

  1. 当前在加拿大且还有有效的境内身份,一般来说,当前在加拿大的居留许可还有3个月以上比较合适
  2. 加拿大录取学校的 offer - acceptance or enrolment
  3. 在加拿大已经完成的学习证明 academic standing at institutions

2,3 两项飞出国会负责完成,申请人需要配合去指定学校学习并拿到证书。



入境前准备(加拿大游转学) - 飞出国

  • 护照,机票登机牌(保留中国至加拿大航段)
  • 身份证扫描件(正反面)
  • 照片(护照规格白底照片)
  • 高中及以上学历成绩单与毕业证公证件
  • 国内的收入证明(可提供模板)
  • 国内的房产证公证件(选交)
  • 国内的存款证明(选交)

资助证明(加拿大游转学) - 飞出国


  • 家人收入证明+ 资助信(资助信可提供模板)
  • 出生证明或亲属关系证明公证件(例如:结婚证,父子关系证明,母女关系证明等)
  • 资助人身份证明(护照扫描件,或身份证公证件)

入境后准备(加拿大游转学) - 飞出国

  • 体检纸及收据(飞出国会帮您预约体检时间)
  • 加拿大银行带银行章的学签申请人的单人账户资金证明信Bank Statement,账上有3.5-4 万加元为宜(开具时间请等待飞出国的通知)
  • 如本次入境有同行家属,请提供家属的加拿大签证及亲属关系证明。加拿大签证包括旅游签(visitor visa 或VR), 学签(并附在读证明和offer),工签等。
  • 未成年申请人需要提供加拿大监护人委托公证书


  • 以上提供扫描件给飞出国即可
  • 以上文件如果不是英文件,需要官方认可的翻译件与公证,这个飞出国可以帮忙推荐翻译或公证处
  • 注意保持信息的真实和一致性,与之前申请旅游签或其他签证所填内容保持一致(如果以前申请过加拿大旅游签证请一定注意)


This document checklist is one of the forms that you need to submit with your application. Consult the Instruction Guide (IMM 5552) to find out if you are required to provide some or all forms and documents listed in this checklist. If any of the required documents are missing, your application could be returned or refused. Do not submit original documents unless instructed to do so. Original documents will not be returned.

All documents in a language other than English or French must be translated. Provide both a photocopy of the document and the translation in English or French.

Important: If you are also applying for a work permit, you must include the fees and documents required to assess your application for that permit. Consult the appropriate guide for student or worker requirements. Gather your documents in order of the checklist and check R each item.

I have enclosed the following items:-flyabroad

FORMS LIST: The following forms must be completed, signed and dated.

  • Application to Change Conditions, Extend my stay or Remain in Canada as a Student (IMM 5709)
    • Note: If this application form is completed on a computer it must be validated to generate a barcode page. Print and place the barcode page (page 5 of 5) on the top of your application (or if applying as a group, each individual application package).
  • Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)
    • Note: Complete this form only if you are using the services of an authorized representative, or if you are appointing or cancelling a representative.
  • Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475)
    • Note: Complete this form only if you authorize Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to release information from your case file to someone other than yourself.
  • Custodianship Declaration - Custodian for Minors Studying in Canada (IMM 5646)
    • Note: Page 1 and 2 of the form must be completed if the minor is less than 17 years of age and intending to study in Canada without a parent or legal guardian. The appointed custodian must reside in Canada.
  • Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409), if applicable

DOCUMENTS LIST: For each person included in the application.

  • Proof of Payment
  • PHOTOCOPIES of passport pages clearly showing each of the following:
    • the passport number;
    • the dates of issue and expiry;
    • your name and date of birth;
    • the stamp made by the Canadian authorities on your most recent entry into Canada; and
    • any other marked page.
  • PHOTOCOPIES of your travel or identity document (citizenship certificates, birth certificate, alien registration cards, etc.) if you did not use a passport to enter Canada
  • PHOTOCOPY of your current immigration document (if you have one)
  • PHOTOCOPY of your Marriage License or Certificate (if applicable)
  • Proof of acceptance or enrolment (including, but not limited to Designated Learning Institutions)
  • Proof of academic standing at institutions: letter from institutional registrar and/or photocopies of transcripts from your last two periods of study
  • If studying in Quebec, MIDI’s (Le ministère de l’Immigration, de la diversité et de l’inclusion) letter of approval concerning your application for a “Certificate d’acceptation du Québec” (CAQ), or a valid “Certificat de sélection du Québec” (CSQ) application if your Application for Permanent Residence is being processed from within Canada
  • Proof of funds available or means of support

If you are a refused Refugee Claimant applying to the Federal Court:

  • Proof that you cannot support yourself without recourse to social assistance (welfare) Note: If you are currently receiving social assistance, attach a letter from the provincial social services department indicating you are receiving money or attach a cheque stub if it indicates clearly that it was issued by the provincial social services department.
  • Proof that you filed for a review of your case by the courts

imm5555e-study-in-canada-flyabroad.pdf (313。1 KB)。


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


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