新西兰技术移民 160 分邀请的常见问题-飞出国


2016年后新西兰技术移民 SMC 的EOI分数提高到了160分,且只有160分以上的申请人才能获得邀请,境外没有job offer的要达到160分需要紧缺职业,硕士学历,工作10年这些条件。没有 job offer 的达到160分也可以获得邀请但一般都是给 12个找工作的签证且不能带家人,找到相关工作offer(满足4.8万纽币以上的税前年薪)工作一段时间后再转移民,因此飞出国并没有大力推广这个项目,因为符合条件的人少,获得邀请的人也不一定能转移民(因为还要找offer),加上不能带家人,不适合某些家庭。

EOI 里 160 分才能获得新西兰 SMC 邀请

  1. 满足 160 分一定可以被邀请
  2. 不到 160 分一定不邀请

没有雇主的自身达到 160 分的只给12个月 Job Search visa

如果是新西兰取得的学历且自身满足 160 分也可能直接给 pr。

  • All applicants who meet the health, character, English and selection point requirements, but do not have either skilled employment or a higher degree gained in New Zealand will be invited to apply for a ‘job search visa’ to enable them to find ongoing skilled employment in New Zealand.
  • There will be greater flexibility for offshore applicants to travel to New Zealand within the 12 month validity of their ‘job search visa’.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


SMC job search work visa 是不能续签的,找不到工作就要回家了。

Can I extend my SMC job search work visa?

I was granted an SMC job search visa for 9 months, but I haven’t found a job yet. Can I extend the visa?

No extension available

You have 9 months under the Skilled Migrant job search work visa to get an ongoing, skilled job.

If you haven’t found that type of work in 9 months, we’ll decline your residency.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


EOI 达到160分一定会被邀请,但如果没有 job offer 大概只会给 9 个月 job search 签证。

根据近1年的邀请数据分析,在达到 160 分的人群里,大概有 90% 是有 job offer 可以直接拿pr的,另外 10% 左右只能拿12个月 job search visa,自己去找专业对口工作(不能带配偶和子女的),找不到工作这次移民也就废了。




需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


2017年8月28日后新西兰技术移民 SMC 里达到 160 分但没有 job offer 的会给 job search work visa,这个签证的有效期是 12 个月,而之前给的是 9 个月的工作 search 签证。

Applicants who are outside New Zealand and whose SMC application is assessed under SMC instructions effective on or after 28 August 2017 may be granted a Work to Residence visa allowing work and multiple entries to New Zealand for 12 months from the date the Work to Residence Visa is granted.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


通过 job search work visa 去新西兰后需要找专业对口工作吗

需要的,首先是政策要求,在 SMC 移民政策里,只有专业对口的才算新西兰技能雇佣,既有专业和经验对口的相关工作经验才能加分。

Skilled employment is employment that meets a minimum remuneration threshold and requires specialist, technical or management expertise obtained through:

  1. the completion of recognised relevant qualifications; or
  2. relevant work experience; or
  3. the completion of recognised relevant qualifications and/or work experience.


Your employment may be assessed as skilled if it meets the requirements below.

  • it is described in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), as a skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupation, it substantially matches the ANZSCO description of that occupation, and pays NZ$24.29 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more, or
  • it is described in the ANZSCO as a skill level 4 or 5 occupation, it substantially matches the ANZSCO description of that occupation, and pays $36.44 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more, or
  • it has no corresponding description in the ANZSCO, and pays NZ$36.44 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more.

You’ll need to find the closest matching ANZSCO occupation for your current job or job offer1. You must also be suitably qualified for the employment by training and/or experience requirements corresponding to the skill level of your occupation.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


新西兰技术移民的基本要求是雅思总分 6.5,A,G都可以,两年有效,但雅思不计入分数。

没有 job offer 要达到雅思 160 分基本要硕士及以上学位,紧缺职业工作10年左右,或者配偶雅思也达到6.5且硕士学历。才有可能够 160 分,够 160 分一定可以获得邀请的,但对于没有新西兰学历,没有新西兰雇主offer的只给 job search work visa,这个签证是不能带配偶和子女的,需要过去找 5 万纽币左右年薪的工作才可以转移民,转移民后才能转移民。

Work visa holder supporting family

Most types of work visas allow the holder to support visas for their partners or dependent children. However there are some restrictions to be aware of.

If you hold a work visa, you will normally be able to support the following visas for your partner and dependent children:

  • A open work visa for your partner
  • A visitor visa for your partner or your children
  • A student visa for your children

All work, visitor and student visas granted to the partners or children of work visa holders will be granted for the same duration as your work visa.

Who cannot support visas for partners and dependent children?

