
加拿大公民证书申请(citizenship certificate) 继续讨论:

加拿大公民证书申请材料清单 - 飞出国

  • 如果是第一次申请公民证书,需要提供以下材料的原件或者清晰合法的certified copies;
  • 如果是更换公民证书,提供以下材料的清晰合法的复印件即可。
  • [CIT0001E] - 公民证书申请表
  • 选择符合你的情况
  • You have a certificate of registration of birth abroad (RBA), a citizenship certificate, or you are applying to replace your certificate
  • You have never had a citizenship certificate and you were born in Canada
  • You were born outside Canada to a Canadian parent on or after January 1, 1947
  • You were born outside Canada before January 1, 1947 and one of your parents was born or naturalized in Canada or became a Canadian citizen on January 1, 1947
  • You were a British subject who lived in Canada for 20 years immediately before 1947
  • You were a British subject who lived in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 5 years (but less than 20 years) before 1947
  • You were married before 1947 and are a woman who married a British subject born or naturalized in Canada (or who resided in Canada before your marriage), and you entered Canada as a permanent resident before 1947
  • You are a woman who lost her British subject status upon or during marriage before 1947
  • 2张个人身份证明,其中一张需要贴照片。如果两面都有信息,需要提供双面复印件;
  • 2张移民照片;
  • 收据


  • 如果申请更换公民证书,需要返还以前签发的所有的加拿大公民证书的原件;
  • 非英语或法语的文档需要提供翻译件,并且有翻译人员的宣誓;
  • 更改过出生日期或者改过名字的,需要提供证明
  • Proof that one of your Canadian parents, at the time of your birth, was employed outside Canada in or with the Canadian Armed Forces, the federal public administration or the public service of a province or territory, other than as a locally engaged person.
  • Proof that one of your grandparents, at the time of your Canadian parent’s birth or adoption, was employed outside Canada in or with the Canadian Armed Forces, the federal public administration or the public service of a province or territory, other than as locally engaged person.

