曼省技术移民 EOI 评分标准及邀请情况记录(MPNP under the Expression of Interest System Draws)


曼省自有 EOI 2016-06-29 第 18 捞,境内 173 人, 593分;境外 378 人,547 分。

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System – Draw #18 – June 29, 2016

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 173

Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 593

Skilled Workers Overseas

Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 378

Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 547


MPNP 自有 MB EOI 2016-07-29 第 19 捞,境内 155 人,593 分;境外 454 人,545分。

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System – Draw #19 – July 29, 2016

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 155

Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 593

Skilled Workers Overseas

Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 454

Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 545


2016-08-24 MPNP 自有 EOI 第 20 捞,境内 176,592 分;境外 538 人,543 分。

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System – Draw #20
August 24, 2016

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 176
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 592

Skilled Workers Overseas

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 538
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 543


2016-09-29 mb pnp 自有 EOI 第 21 捞,境内 258 人,435 分;境外40人,620分。境外的都是直接被 MPNP 通过 Strategic Recruitment Initiative 类别邀请的。

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System – Draw #21 – September 29, 2016

The September 29, 2016 draw for Skilled Worker Overseas included only those were who directly invited by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 258
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 435

Skilled Workers Overseas

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 40 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 620


2016-10-28 mb pnp 自有 EOI 第 22 捞,境内 150 人,654分;境外26人,712分。境外的都是直接被 MPNP 通过 Strategic Recruitment Initiative 类别邀请的。

本次曼省邀请人数大将,分数大增。2015年5月到2016年10月全部 MBPNP 邀请情况见这里:


MPNP under the Expression of Interest System – Draw #22

October 28, 2016

The October 28, 2016 draw for Skilled Worker Overseas included only those were who directly invited by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 150

Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 654

Skilled Workers Overseas

Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 26 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative

Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 712


加拿大时间 NOVEMBER 16, 2016 起,曼省自有 EOI 评分标准里第六项风险评估分数由原先的最高 400 减为 最高扣 200,其中在加拿大其他省份有近亲或以前申请过其他省提名两项不再扣分(原先是各扣 100),也就是在其他省有近亲或以前申请过其他省提名的申请人申请曼省成功率更高了,最起码分数上没有歧视了。

  • Ranking points will no longer be deducted if you or your spouse have a close relative living in another Canadian province or if you have a previous immigration application to another province. You are still required to answer these questions. The maximum negative ranking points possible now is -200.
  • If you have a valid EOI, you do NOT need to create a new one, the points have been automatically adjusted. You can log-in to view your current score and change/update your valid profile at any time if your circumstances change by updating the information in your EOI and hitting re-submit.
Factor 6: Risk Assessment * – RECENT CHANGE – EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 16, 2016

Points are calculated based on any connections you or your spouse, if applicable, may have to other parts of Canada.

Risk Factor Ranking Points
Close relative in another province and no close relative in Manitoba 0
Work experience in another province -100
Studies in another province -100
Previous immigration application to another province 0
Maximum Points – Factor 6 -200


2015年4月版 MPNP 评分标准 pdf 版留作参考(20161116后 Risk Assessment 调整为最高减 200 分,其他省份近亲及之前申请其他省提名不再减分)。

MPNPRankingPoints-201504-flyabroad.pdf (473.7 KB)

飞出国:2016-11-29 mb pnp 自有 EOI 第 23 捞,境内 150 人(同10月30日那次一样),713分(上次是654分);境外29人(上次是26人),716分(上次是712分)。境外的都是直接被 MPNP 通过 Strategic Recruitment Initiative 类别邀请的。从 2016年9月起,境外邀请人数大幅下降。

2015年5月到2016年11月,曼省总共发出境内省提名移民邀请 3473 份,最低分 435,境外移民省提名邀请 6979 份,最低分 543。

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System – Draw #23

November 29th, 2016

The November 29th, 2016 draw for Skilled Worker Overseas included only those were who directly invited by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 150
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 713

Skilled Workers Overseas

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 29 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 716

更详细的曼省省提名申请要求及邀请记录请参考飞出国签证申请中心: http://vac.fcgvisa.com/mbeoi/

飞出国:2016-12-21 mb pnp 自有 EOI 第 24 捞,境内没有邀请;境外115人,605分。境外的都是直接被 MPNP 通过 Strategic Recruitment Initiative 类别邀请的。

