萨省紧缺职业无雇主offer类别项目(SINP International Skilled Worker - Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category)


打算申请Saskatchewan 省计划Occupation In-Demand 类别,想请问几个问题,

  1. 请问孩子的医学出生证明还用做公证么?

  2. 户口本中的每一页都需要做公证么?涉及到主副申请人的信息是不是最好都要更新一下呢?(如学历等)

  3. 关于译者宣誓书(见85134-translator-affidavit.pdf),一定需要填写么?可以由主申或是副申作为翻译么?然后需要公证人员签字么?这是怎么一个办理程序呢?


  1. 需要
    3.这个可以不填 ; 需要翻译的找翻译公司、或者公证

继 20161012 sinp EE 开放 300(北京晚上时间,2小时满)。加拿大时间 2016-10-24 SINP Occupations In-Demand 类别开放 700 配额(北京时间25号凌晨前后),当前 SINP 系统显示已满,无法继续提交。

The International Skilled Worker – Occupations In-Demand sub-category is opened to applications at this time.

Application Intake Thresholds as of October 1, 2016

International Skilled Workers

SINP 类别-飞出国  Application Quota
Number of applications currently being accepted.
With an Employment Offer 5,000 3,614
Express Entry 1,700 0
Occupations In-Demand 1,800 700

如上面表格,SINP 并没有更新总配额,应该是中间有大量无效申请。

SINP 省提名技术移民网站可用配额已更新,昨天开放的非EE700配额已满。当前 SINP International Skilled Worker 下的 Express Entry(共1700) 和 Occupations In-Demand 类别(共1800)都已满额,暂时不接受新申请。

萨省技术移民不需要雇主 offer 类别每次都是悄悄开放,很快满额,必须提前准备才能赶上,好在一年开放多次,错过一次下次还有机会。详细说明参考 flyabroad.hk 网站:

SINP 萨省省提名技术移民: http://www.flyabroad.hk/sinp/

The International Skilled Worker – Occupations In-Demand sub-category is opened to applications at this time.

Application Intake Thresholds as of October 1, 2016

International Skilled Workers

SINP 类别-飞出国  总配额
With an Employment Offer 5,000 3,614
Express Entry 1,700 0
Occupations In-Demand 1,800 0


If you would like to apply to express entry you must withdraw your current valid nomination certificate and reapply once the express entry category is reopened.

SINP 非EE无雇主 offer 紧缺职业类别4月要收费了,300加币,不多,已经提交 EE 类别的就不用额外花这笔钱了。占用资源有代价。


The SINP will be implementing an application fee of $300.00 for the International Skilled Worker: Occupation In-Demand sub-category in 2017-18.

When the fee comes into effect after April 1, 2017, all applicants to the Occupation In-Demand sub-category will be required to submit the fee when they apply.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


4月1日起,SINP 技术移民无雇主offer类别正式启动收费,300加币,成功与否不退还,支付成功后才算有效申请。

As of April 1, 2017, applicants to the Occupation In-Demand sub-category are required to submit a non-refundable $300 application fee online by credit card when they apply.


