哥伦比亚学院学费 Tuition and Fees of Columbia College

哥伦比亚学院 Columbia College (卑诗省温哥华市) 继续讨论:

哥伦比亚学院学费 Tuition and Fees of Columbia College

费用 Fees


The following fee schedule is effective for the period September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016. All fees are in CAD dollars.

申请费 (不可退)所有的课程 (包括英语和数学考试费)Application Fee (non-refundable). All Programs (includes English and Math Testing Fee) $150
学分课程费用/学分 Credit Courses, per credit $500

课程费用 Tuition Fees For Courses

学分课程 Credit Courses ($500.00 per credit)

大学课程(3学分)University course (3 credits) $1,500
University course (4 credits) (and Math 110) $2,000
University course (8 credits) $4,000
Secondary course (2 credits) $1,000
Secondary course (4 credits) $2,000

非学分课程 Non-credit courses

Writing Discourse 098 & English 098 & English 099 $2,000
Writing 099 and Math 090 $1,000

其他费用 Other Fees

实验室费(大学水平的计算机课) Laboratory Fee (university-level computer science courses) $50
双学分注册 Dual Credit Registration $500
毕业转校费 (高中生)Graduation Transitions Fee (Senior Secondary students) $500

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