You cannot support a work, visitor or student visa for your partner or dependent child if you hold a work visa granted under one of the following categories:

  • Foreign crew of fishing vessels
  • Working Holiday Scheme
  • Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Work Instructions
  • Supplementary Seasonal Employer (SSE) Instructions
  • Silver Fern Job Search Instructions
  • Skilled Migrant Category Job Search Instructions
  • Domestic staff of diplomatic, consular, or official staff
  • Essential Skills, if your employment is lower skilled (see below).

Essential Skills work visas for lower-skilled employment

All Essential Skills work visas applied for after 28 August 2017 will be granted with the skill-band of the employment stated on the approval letter. If your skill band is lower-skilled, you cannot support visas for your family members, unless one of the following applies:

  • Your partner or dependent child held a visa based on their relationship to you on 28 August 2017. You can continue to support your family for visas while holding an Essential Skills visa for lower-skilled employment.
  • You previously studied in New Zealand, then subsequently held a post-study work visa. If you were eligible to support your partner for a work visa or your children for student visas while you held a student visa, and subsequently supported them for a visa based on the relationship while holding your post study work visa, you may continue to support family for visas while holding an Essential Skills visa for lower-skilled employment.

Understanding skill-bands


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/



新西兰薪酬是按时薪或对等年薪来算的,新西兰全职按一周40来计算(based on a 40 hour week)。


薪酬 ANZSCO 1,2,3 类(纽币) 其他类(纽币) - 飞出国
时薪 24.29 36.44
周薪 24.29*40 = 976.1 36.44*40=1457.6
月薪 3886.4 5830.4
年薪 46636.8 69964.8

获得 SMC job search visa 的找到与之前申请移民时职业相关的一年以上的劳动合同且收入满足上面要求的技能工作就可以向移民部申请转永居,不需要等工作满1年或2年后了,当然移民部审批会有一个时间,一般会在12个月 jsv 到期前批 pr 的,获得新西兰 pr 后待满2年(1年住半年吧)可以申请永久回头签,不用住移民监了,因此,申请完新西兰上还可以继续持有加拿大或澳洲的pr的。

对境外没有 job offer 的新西兰技术移民申请人(SMC),新西兰先给的是 job search visa(不是移民签证),这个签证不能带配偶和子女,配偶和子女可以过去旅游,但不能合法工作和读书,也不能呆太久,一年呆半年还是可以的。

如果是直接获得新西兰移民签证当然是可以直接带配偶和子女的,所有国家的移民签证都是以家庭为单位,一人申请全家移民(配偶和子女)。这里说的概念是如果给的是 job search visa 是不能带配偶子女的。

Skilled employment

  • it is described in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), as a skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupation, it substantially matches the ANZSCO description of that occupation, and pays NZ$24.29 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more, or
  • it is described in the ANZSCO as a skill level 4 or 5 occupation, it substantially matches the ANZSCO description of that occupation, and pays $36.44 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more, or
  • it has no corresponding description in the ANZSCO, and pays NZ$36.44 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


想问一下,之前国内有紧缺职业工作经验,现在在新西兰读硕,那这样毕业无offer 的情况下打分够160,申请eoi,会给job search 签证还是pr?

如果新西兰硕士与紧缺职业相关给 pr 的可能性大。

新西兰技术移民 SMC: 如果没有获得新西兰合格的雇主offer(满足薪水要求且自己能胜任的)则需要有2年以上新西兰硕士或博士学历才给一步到位居留的。否则是先给12个月 job search visa。

Can my application under the SMC be approved if I do not have skilled employment in New Zealand?

To be approved residence, an applicant needs to have either skilled employment in New Zealand (or an offer of skilled employment), or a Master’s degree or Doctorate gained after two years of study in New Zealand.

If you are assessed as having sufficient points to meet the selection threshold, and you meet health, character and English language requirements, but do not have skilled employment in New Zealand (or a Master’s degree or Doctorate gained after two years of study in New Zealand), we will defer the decision on your application and invite you to apply for a job search visa. This job search visa will allow you to look for skilled employment in New Zealand. The decision on your residence application will be deferred while you look for skilled employment.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


对境外申请人,NZ 会给 12 个月 job search visa。

How long can I be in New Zealand on the job search visa?

If you meet the requirements of the job search visa policy and are already in New Zealand, you will be granted a job search visa valid for 9 months.

If you meet the requirements of the job search visa policy and you are outside New Zealand you will be granted a job search visa valid for 12 months.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


问下工作年限 怎么扣减? 是不是和 澳大利亚一样,一般减去2年,作为加分年限。比如国内10年工作经验,10-2 =8, 按照8年的工作经验 加分?



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