HCP 安省EE下技能优先类别申请要求及流程(OINP Express Entry Application Guide for Ontario Human Capital Priorities Stream)

飞出国:OINP 进一步明确,安省 400 分 HCP 类别收到省提名邀请 Notification of Interest (NOI) 后有6个月有效期,6个月内必须注册 OINP e-Filing Portal 系统,注册后 14 天内必须完善信息。

半年时间是给某些分数比较高申请人等待加拿大联邦 EE 邀请机会的时间,因为 OINP 有 1500 加币申请费,430 分以上申请人如果可以直接获得加拿大联邦 Express Entry 邀请就可以剩下这笔费用了。从这个意义上说如果申请人分数太高 OINP 未必会邀请,不是则高录取,另外也会根据职业分配一些配额,也未必先到先得。

Please be advised that the deadline to submit your application under Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities (HCP) Stream may be fast approaching.


The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) would like to clarify the deadlines for the HCP Stream:

  • Your Notification of Interest (NOI) is valid for 6 months. This means that you must register a profile for the HCP Stream in the OINP e-Filing Portal within 6 months of receiving your NOI from Ontario.
  • Once you register a profile for the HCP Stream in the OINP e Filing Portal, you must submit your complete application to the HCP Stream within 14 calendar days.

The 14 day deadline to apply following registration for the HCP Stream must not be confused with the validity period of your NOI from Ontario.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
