新加坡工作类准证介绍 Work passes and permits 什么是EP?什么是SP?·飞出国


  1. 就业准证(Employment Pass)
  2. 创业准证(Entrepass)
  3. 工作准证(S PASS,SP)
  4. 工作准证(Work Permit,WP)
  5. 家属准证(Dependant’s Pass,DP)
  6. 长期探访准证(Long Term Visit Pass,LTVP)
  7. 个人化就业准证(Personalised Employment Pass,PEP)






  • 薪水至少2400新币/月;
  • 合格院校毕业的学历或文凭,或者至少一年以上学习的技术资质证明;
  • 具备相关工作经验

Eligibility for S Pass

Only eligible candidates will be considered for an S Pass. Criteria include a minimum salary of $2,300 and acceptable qualifications. Use the Self-Assessment Tool to check a candidate’s eligibility before you apply.

Who is eligible

The S Pass is for mid-skilled foreign employees (e.g. technicians) who meet these criteria:

  • Fixed monthly salary of at least $2,300 . The salary should reflect work experience. Older, more experienced applicants need higher salaries to qualify.
  • A degree or diploma . We may consider technical certificates, such as courses for qualified technicians or specialists. The certification should include at least 1 year of full-time study.
  • Years of relevant work experience.

Application for an S Pass is open to all nationalities.

Use the Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) to check if the applicant qualifies for the pass.

Note: You cannot employ foreign workers to work at a food stall in a hawker centre, coffee shop or food court. Such operations are small scale and should be manned by owners or family members.


  • 持有新加坡雇主offer,被雇佣从事管理类、行政类、或者专业性的工作;
  • 薪水至少3600新币/月;
  • 有大学、大专、专业技术等合格院校毕业的文凭。

Eligibility for Employment Pass

Only eligible candidates will be considered for an Employment Pass. Criteria include a minimum salary of $3,600 and acceptable qualifications. Use the Self-Assessment Tool to check a candidate’s eligibility before you apply.

Who is eligible

The Employment Pass is for foreign professionals who:

  • Have a job offer in Singapore.
  • Work in a managerial, executive or specialised job.
  • Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $3,600 (more experienced candidates need higher salaries).
  • Have acceptable qualifications, usually a good university degree, professional qualifications or specialist skills.

Application for an Employment Pass is open to all nationalities.

Use the Self-­Assessment Tool (SAT) to check if the candidate qualifies for the pass.

Note on salaries:

  • Young graduates from good institutions can qualify if they earn at least $3,600.

  • Older, more experienced candidates need higher salaries to qualify.
    Note on acceptable qualifications:

  • We don’t have a list of approved institutions. Instead, we evaluate each application on its own merit, based on a wide range of criteria such as global and country rankings, and enrolment standards.

  • Candidates without acceptable qualifications may not necessarily be rejected. Similarly, having acceptable qualifications does not guarantee approval.

  • We look at other factors such as proven track records and exceptional skill sets on a case-by-case basis.


  1. 从2018年1月1日起,月薪最低6000起才可以给配偶/小孩申请DP(家属准证);月薪最低12000起才可以给父母申请LTVP(长期探访准证)。

Passes for family of Employment Pass holders

Who is eligible

To be eligible, you need to:

  • Earn at least $6,000 a month.
  • Hold an Employment Pass.

From 1 January 2018 , work pass holders will need to meet a minimum salary criteria of $6,000 to enjoy dependant privileges. Please read the FAQs for more information.

  1. 2018年3月6日人力部宣布,将把S准证的薪金门槛调高200元。调整将分成两年执行。

Speech by Mr Lim Swee Say, Minister for Manpower, at Committee of Supply 2018

6 March 2018 Employment practices Foreign manpower Skills, training and development Work passes and permits

  1. For S Pass holders, who are mid-level skilled foreigners, their minimum qualifying salary was last updated in 2013.I agree with Mr Patrick Tay that it is timely to review. We will increase entry level salary by $200, up from $2,200 to $2,400.



满足要求的准证持有人,就可以为家人申请家属准证(Dependant’s Pass,DP)或长期探访准证(Long Term Visit Pass,LTVP),举家移民新加坡了。




  1. 续签时间:在EP准证过期前的6个月(180天)内可以进行续签;
  2. 续签有效期:有效期最长3年,不受护照有效期影响;
  3. 续签要求:
  • 持有人须满足目前的EP申请要求。

Renew an Employment Pass

You can apply to renew an Employment Pass if you want the pass holder to continue working for you.

At a glance

When to renew You can apply to renew an Employment Pass up to 6 months before the pass expires. You must apply before the expiry date. Check when you can start renewing.

For Employment Pass (sponsorship): you can start applying to renew when you get the renewal forms by post, 3 months before the pass expires. Your application need to reach us at least 2 months before the pass expires.
Who can renew Employer or appointed employment agent (EA).
Duration of renewed pass Up to 3 years. The duration of the renewed pass is not affected by the length of validity of your passport.
How much it costs

Note: From 1 April 2019, there will be adjustments to the application and issuance / renewal fees for Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit and other passes.
How long it takes Renew using EP Online: within 3 weeks for most cases.
Renew by post (for EP sponsorship cases only): within 8 weeks for most cases.


  • Renewals are not guaranteed. Applications will be evaluated against current eligibility criteria.
  • Remember to apply for renewal early. Renewing early does not mean that you’ll lose the remaining days in your current pass. The duration of the renewed pass will start when the current pass expires.
  • If you miss the deadline, you need to apply for a new pass.
  • You’ll have to apply for renewal using the renewal forms for Employment Pass (sponsorship) holders.


  1. 续签时间:在SP准证过期前的6个月(180天)内可以进行续签;
  2. 续签有效期:2019年1月-6月30日,有效期最长1年;2019年7月1日后,有效期最长3年;
  3. 续签要求:
  • 持有人须满足目前的SP申请要求;
  • 持有人护照有效期为7个月以上;
  • 雇主从事的行业需有足够的SP配额。

Renew an S Pass

You can apply to renew an S Pass if you want the pass holder to continue working for you. This is provided you still meet the quota and other requirements.

At a glance

When to renew You can start renewing up to 6 months before the pass expires. You must renew before the expiry date. Check when you can start renewing.
Who can renew Employer or appointed employment agent (EA).
What is the duration of the renewed pass Up to 3 years.
Note: If the passport is valid for less than 3 years, the duration granted will only be up to 1 month before the expiry date of the passport.
How much it costs $80 per renewal.

Note: From 1 April 2019, there will be adjustments to the application and issuance / renewal fees for Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit and other passes.|
|How long it takes|Renew using EP Online: within 3 weeks for most cases.|

Renewal requirements

From 1 January 2019 , the qualifying salary criteria for S Pass has increased to $2,300.

Existing S Pass holders whose passes expire:

1 Jan to 30 Jun 2019 From 1 Jul 2019 onwards
Can renew Up to 1 year, based on eligibility criteria before 1 Jan 2019. Up to 3 years, based on eligibility criteria after 1 Jan 2019.

To renew an S Pass:

  • The pass holder has to meet the existing eligibility requirements.
  • The pass holder’s passport must be valid for at least 7 months.
  • You must have sufficient S Pass quota for your sector.