库拉索本地入籍荷兰 - 居留卡满5年可以参加政府培训课程免试入籍

库拉索本地入籍荷兰 - 居留卡满5年可以参加政府培训课程免试入籍 - 飞出国


2019年4月8日-12日注册2019年9-10月份的荷兰王国库拉索入籍课程证书 - 获得证书,免试入籍。



  1. 学习时间:3-4个月

  2. 学习内容解释:

    • 第一栏:政治,一堂课;
    • 第二栏:当地语言文化,四堂课;
    • 第三拦:荷兰语,11堂课;
    • 最后进行:复习,考试,颁发证书;


完成培训获得证书可 免试入籍荷兰王国。由此看出,入籍要求的语言能力并不高。


Registration naturalization

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture & Sport hereby announces that those who want to take part in the coming NATURALIZATION TEST: Parts 1, 2, 3 in September / October 2019 must make an appointment to register for the exam.

Registration for an appointment takes place from April 8 to April 12, 2019. You can make an appointment to register. You can only make an appointment online via the web using a mobile phone, tablet and / or computer at http://nt2019.ete.cw. The registration agreements are confirmed by e-mail.

For more information about this, you can ‘download’ the following documents here: Advertisement Registration Naturalization test part 1, 2, 3, Brochure and Planning Naturalization.


如果对荷兰入籍细节感兴趣可以参阅飞出国论坛: 荷兰库拉索投资移民入籍考试融入考试详解 Prueba di Naturalisashon

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