

魁北克学历里的 DCS,ACS,DVS - 飞出国


DCS: diploma of college studies - 一般指2-3年的专科学习
ACS: Attestation of College Studies - 一般指1年的技术院校培训项目,主要针对成人技术培训
DVS: Diploma of Vocational Studies - 完整的职业教育培训,600-1800课时
AVS: Attestation of Vocational Specialization 属于短期的职业学习证明,300-1185小时
PTC: Pre-work Training Certificate 职业前培训证书,2年
TCST: Training Certificate for a Semi-skilled Trade, 初级技术工培训证书,1年

SSD = Secondary School Diploma or
DSS = Diploma of Secondary Studies
The diploma issued after five years of studies at a regular secondary school.

DVS = Diploma of Vocational Studies
DVS programs range from 600 to 1,800 hours over a period of six to eighteen months and prepare students for specific jobs while also providing a general education. They are offered by school board vocational training centres.

AVS = Attestation of Vocational Specialization
These are programs designed for people who already have a diploma of vocational studies (DVS) and want to upgrade their skills. They are also offered by school board vocational training centres.

DCS = Diploma of College Studies
Technical diplomas of college studies are offered by CEGEPs. They prepare students for specific jobs that require the knowledge and application of recognized techniques.

ACS = Attestation of College Studies
These are technical college training programs that last about one year and are designed for adults returning to school.

VTT = Vocational and Technical Training
In Québec, all the DVS, AVS, technical DCS, and ACS programs make up VTT.