新加坡自雇就业准证Employment Pass与创业准证Entrepass的难易与异同·飞出国



  • 获得新加坡政府认可的第三方风险投资或者是天使投资;
  • 是新加坡政府认可的孵化器;
  • 有重要的商业经验或人脉;
  • 持有世界知识产权机构批准的专利或者知识产权;
  • 与新加坡认可的研发机构或当地高等学府有研发合作;
  • 在关键领域有杰出成就;
  • 有良好的投资记录。

Eligibility for EntrePass

This work pass is intended for serial entrepreneurs, high-calibre innovators or experienced investors that want to operate a business in Singapore.

Who is eligible

EntrePass is open to all nationalities.

You can apply for an EntrePass if you:

  • Have started, or intend to start, a private limited company registered with ACRA.
    • If registered, the company must be less than 6 months old on the date you apply.
    • If not registered, you can do so after you know the outcome of your application.
  • Meet any of the following innovative criteria for application as an entrepreneur , innovator or investor .
    You do not need to meet all of the criteria for each respective profile or type, but having more qualifications would help your application.


  • Has funding from a government-recognised VC or business angel
  • Is an incubatee at a government-recognised incubator or accelerator
  • Has business network and entrepreneurial track record


  • Holds an intellectual property
  • Has a research collaboration with an IHL or research institute in Singapore
  • Has extraordinary achievements in key areas of expertise


  • Has investment track record





  • 自雇从事管理类、行政类、或者专业性的工作;
  • 应届生薪水至少3600新币/月,有经验者须取得更高薪水方有资格申请;
  • 有大学、大专、专业技术等合格院校毕业的文凭。

Eligibility for Employment Pass

Only eligible candidates will be considered for an Employment Pass. Criteria include a minimum salary of $3,600 and acceptable qualifications. Use the Self-Assessment Tool to check a candidate’s eligibility before you apply.

Who is eligible

The Employment Pass is for foreign professionals who:

  • Have a job offer in Singapore.
  • Work in a managerial, executive or specialised job.
  • Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $3,600 (more experienced candidates need higher salaries).
  • Have acceptable qualifications, usually a good university degree, professional qualifications or specialist skills.

Application for an Employment Pass is open to all nationalities.

Use the Self-­Assessment Tool (SAT) to check if the candidate qualifies for the pass.

Note on salaries:

  • Young graduates from good institutions can qualify if they earn at least $3,600.
  • Older, more experienced candidates need higher salaries to qualify.
    Note on acceptable qualifications:
  • We don’t have a list of approved institutions. Instead, we evaluate each application on its own merit, based on a wide range of criteria such as global and country rankings, and enrolment standards.
  • Candidates without acceptable qualifications may not necessarily be rejected. Similarly, having acceptable qualifications does not guarantee approval.
  • We look at other factors such as proven track records and exceptional skill sets on a case-by-case basis.



  1. 员工:工作12-14 个月后,可向政府申请永久居民(PR)员工就业准证是否能申请到新加坡永久居民,主要参考学历、准证类型、薪水、在新加坡时间、在新财产、家庭情况等因素。
  2. 股东:公司股东的自雇就业准证(EP)能否新加坡批准永久居民(PR),主要取决于申请者个人条件的同时,还将参考公司是否为新加坡经济、员工岗位提供、公积金缴纳、税收等方面作出贡献。

飞出国: 综上我们可以看出,在新加坡进行创业准证转移民要求高,不论前期操作还是后期的PR申请都具有相当的难度。因此,移民新加坡的最佳选择仍然是雇主担保和自雇投资移民。
