新西兰工签转移民-认证雇主类别 Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa

新西兰优才工签转移民类永居签证 - Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa

飞出国: 新西兰优才工签(认可雇主) Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa 持有者,如果满足新西兰技术移民 SMC 的160分及雅思总分6.5的话可以直接申请常规技术移民,也可以等工作2年后不需要雅思和评分直接按该 Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa 类别转永居。下面飞出国重点介绍直接转的条件:

  • 申请人首先要为新西兰认可雇主工作满两年(中间允许换雇主);
  • 申请转移民时还在为担保的雇主工作且雇主提供了最少12个月的有效劳动合同;
  • 年薪满足税前 5.5 万纽币的要求
  • 主申请人不需要雅思,但伴侣及16周随行人员英语需要有雅思总分5的同等成绩,否则需要支付新西兰政府语言学习费用

当前飞出国提供可以直接移民的猎头岗位,服务费用15万纽币。该类别也可能受到 2019 年年中新西兰最新工签政策的影响 2019年新西兰工签新政,愿意提供担保的雇主将更少

Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa - flyabroad 2019

This visa is for people who have been employed in New Zealand by an accredited employer for more than 2 years. If you have ongoing employment with the accredited employer and your salary is NZ$55,000 or greater, you may be eligible for this resident visa.

Overview - Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa - flyabroad

DURATION Indefinitely

With this visa you can- Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa - flyabroad

  • Live, work and study in New Zealand.
  • Include your partner and dependent children aged 24 and under in your residence application.

Things to note- Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa - flyabroad

  • To apply for this visa, you must hold a Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa and have worked for an accredited employer for two years.
  • If you changed your employer while on a Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa, you must have had your visa conditions varied.
  • If you have yet to take up a job offer from an accredited employer, you may consider applying for a Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa.

Employment in New Zealand- Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa - flyabroad

To apply for residence, you must have been employed by an accredited employer for 24 months or more

You must hold a Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa and have held that visa for at least 24 months.

Employment must be with an employer who is not included on the list of non-compliant employers maintained by the Labour Inspectorate.

Your employment must also be ongoing. Ongoing employment is:

  • permanent or indefinite; or
  • for a stated term of at least 12 months.

List of non-compliant employers

If you want to apply for residence earlier, you may wish to apply for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC). Use the SMC points indicator within the SMC Visa to check if you may be eligible to apply.

SMC points indicator

If you no longer work for an accredited employer, you must have varied your visa to allow this new employment. We’ll check our records to confirm this has happened.

Minimum income- Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa - flyabroad

To apply for residence, you must be earning at least NZ$55,000 a year (before tax)

English language for family- Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa - flyabroad

Your family must be able to speak English

Your partner and any dependent children aged 16 or over you include in your residence application must meet a minimum standard of English. Evidence can include proof they:

  • have an acceptable English language test result
  • have an English-speaking background
  • are competent speakers of English for other reasons.

English language test results must be no more than 2 years old.

It’s OK if your partner and children over 16 don’t speak English, but you’ll have to pay for English language classes before we can approve your residence application. Then they can learn when they arrive in New Zealand.

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访问 飞出国香港flyabroad.hk)网站获得更多出国移民项目及资讯信息。