曼省省提名海外技术移民申请条件(SWO Eligibility - MPNP Skilled Workers Overseas)

曼省省提名技工移民综述(MPNP for Skilled Workers Overview)曼省 EOI 概述 (MPNP Expression of Interest) 继续讨论:

曼省省提名海外技工申请条件(SWO Eligibility - MPNP Skilled Workers Overseas)- 飞出国

申请曼省省提名海外技工,申请人必须证明与曼省有 established connection,可以是在曼省有亲属或者朋友,有过曼省学习或工作经验,或者获得了曼省政府的邀请,另外还要满足曼省评分标准的60分。下面会分别介绍各个联系。

1. 曼省支持 Manitoba Support:


  • 能够提供文件证明他们在曼省居住和立脚,并且已经连续在曼省居住了至少1年(如曼省健康卡的复印件);
  • 加拿大公民或永久居民(如永久居民卡的复印件)
  • 证明与申请人的亲属关系,以及与曼省的联系;
  • 证明他们之前担保的申请人都已经成功,并且在曼省立脚;
  • 支持申请人的定居计划。
  • able to provide documents proving they reside and are established in Manitoba and have been living in the province continuously for at least one year (ex: copy of Manitoba Health Card)
  • a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (ex: copy of Permanent Resident Card)
  • able to demonstrate sufficiently close ties to the applicant and to Manitoba
  • able to demonstrate that any applications they previously supported resulted in successful, permanent economic establishment in Manitoba
  • able to support the applicant’s Settlement Plan

近亲属: 申请人和支持者都需要提供关系证明文件。支持者只要证明自己有足够的能力,可以同时担保多个技工。

朋友和远亲: 他们的家庭目前不能担保其他的曼省省提名申请人或者其他加拿大移民项目申请人。

支持者不能是以下人员,并且定居计划的Part 2有不能由以下人员签署:付费移民代理;既不是主申也不是配偶的朋友或者亲属;加拿大官员或者其员工。




  • sister or brother
  • niece or nephew (ie. child of your sister or brother)
  • aunt or uncle (ie. brother or sister of your mother or father)
  • first cousin (ie. child of your aunt or uncle)
  • mother or father
  • grandmother or grandfather

不能提供曼省支持的人员 - 飞出国

  • 子女不可以担保父母申请MPNP:可以申请CIC父母和祖父母团聚移民。
  • 加拿大公民或者永居不能担保其配偶:可以申请CIC配偶团聚移民。

2. 曼省工作经验 Manitoba Experience - 飞出国


曼省工作要求: 过去至少为曼省雇主全职连续工作了6个月;提供打印在公司信头纸上的雇主推荐信,以及证明你在曼省工作的工作许可。


3. 曼省邀请 Manitoba Invitation - 飞出国


The MPNP for Skilled Workers regularly issues Invitations to Apply to qualified candidates who are identified as part of one of our Strategic Recruitment initiatives in Manitoba and overseas. Issuance of an Invitation to Apply is at the sole discretion of the MPNP and applicants cannot self-select for eligibility with this connection to our province.

曼省邀请需要的材料: 在曼省在线系统上传邀请信。邀请信是在招聘或者考察访问期间,经过官员面试之后,曼省政府发放给你的( the Letter of Invitation you received directly from the MPNP after being interviewed by a program officer during a recruitment mission or exploratory visit)。

招聘 Recruitment missions: 曼省会定期到海外进行招聘,经常与曼省雇主结成伙伴关系。

考察访问 Exploratory Visits:曼省在固定时间会接受曼省考察访问EOI申请。 The MPNP accepts – only during set periods – expressions of interest to make an exploratory visit to Manitoba.

可以参加曼省访问和招聘的条件(Eligibility criteria to participate in visits and missions ):

  • 年龄在21-45周岁之间;
  • 与其他省没有stronger connection;
  • 符合曼省工作能力要求和适应能力要求;
  • 完成了至少1年的大学教育或者培训项目,并且获得了学历、学位或者证书;
  • 近五年中至少有2年工作经验,并能证明你有能力在曼省找到相关职位的工作(包括对于监管职业的注册/认证计划);
  • 真正打算并且有能力在曼省定居,提供定居计划;
  • 参加邀请的时候,向曼省提供2年之内的CLB5的语言成绩(雅思对应的是读4,其他5);

什么是曼省考察访问 What is an MPNP exploratory visit?


