence of paid employment - at least one of the following:

  • payslips
  • payment summaries for taxation
  • taxation records of Assessment which show the company name
  • your company taxation records.

c) Supplementary employment evidence - optional for all applicants

In addition to the above required evidence of employment you may provide other evidence of employment to support your application such as:

  • licence or registration documents and details of the requirements for obtaining the licence or registration
  • organisation chart (on company letterhead) highlighting your duties
  • evidence of professional development completed during your employment
  • prizes/certificates or other forms of commendation
  • if you were self-employed, contracts with clients or suppliers
  • if you were self-employed, statements from clients that state the name of your business, the position you held and the business that was conducted by you (e.g. title of project, duration, tasks completed).

Missing documents

If you do not have your original documents, try to obtain the required documents from the relevant employer organisation or authority. Most employer organisations and registration authorities keep relevant records and will reissue these documents if requested. In some circumstances we will accept a statutory declaration or other sworn affidavit in place of the required documents but assessment cannot be issued on the basis of statutory declarations only. If you cannot obtain the required documents, contact us for advice.

Your assessment will not begin until all your documentation is received. If missing documents are not received within 30 days after we have sent you a Final Notice letter requesting documentation, your application will expire. You must then submit a new application and pay another application fee.



2 个赞

2017 VETASSESS 简历要求:

VET 简历格式上:不要超过4页篇幅,使用普通字体(不允许斜体,加黑,下划线等提示性格式),使用大众字体(Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Garamond or Times New Roman),字号10-14大小,不添加图形,花式边框,装饰线或阴影。

VET 简历内容上:包含工作经历,教育经历,培训,证明人,关键技能。


  • 工作职位,
  • 公司名称及地址,
  • 所有雇主的完整企业名称,如果在不同州,海外或不同地区工作,需要包括该企业所在的城市和州,
  • 入职日期
  • 职责及义务
  • 两句话对工作内容,使用技术工具,程序,仪器,材料的说明
  • 工作里取得的成绩


  • 中学,职业教育,大学,硕士,博士,博士后,及获得的注册和执照。


  • 完成的课程,加入的专业协会,持有的注册和执照,在职的培训,证书,研讨会,专业会议及其他专业培训。



这些技能需要同时包含在 VET 申请表里,同时在推荐信等资料里有提及。同时要尽量描述的具体一些,例如不能简单说自己销售技能强而是用示例说明自己如何强或达到了什么销售目标。

Résumé / curriculum vitae - VETASSESS

When submitting your documents to us, you should include a résumé which details your employment history and qualifications, along with evidence to support it.

Your résumé can be in any format, but should be no longer than 4 pages, and should include the following details:

Personal Details (Name, date of birth and contact details)

Employment History

(Hint - List the jobs you have held over the last five years. For jobs you held more than five years ago, mention them only briefly, emphasising what you learned, or listing them without further description.)

Each separate job listing should include the following components:

  • job title
  • company name and location
  • reference to previous employers by their complete business name. If you have worked interstate, overseas or in a different region, include the city and state in which the business was located
  • dates of employment or involvement
  • responsibilities and duties
  • one or two sentences to describe generally what you did in each job including the major tasks, types of technology, tools, programs, instruments and materials you used
  • achievements.

Educational qualifications

Include dates, majors, and details of degrees, training and certification.

  • qualifications - secondary school, post-secondary vocational qualifications, university, graduate school, post-doctoral training
  • licences/certificates.

Professional development

You can include:

(Hint - Don’t list every training course ever attended. Include only the most relevant to your nominated occupation.)

  • courses completed
  • professional associations of which you are a member
  • licences/registrations you hold
  • in-service training
  • certificates
  • workshops, seminars, conferences
  • other professional training.


For each referee, please include:

  • the referee’s name
  • title
  • employing company
  • work phone number and/or mobile
  • email address
  • a brief statement explaining how the referee knows you.

Competencies / key work skills

It is useful to provide a list of key competencies and skills you have, with examples of how these are used in your work. This may also expand on the detailed tasks in your application form. These competencies should be verifiable from your references and employment documents.

For example, instead of just “sales”, this could state what your actual results were with sales, “Increased sales of X product by 30% in my region by using online marketing campaign.”

Formatting hints

  • use plain text only - no italics, bolding or underlining
  • choose a common font, such as Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Garamond or Times New Roman
  • the size should be 10-14 points
  • don’t add graphics, fancy borders, decorative lines, or shading.



2 个赞

澳大利亚技术移民 419 调整后 200 职业被从 CSOL 里删除,这其中大部分职业属于 VET 评估,因此 VET 这几天也在更新在线系统,并简单说明了一下情况,已经递交 VET 但还没有出结果的受影响职业将会收到邮件。

Australian Government Visa Reform Changes

What is changing?

On 18 April 2017, the Australian Government has announced it will abolish the Subclass 457 Visa program for foreign workers and create a new temporary visa restricted to critical skills shortages across a revised list of eligible occupations. Implementation of the new visa reform will begin immediately, with full implementation to be completed by March 2018. A summary of these changes is outlined below and effective from 19 April 2017:

  • the occupation list underpinning the sc457 visa is reduced to 435 occupations compared to the previous 651 occupations, a reduction of 216 occupations;
  • a further 59 occupations are restricted with caveats relating to work experience, regional location and occupation specific context requirements under the sc457 program;

VETASSESS continues to be an approved assessing authority for the purposes of migration, however a number of nominated occupations we previously assessed are removed as an eligible occupation under this Reform.

For a comprehensive overview of the full extent of the Australian visa reforms including the temporary employer sponsored skilled migration program, please refer to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

What does this change mean for VETASSESS applicants?

  • If your nominated occupation isn’t affected by this reform, then you do not need to do anything. VETASSESS is continuing to process your Skills Assessment application as usual.
  • If your pending Skill Assessment application is significantly affected by this reform including removal from the list of eligible occupations, you will receive an email from VETASSESS in the coming days outlining the available options
  • If you are a potential applicant waiting to lodge a Skills Assessment application through VETASSESS, please refer to the most current list of eligible occupations at It is your responsibility to ensure that you have nominated the correct occupation for the purposes of a skills assessment for the available visa category.

