QLD 昆士兰州担保qld申请要求,申请流程及常见问题

受2017年4月19日澳洲职业清单调整影响,昆州暂停 190 和 489 担保。

IMPORTANT UPDATE: BSMQ has temporarily suspended Queensland Skilled Visa Nomination for subclass 190 & 489


BPEQ 申请很难吗?需要什么流程?



" Note 2:申请者拥有提名职业的任职资格并且必须有5年的工作经验同时获得提名职业的全职job offer。“
这里面“同时获得提名职业的全职job offer”是指 在昆士兰的offer吗还是指在国内的就可以?


现在昆州电气裸分55分能得到190担保?我的飞克中介告诉我他们电气裸分55分没有收到邀请 电气裸分60分才有 是这样吗


2017年10月25日,昆州进一步限制当前在澳洲但不在昆州(在澳大利亚其他州 Interstate)的申请人需要满足已经在昆州工作类别或满足昆州毕业生类别要求才能申请,也就是,如果是在其他州读书的申请人申请昆州要求更多。

BSMQ Update: Interstate Skilled Applicants no longer eligible

25 October, 2017

By Official BSMQ

Interstate applicants are no longer able to apply for Queensland state nomination. If you are currently interstate, in order to be eligible for Queensland state nomination, you must meet our Working in Queensland or Alumni pathway criteria. This would require you to move to Queensland and meet any working requirements before submitting an Expression of Interest to BSMQ.

Please see our criteria:

  • Working in Queensland
  • I’m a Queensland Postgraduate Alumni

飞出国:2018年5月11日,昆士兰州暂停发出新技术移民和商业移民邀请。同时暂停关闭新的 EOI 申请。何时开放另行通知。

BSMQ temporarily suspends issuing new invitations for business and skilled applications

11 May 2018

BSMQ currently has a backlog of applications and is temporarily suspending issuing new invitations. Please note that we will not be accepting any more Expression of Interests (EOIs) until further notice.

飞出国:QLD 官方宣布2018-2019年度新的州担保清单将在7月份发布,当前州担保已暂停申请,之前的州担保清单已经无法访问。

Queensland Skilled Occupation Lists (QSOL)

The Queensland Skilled Occupation Lists (QSOL) reflect the current labour demand for positions throughout Queensland. Check the category applicable to your current situation to see if your profession is in demand in Queensland and ensure that you meet any specialisations and work experience requirements.

There are additional requirements against particular occupations on our lists, which may include a job offer, registration and work experience in specialised fields. Please do not submit an EOI if you do not meet the additional requirements (if applicable) as specified against your occupation.

Please note: you must obtain a valid Skills Assessment (mandatory) and registration (where applicable) prior to lodging your EOI.

New Skilled Occupation Lists to be released in July 2018

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me


大家都在抢博士,博士类别申请人只有在移民部190清单上就可以,不需要job offer,其他达到EOI最低要求就能申请。

DHA 职业清单: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/190-?modal=/Trav/Work/Work/Skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists

7.2 日,昆士兰州担保开放了 2018-19 年度的申请配额,EOI 分数根据联邦要求提高5分到 65 分。

  • 计算机职业需要昆州1年雇主offer+75分;
  • 工程师职业要求昆州工程师认证, 昆士兰 BPEQ 工程师认证申请指南 - Board of Professional Engineers Queensland
  • 所有 offlist 职业都可以申请489,但有部分职业不能申请190;
  • 233914 Engineering Technologist 工程技师需要达到70分;
  • 233912 Agricultural Engineer 农业工程师无额外要求;
  • 233213 Quantity Surveyor 工料测量师无额外要求;
  • 232212 Surveyor 测量员无额外要求;
  • 133111 Construction Project Manager 建筑项目经理只能申请489,要求5年相关工作经验;
  • 大部分技工只能申请489;

详见: QLD 2018年7月2日最新昆州担保清单-境外类别-Queensland Skilled Occupation Lists (QSOL) Offshore (subclass 190) & (subclass 489)

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