An exploratory visit is a pre-arranged trip that potential MPNP applicants may make to the Province of Manitoba, Canada to research communities and employment opportunities to help them make an informed decision on whether they have the intention and ability to find employment and settle with their family in Manitoba as permanent residents.


After the MPNP interview included in a pre-approved exploratory visit, we may invite you to submit an MPNP Online application. Note that it is the Letter of Invitation, NOT the exploratory visit, that establishes a candidate’s requisite Manitoba connection.


The MPNP conducts exploratory visits at our discretion as resources allow in order to provide opportunity for qualified skilled workers, otherwise ineligible for our program, to establish the Connection to Manitoba that is required of all provincial nominee program applicants.


Exploratory visits must be approved by, then arranged through, the MPNP only by invitation following our acceptance of your request.

4. 评分系统 Points Assessment - 飞出国


Factor 1: 语言(最高分25分)


Applicants whose occupation is classified at National Occupational Classification C or D must, in order to be eligible to apply, have at least CLB 4 in English (or NCLC 4 in French).

Language Proficiency Points awarded
First language
CLB 8 or higher 20
CLB 7 18
CLB 6 16
CLB 5 14
CLB 4 12
CLB 3 or lower
Second language
CLB 5 or higher 5
Maximum Points – Factor 1 25 (25% of total)

Factor 2:年龄(最高分10分)

Age points are calculated according to the date your application is received by the MPNP.

Age Points awarded
18 4
19 6
20 8
21 to 45 10
46 8
47 6
48 4
49 2
50 or older 0
Maximum Points – Factor 2 10 (10% of Total)

Factor 3: 工作经验(最高分15分)


Work experience points are based on documented proof of full-time employment in the past five years. Only full-time jobs of six months (continuous) or longer are considered.

Years of work experience Points awarded
less than one year 0
one year 8
two years 10
three years 12
four years or more 15
Maximum Points – Factor 3 15 (15% of Total)

Factor 4: 教育(最高分25分)

Highest level of education Points awarded
Master’s degree or Doctorate 25
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each 23
One post-secondary program of two years or longer 20
One one-year post-secondary program 14
Trade certificate 14
No formal post-secondary education 0
Maximum Points – Factor 4 25 (25% of Total)

Factor 5: 适应能力(最高分25分)

Adaptability points are calculated according to documented proof of a strong connection to Manitoba and employability in your assessed occupation, demonstrating that you have the genuine intention and ability to successfully settle and economically establish in Manitoba as a permanent resident. A connection to Manitoba is required of all applicants. You can only receive points for one type of connection, even if multiple apply to you. In addition to Adaptability points, you may also score points for Regional Immigration for having a connection to, and planning to settle in, a region of Manitoba outside the city of Winnipeg.  Regional points are supplemental only and cannot be a substitute for another connection to the province.

Connection to Manitoba Points awarded
Close relative in Manitoba 20
Invitation to Apply received from the MPNP as part of a recruitment mission or exploratory visit 20
Previous work experience in Manitoba (at least six months) 12
Completed post-secondary program of two years or more in Manitoba 12
Completed post-secondary program of at least one academic year in Manitoba 10
Friend or distant relative living in Manitoba 10
Regional Immigration 5
Maximum Points – Factor 5 25 (25% of Total)


1 个赞



  • able to provide documents proving they reside and are established in Manitoba and have been living in the province continuously for at least one year (ex: copy of Manitoba Health Card)

2016年曼省省提名技术移民海外技术工人类别(MPNP Skilled Workers Overseas)曼省定居一年以上的永久或公民的亲属及朋友担保类别(Manitoba Support),近亲属可以同时担保多个申请人,远亲及朋友同一时间只能担保一个申请人。不能担保父母及配偶通过曼省省提名技术移民方式移民曼省,这些需要申请加拿大联邦移民部的父母担保或配偶担保类别,而不能占用省提名配额。当然申请人还需要曼省上面评分标准里的60分。