Draw #24 – December 21, 2016


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 0
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited:** N/A**


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 115 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 605

飞出国:2016-12-30 mb pnp 自有 EOI 第 25 捞(2016年最后一捞),境内邀请181人,702分;境外20人,787分。境外的都是直接被 MPNP 通过 Strategic Recruitment Initiative 类别邀请的。

Draw #25 – December 30, 2016


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 181
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited:** 702**


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 20 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 787

2016年11月曼省调整自有 EOI 评分标准,去掉了在其他省份有亲属及曾经申请过其他省份的风险减分。另外,9月后 MPNP 境外技术移民类别基本只邀请了 Manitoba Invitation(也就是所谓的 Strategic Recruitment initiatives,参加过 MPNP 招聘会或去曼省考察过的)类别,其他曼省联系类别(Manitoba Support)及曾经的曼省工作或学习的经验类(Manitoba Experience)都没有新邀请。

上面可能都是为曼省 2017 年将对现行移民政策进行调整做准备,飞出国会密切关注。

Manitoba Invitation

The MPNP for Skilled Workers regularly issues Invitations to Apply to qualified candidates who are identified as part of one of our Strategic Recruitment initiatives in Manitoba and overseas. Issuance of an Invitation to Apply is at the sole discretion of the MPNP and applicants cannot self-select for eligibility with this connection to our province.

Required documents

To apply to the MPNP with the connection of Manitoba Invitation, you must upload in MPNP Online the Letter of Invitation you received directly from the MPNP after being interviewed by a program officer during a recruitment mission or exploratory visit.

Recruitment missions

The MPNP regularly travels overseas on recruitment missions, often in partnership with Manitoba employers. Watch this page for news of the next MPNP initiative.

Exploratory Visits

The MPNP accepts – only during set periods – expressions of interest to make an exploratory visit to Manitoba. Watch this page for news of 2015 intake dates.

Eligibility criteria to participate in visits and missions are subject to change but generally include that you:

  • are between the ages of 21 to 45
  • can satisfy the MPNP that you do not have a stronger connection to another province
  • can demonstrate the employability and adaptability required of all MPNP applicants
  • have completed at least a one-year, post-secondary education or training program for which you received a diploma, degree or certificate
  • have worked at least two years full-time in the past five years and can demonstrate your ability to find a job in Manitoba in that occupation (including plans to achieve licence/certification in the case of regulated occupations)
  • have the genuine intention and ability to economically establish and settle in the Canadian province of Manitoba as a permanent resident demonstrated, in part, with a Settlement Plan
  • provide to the MPNP, at the time you apply to participate in the initiative, official results of an approved language test taken within the past two years showing you achieved scores equivalent to at least CLB 5 in each test category and overall.

What is an MPNP exploratory visit?
An exploratory visit is a pre-arranged trip that potential MPNP applicants may make to the Province of Manitoba, Canada to research communities and employment opportunities to help them make an informed decision on whether they have the intention and ability to find employment and settle with their family in Manitoba as permanent residents.

After the MPNP interview included in a pre-approved exploratory visit, we may invite you to submit an MPNP Online application. Note that it is the Letter of Invitation, not the exploratory visit, that establishes a candidate’s requisite Manitoba connection.

The MPNP conducts exploratory visits at our discretion as resources allow in order to provide opportunity for qualified skilled workers, otherwise ineligible for our program, to establish the Connection to Manitoba that is required of all provincial nominee program applicants.

Exploratory visits must be approved by, then arranged through, the MPNP only by invitation following our acceptance of your request.

Exploratory visit itinerary:

Only to candidates whose request is accepted does the MPNP provide instructions on what to do during an exploratory visit and what documents to bring with you (ex: education certificates and employer letters of reference). Activities to undertake during an exploratory visit include: meeting with prospective employers; consulting with occupational regulatory bodies, and exploring housing, school and lifestyle opportunities in your chosen Manitoba community.

Note: Neither an accepted request, nor an actual visit and interview, nor an Invitation to Apply to the MPNP suggest guarantee of approval of your eventual MPNP Online application, nor approval of a nominee’s subsequent, separate permanent resident visa application to the Government of Canada.

