
在TAS的州擔保清單中有些職業附註有些 managerial shortage only
代表我若不是管理性的職位就無法擔保嗎? 那VET還過得了嗎?

tas 的要求不影响职业评估,职业评估可以过,只是 tas 对担保的职业又增加了要求,tas 190 需要有雇主才能申请。

当然,TAS 新近毕业生不要求 job offer,也不要求职业在 Tasmanian SMP list 上,不是 TAS 毕业生就需要同时满足 Tasmanian SMP list 上的要求。

Compulsory Requirements for offshore applicants

  • Subclass 190: more than five years of work experience post-qualification in the nominated occupation and a formal job offer from a Tasmanian employer.
  • Subclass 489: more than five years of work experience post-qualification in the nominated occupation and a demonstrated strong and genuine interest from aTasmanian employer and/or strong and current links to Tasmania.

Compulsory Requirements for applicants currently residing on the mainland Australia

  • Subclass 190: more than five years of work experience post-qualification in the nominated occupation and a formal job offer from a Tasmanian employer.
  • Subclass 489: must have relocated to Tasmania and been employed in the nominated or closely-related occupation for at least six months post qualification.

另外請問關於VET的Group B 若有UTAS學歷後 是不是只要一年高度相關的工作就行了

group B 的职业要求有本科或以上学位。然后关键看专业和评估职业的相关性。

  • 如果专业高度相关,近五年内至少一年毕业后相关工作经验。
  • 如果专业不是高度相关,但有相关专业的专科,高级专科,副学士或研究生学历,需要近五年内至少二年毕业后相关工作经验。
  • 如果专业不是高度相关且没有其他相关专业学历,则需要近五年内至少三年毕业后相关工作经验。

这里有详细说明: http://www.flyabroadvisa.com/ass/vetassess.html

我打算走一般性農民的州擔保 (菜.混合作物.水果農民) 在畢業簽中滿足一年工作
因為未來所學可能偏植物 可能沒辦法走乳牛農民
請問目前TAS一般性農民的工作好找嗎? 以這四種來說的話


好的! 謝謝!

agriculture and business 学制3年
这是2016新开的本科 但申请没通过 需要预科
agriculture and science 学制4年
传统的农学吧 申请有通过 有奖学金 免预科


有没有预科没关系,移民时看的是最终的学历和专业。business 是新开的没有经验可循,science 专业移民上还属于紧缺的。


可行性不高,recently graduated in Tasmania 主要面向刚毕业不久并且还在澳洲的申请人。

Applicants who have recently graduated in Tasmania after studying in the state for one or more years s must have the following:

  • Nominated occupation on Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List (CSOL)
    (NB: It does not have to be on the Tasmanian SMP list).
  • Genuine intention to live and work in Tasmania.
  • If the applicant has moved interstate, they must relocated back to Tasmania as
    soon as they are notified that their application is successful.