Manitoba Support

A Manitoba Supporter is an established resident of the province who is a friend or relative of the applicant and is willing and able to review and endorse the applicant’s plan for settling and finding employment in their destination community. A Manitoba Supporter must be the applicant’s close relative or friend/distant relative, and must be:

  • able to provide documents proving they reside and are established in Manitoba and have been living in the province continuously for at least one year (ex: copy of Manitoba Health Card)
  • a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (ex: copy of Permanent Resident Card)
  • able to demonstrate sufficiently close ties to the applicant and to Manitoba
  • able to demonstrate that any applications they previously supported resulted in successful, permanent economic establishment in Manitoba
  • able to support the applicant’s Settlement Plan

For close relatives, both the applicant and the supporter must provide documents proving their familial relationship.

Close relatives may support the application of more than one skilled worker at a time provided they satisfactorily demonstrate their ability to do so.

For friends and distant relatives, their household must not be currently supporting the settlement of another MPNP applicant, nominee or person under another Canadian immigration program.

Finally, your supporter cannot be and the MPNP will not accept a Settlement Plan Part 2 signed by:

  • a paid immigration representative
  • anyone who is not a demonstrated relative or friend of the applicant or the applicant’s spouse
  • a Canadian elected official or their staff

Your Manitoba supporter is your connection to the province; to be eligible for the MPNP you must also demonstrate you can be assessed sufficient points for language, employability, education, age and adaptability according to the MPNP Self-assessment Worksheet.

Note: Applicants with Manitoba Supporters should declare that person and their address as local contact for correspondence with the MPNP so that your supporter is authorized to discuss your application.

Important: The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is not a sponsorship program. Because the MPNP is a labour market-driven, economic immigration program, all applicants must be employable and adaptable skilled workers with job-ready English, sufficient settlement funds and the genuine intention and ability to economically establish in Manitoba as permanent residents.

Familial relationships

To be considered a close relative, a Manitoba Supporter must be related to the applicant (or the applicant’s spouse) in one of the following ways:

  • sister or brother
  • niece or nephew (ex: child of your sister or brother)
  • aunt or uncle (ex: brother or sister of your mother or father)
  • first cousin (ex: child of your aunt or uncle)
  • mother or father
  • grandmother or grandfather

Can children support parents?

No. Children living in Manitoba cannot serve as Manitoba Supporter for their parents’ MPNP application. Instead, visit IRCC > Sponsor your parents and grandparents.

Can Canadians or Permanent Residents support an application for their spouse?

If you are married to a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident, you are not eligible to apply to the MPNP, but you may qualify under IRCCs Spousal Sponsorship category. Please visit IRCC > Spouse and Common Law Application.

Important: The MPNP requires up-to-date contact information for your Manitoba supporter. Your supporter MUST inform the MPNP if they move to a new address or there are any other changes to their contact information. If the MPNP is unable to contact your supporter using the information on file, your application may be refused.

2016年曼省省提名技术移民海外技术工人类别(MPNP Skilled Workers Overseas)里曼省经验类别适合曾经在曼省有6个月以上连续全职工作或在曼省获得过高等学历(certificate, diploma or degree)的申请人(语言课程不被认可),申请人还需要曼省上面评分标准里的60分。

Manitoba Experience

Manitoba Experience means that in the past you lived in the province as a temporary foreign worker or as an international student.

Manitoba Experience is your connection; to be eligible for the MPNP you must also demonstrate you can be assessed sufficient points for language, employability, education, age and adaptability according to the MPNP Self-assessment Worksheet.

Skilled workers considering applying with connection of Manitoba Experience may refer to the points worksheet to see how many points you may be assessed for your past employment, or for your past education (dependent on your level and duration of studies).

Past employment in Manitoba:

  • In the past, you worked full-time for a Manitoba employer at least six consecutive months.
  • Submit signed employer letter of reference on company letterhead and copy of work permit proving you worked in Manitoba.

Past education in Manitoba:

  • As an international student you attended and completed an authorized education or training program at a public, or registered private vocational, post-secondary institution in Manitoba. (Language studies are not authorized.)
  • To prove you studied in Manitoba, you must submit your study permit(s), your academic transcripts and the certificate, diploma or degree you received for completing the program.