飞出国:2017-01-27 曼省省提名自有 EOI MPNP 第 26 捞,境内邀请150人,734分。境外邀请39人(Strategic Recruitment Initiative),707分。

EOI Draw no. 26

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System

Draw #26 – January 27, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 150
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited:734
  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 39 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 707

飞出国:加拿大时间 2017-02-27 曼省省提名技术移民 EOI 第 27 捞:境外 124 人,575 分,曼省境内 200 人,719 分。

    • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 200
    • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 719
    • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 124
    • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 575 分

Draw #27 – February 27, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 200
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited:** 719**


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 124 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 575


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me


飞出国:加拿大时间 2017-03-16 曼省省提名技术移民 EOI 第 28 捞:境外 63 人,703 分,曼省境内 250 人,684 分。

    • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 250
    • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 684
    • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 63
    • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 703 分

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System

Draw #28 – March 16, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 250
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 684


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 63 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 703


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


飞出国:加拿大时间 2017-03-30 曼省省提名技术移民 EOI 第 29 捞:境外 24 人,698 分,曼省境内 201 人,657 分。

    • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 201
    • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 657
    • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 24
    • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 698 分

Draw #29 – March 30, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 201
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 657


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 24 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 698


曼省 EOI 2015-2017 年邀请情况记录 - 飞出国

EOI# 邀请日期 曼省人数 曼省分数 境外人数 境外分数
29 2017-03-30 201 657 24 698
28 2017-03-16 250 684 63 703
27 2017-02-27 200 719 124 575
26 2017-01-27 150 734 39 707
25 2016-12-30 181 702 20 787
24 2016-12-21 0 N/A 115 605
23 2016-11-29 150 713 29 716
22 2016-10-28 150 654 26 712
21 2016-09-29 258 435 40 620
20 2016-08-24 176 592 538 543
19 2016-07-29 155 593 454 545
18 2016-06-29 173 593 378 547
17 2016-06-08 200 665 411 550
16 2016-05-16 150 722 206 569
15 2016-04-06 299 467 472 543
14 2016-03-09 175 657 452 545
13 2016-02-10 175 673 449 547
12 2016-01-13 150 692 390 548
11 2015-12-17 126 694 598 549
10 2015-11-27 125 698 477 553
9 2015-11-03 100 499 356 556
8 2015-10-13 100 506 272 558
7 2015-09-25 100 545 242 560
6 2015-09-09 125 550 361 562
5 2015-08-13 174 575 292 570
4 2015-07-17 111 670 105 578
3 2015-06-25 100 673 152 581
2 2015-06-05 126 675 202 588
1 2015-05-20 75 700 77 607
总: 飞出国 4455 435 7364 543


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact



ECA 认证要求是加拿大之外的学历都要做,WES 是 ECA 里认证最多的机构。

曼省 616 邀请数据:境内180人,境外24人。下半年应该实施新政策了吧。

Draw #31 – June 16, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 180
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 705


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 24 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 689

飞出国:曼省省提名 MPNP 2017年 7月11日发出第32轮邀请,境外只有36人获邀,分数达到 712 分,且都是获得曼省雇主意向的申请人。曼省境内邀请数为 458 人,最低 612 分。

Draw #32 – July 11, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 458
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 612


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 36 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 712

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


飞出国:曼省省提名 MPNP 2017年8月15日发出第33轮邀请,境外有42人获邀,分数提高到 719 分,且都是获得曼省雇主意向的申请人。曼省境内邀请数为 401人,最低585分,邀请人数减少同时邀请分数降低 。

Draw #33 – August 15, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 401
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 585


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 42 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 719

飞出国:曼省省提名 MPNP 2017年9月26日发出第34轮邀请,境外有49人获邀,分数提高到 721 分,且都是获得曼省雇主意向的申请人(人数增加分数略升)。曼省境内邀请数为 300人,最低602分,邀请人数减少邀请分数提高。

EOI Draw #34

MPNP under the Expression of Interest System

Draw #34 – September 26, 2017


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 300
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 602


  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 49 who were invited directly by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 721

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me
