新西兰的配偶关系证明 Your relationship with your partner

新西兰移民、留学、工签中的伴侣关系证明 - 飞出国





  • 在一起生活了多久及还将继续生活多久(包括婚姻证明,子女出生证明等证明婚姻家庭关系的证据)
  • 对16及17岁的伴侣关系,需要得到父母或监护人的支持
  • 在一起的证明,例如照片,电子邮件和社交媒体对话,包括寄到一个地址的信件
  • 分担财务和其他责任的证明(联名账户,共同财产,联名信用卡)

Partners-您与伴侣的关系 - 飞出国



  • 合法婚姻
  • 民事联盟
  • 事实上的关系



  • 年满18岁或以上,或年满16岁或17岁,经父母或监护人同意
  • 在根据您的合作关系申请签证之前已经相遇
  • 不是近亲

伴侣要求 - 您与伴侣的关系 - 飞出国



  • 在每个人的家中共度时光(spending time in each other’s homes while you each maintain your own home)
  • 在度假时分享住宿(sharing accommodation while on holiday)
  • 室友安排(flatmate arrangements)

评估合作伙伴关系 - 您与合作伙伴的关系


  • 你们在一起多久了
  • 你和夫妻一起生活多久了
  • 你的生活安排
  • 你是否在经济上相互支持
  • 您如何分担财务责任
  • 你是如何致力于共同生活的
  • 您是否拥有财产和/或共享您的财产
  • 您在一起的任何孩子,包括您的护理安排
  • 您是否分担共同的家务
  • 其他人是否认识到你的关系。

伙伴关系的证据 - 您与伴侣的关系 - 飞出国




示例 - 您与伴侣的关系 - 飞出国


  • 结婚或民事工会证书
  • 您分享的任何孩子的出生证明
  • 卡片,信件,电子邮件和社交媒体对话
  • 一起的照片
  • 证明其他人认可您的关系
  • 证明您一起制定决策和计划
  • 证明你父母在一起
  • 证明你一起度过闲暇时光
  • 联名租赁协议或住房贷款
  • 邮件在同一地点和时间一起发给你
  • 联名银行账户
  • 证明你们拥有的资产
  • 联名信用卡或租购协议
  • 联名生活账单(公共事业账单),如电费或电话费。

分居 - 与伴侣的关系 - 飞出国


  • 你分居的原因
  • 你分开多久了
  • 你如何在分开时保持联系。


You and your partner must be living together in a genuine and stable relationship

You must provide evidence that you and your partner are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.

Your evidence should show:

  • how long you’ve been together
  • how long you’ve been living together
  • if you’re 16 or 17, that your parent or guardian supports your partnership
  • you spend time together, eg photos together, emails and social media conversations between you
  • you share finances and other responsibilities

Partnership - Your relationship with your partner

If your partner is already in New Zealand, or you and your partner are applying for a visa to come to New Zealand together, you may be eligible for a visa based on your partnership.

Immigration New Zealand defines partnership as two people of the opposite or same sex, who live together in a genuine and stable relationship in any of the following:

When you apply for a visa based on your partnership with a New Zealand visa holder or New Zealand citizen, we call that person your supporting partner.

You and your supporting partner must:

  • be aged 18 or over, or if they’re aged 16 or 17 years, have the consent of their parents or guardians
  • have met each other before applying for a visa based on your partnership
  • not be close relatives.

Partnership requirements - Your relationship with your partner

You must be able to show us that you’re living together in a genuine and stable relationshipbefore we can grant you a visa based on your partnership.

Living together means sharing the same home as your partner, which doesn’t include:

  • spending time in each other’s homes while you each maintain your own home
  • sharing accommodation while on holiday
  • flatmate arrangements.

Assessing partnership - Your relationship with your partner

When we assess if you meet our partnership requirements, we’ll look at things like:

  • how long you’ve been together
  • how long you’ve been living together as a couple
  • your living arrangements
  • whether you support each other financially
  • how you share financial responsibilities
  • how committed you are to a life together
  • whether you own property together and/or share your property
  • any children you have together, including your arrangements for their care
  • whether you share common household tasks
  • whether other people recognise your relationship.

Evidence of partnership - Your relationship with your partner

You and your partner must provide enough evidence to show us that you’re living together in a genuine and stable relationship.

Your evidence will be more credible if it’s from official sources. For example, a joint tenancy agreement showing the date that you and your partner started renting a property together is better than your friend writing us a letter to tell us how long you’ve been living together.

You don’t have to provide all of the documents listed as examples, but the more evidence you provide, the easier it will be for us to make a decision about your application.

Examples - Your relationship with your partner

Evidence to show us you’re in a genuine and stable relationship can include:

  • marriage or civil union certificates
  • birth certificates for any children you share
  • cards, letters, emails and social media conversations
  • photos together
  • evidence that others recognise your relationship
  • evidence you make decisions and plans together
  • evidence you parent together
  • evidence you spend leisure time together
  • a joint rental agreement or home loan
  • mail addressed to you together at the same place and time
  • joint bank accounts
  • evidence you own assets together
  • joint credit cards or hire purchase agreements
  • joint utilities accounts, like power or phone bills.

Time spent living apart - Your relationship with your partner

If you and your partner have spent time living apart, you should provide information about your separation, including:

  • the reasons you were living apart
  • how long you were living apart
  • how you kept in touch while apart.

We’ll use any evidence you provide about your separation to assess its effect on your partnership.

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