2019 年加拿大联邦技术移民 EE 最低资金要求 - Proof of funds – Skilled immigrants (Express Entry)

2019 年加拿大技术移民联邦阶段资金要求 - 飞出国




  • 打印在金融机构的信笺上
  • 包括对应金融机构的联系信息(地址,电话号码和电子邮件地址)
  • 包括资金持有者的姓名
  • 列出信用卡债务和贷款等未偿还债务
  • 并且包括当前银行和投资帐户的,
    • 帐号
    • 每个帐户的开户日期
    • 每个帐户的当前余额
    • 过去6个月的平均余额
家庭成员数-飞出国 2019年资金要求(加拿大元)
1 $12,669
2 $15,772
3 $19,390
4 $23,542
5 $26,701
6 $30,114
7 $33,528


  • 付给您的财产(documents that show property or capital payable to you),例如:
    • 股票 stocks
    • 债券 bonds
    • 无抵押债券/信用债券 debentures
    • 国库券 treasury bills
  • 授权付款文件(documents that guarantee payment of a set amount of money, which are payable to you),例如:
    • 银行汇票 banker’s drafts
    • 支票 cheques
    • 汇票 money orders
    • 旅行支票 travellers’ cheques

Proof of funds – Skilled immigrants (Express Entry)

We’ve updated the table that shows how much money you need to settle in Canada. You may need to update your settlement fund numbers in your Express Entry profile. Making updates to your profile doesn’t change the date and time that we received it, so you’ll keep your rank if you’re in a tie-breaker situation.

Proof of funds is how you show us that you have enough money to settle in Canada. If we invite you to apply, you must give written proof that you have this money.

Who needs proof of funds

You need proof of funds to meet the minimum requirements of the

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program

Who does not need proof of funds

You don’t need to show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family if

  • you’re applying under the Canadian Experience Class or
  • you’re authorized to work in Canada and you have a valid job offer, even if you apply under the Federal Skilled Worker Program or the Federal Skilled Trades Program

Keep your funds up to date in your profile. The system may find that you’re eligible for more than 1 program. You don’t always know ahead of time which program you’ll be invited under.

How much money you’ll need

The amount of money you need to support your family depends on the size of your family. To calculate the size of your family you must include

  • yourself
  • your spouse or partner
  • your dependent children and
  • your spouse’s dependent children

Include your spouse or dependent children even if they’re

  • permanent residents or Canadian citizens
  • not coming to Canada with you

This table shows the minimum amount you need to immigrate to Canada. If you have more money, you should list the full amount in your profile or application.

Number of family members Funds required (in Canadian dollars)
1 $12,669
2 $15,772
3 $19,390
4 $23,542
5 $26,701
6 $30,114
7 $33,528
For each additional family member $3,414

What we accept as proof

Funds must be readily available to you. For example, you can’t use equity on real property as proof of settlement funds.

You also can’t borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to pay the costs of living for your family (even if they aren’t coming with you).

If your spouse is coming with you, you can count money you have together in a joint account. You may be able to count money in an account under their name only, but you must prove you have access to the money.

The funds must be available both when you apply and when (if) we issue you a permanent resident visa. You must prove to an immigration officer that you can legally access the money to use here when you arrive.

For proof, you must get official letters from any banks or financial institutions where you’re keeping money.

Letter(s) must

  • be printed on the financial institution’s letterhead
  • include their contact information (address, telephone number and email address)
  • include your name
  • list outstanding debts such as credit card debts and loans
  • include, for each current bank and investment account, the
    • account numbers
    • date each account was opened
    • current balance of each account
    • average balance for the past 6 months

Updates to fund requirements

We update the minimum amount you need every year, based on 50% of the low income cut-off totals. The changes are small, but there is a chance they could affect your eligibility. Be sure to check the new numbers once they’re posted.

How much money you should bring

Research how much it costs to live in the place where you plan to settle in Canada.

Bring as much money as you can. This will make moving and finding a home in Canada easier. When you arrive in Canada, you have to tell the border officer if you’re bringing more than CAN$10,000 into Canada. If you don’t tell them, you may be fined, and your funds could be seized. This includes:

  • cash
  • documents that show property or capital payable to you, such as:
    • stocks
    • bonds
    • debentures
    • treasury bills
  • documents that guarantee payment of a set amount of money, which are payable to you, such as:
    • banker’s drafts
    • cheques
    • money orders
    • travellers’ cheques

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