曼省技术移民 EOI 评分标准 MPNP Expression of Interest Ranking Points Grid 2018

2018年曼省技术移民 EOI 评分标准 - 飞出国

MPNP Expression of Interest Ranking for Skilled Workers - flyabroad 2018

曼省省提名技术移民 EOI 评分标准总分1000分,评分项包括:

  • 语言(根据 clb 级别单项积分,第二语言达到 clb 5 可以加25分,第一语言最多可以加 100 分,共计 125 分),
  • 年龄最高 75 分(21-45周岁之间),
  • 工作经验4年以上就是75分(持有曼省内需要注册的职业的证书可以加100分,申请时提名的职业需要与该职业相关),
  • 教育最高125分(硕士或博士),
  • 适应能力最高500分(有远亲或朋友加50分,有近亲加200分,有曼省工作或留学经验可以加100分),
  • 曼省评分里还有风险减分项,如果与其他省份联系密切(在其他省读过书或在其他省工作过)会被减分。

2018 年曼省EOI评分表各项说明-飞出国

Factor 1: 语言能力 Language Proficiency - 飞出国

语言CLB级别-飞出国 曼省得分
第一语言 飞出国
CLB 8 或更高 25 每项
CLB 7 22 每项
CLB 6 20 每项
CLB 5 17 每项
CLB 4 12 每项
CLB 3 或更低
Second Official Language 飞出国
CLB 5 或更高 (overall) 25
最高得分 – Factor 1 125

Factor 2: 年龄 Age - 飞出国

飞出国:曼省技术移民 EOI 类别年龄评分按递交 MB PNP EOI 时的年龄计算,最高 75 分。

年龄-飞出国 分数
18 20
19 30
20 40
21 to 45 75
46 40
47 30
48 20
49 10
50 及以上 0
最高得分 – Factor 2 75

Factor 3: 工作经验 Work experience - 飞出国


工作年限-飞出国 得分
一年 40
两年 50
三年 60
四年及以上 75
获得职业资格认证 100
最高得分 – Factor 3 175

Factor 4: 教育得分 Education - 飞出国

曼省 EOI 评分标准里按照申请人已经取得的最高学历计算学历分数。

已经完成的最高教育-飞出国 得分
硕士或博士 125
两个学制2年以上的高等教育 115
一个学制3年及以上的高度教育 110
一个学制2年的高等教育 100
一年高等教育 70
技工证书 Trade Certificate 70
非正式高中后教育 No formal post-secondary education 0
最高得分 – Factor 4 125

Factor 5: 适应能力 Adaptability - 飞出国


适应能力项-飞出国 得分
曼省联系 飞出国
有曼省近亲属 200
在曼省有半年以上工作经验 100
在曼省完成2年以上的高等教育 100
在曼省完成1年的高等教育 50
在曼省有朋友或远亲 50
曼省需要 Manitoba Demand 飞出国
曼省6个月以上工作(为同一个雇主) 500
获得 Strategic Initiative 邀请 500
偏远地区开发 Regional Development 飞出国
移民定居地在温尼伯以外地区 50
最高得分 – Factor 5 500

Factor 6: 风险评估 Risk Assessment - 飞出国


分险项-飞出国 曼省得分
其他省有近亲但曼省没有 0
有其他省份工作经验 -100
在其他省读过书 -100
曾经申请过其他省提名 0
最高得分 – Factor 6 -200

MPNP-Expression-of-Interest-Ranking-Points-Grid-2018-flyabroad.pdf (341.4 KB)。

曼省技术移民 EOI 评分标准 2018 官方英文版-飞出国

Expression of Interest Ranking for Skilled Workers


By completing an Expression of Interest, you automatically receive a score based on a number of criteria. The highest-scoring candidates in the pool will be invited on a regular basis to provide a full application to the MPNP.

You can view a PDF version of our EOI Ranking points grid or read on to learn more about how you will be scored.

Factor 1: Language Proficiency

Points are based on individual Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) band scores for Reading Writing, Listening and Speaking. Points awarded based on official test results provided. Those candidates who do not submit valid results of an approved language test do not receive points in this category. To be considered valid, your test must have been taken no more than two years prior to the date you submit your MPNP Online application. Points for the second official language are also based on evidence in form of official test results indicating the candidate scores at least at CLB 5 overall.

Language Proficiency Ranking Points
First Official Language
CLB 8 or higher 25 per band
CLB 7 22 per band
CLB 6 20 per band
CLB 5 17 per band
CLB 4 12 per band
CLB 3 or lower 0
Second Official Language
CLB 5 or higher (overall) 25
Maximum Points – Factor 1 125

Factor 2: Age

Points are based on your age at the time your Expression of Interest is submitted to the MPNP.

Age Ranking Points
18 20
19 30
20 40
21 to 45 75
46 40
47 30
48 20
49 10
50 or older 0
Maximum Points – Factor 2 75

Factor 3: Work experience

Points are calculated based on your years of full-time work experience. Your employment is considered full-time if you are working for 30 hours or more each week for the same employer.Only full-time jobs of six months or longer should be included. You should only count full years of work experience you have already completed. Do not round up your work experience (Ex.: If you have gained 7 months of work experience, you would have to answer less than 1).

Additional points for licensing are only awarded to those candidates who are working in professions or trades that require licensing in Manitoba and have completed all necessary steps to be able to seek employment in Manitoba. Evidence of this is required at the time an application is submitted to the MPNP.

Years of work experience Ranking Points
less than one year 0
one year 40
two years 50
three years 60
four years or more 75
Fully recognized by provincial licensing body 100
Maximum Points – Factor 3 175

Factor 4: Education

Points are calculated based on the highest level of education you completed at a recognized education institution . A completed program is one for which you have met all requirements and received a certificate, diploma or degree.

Highest level of completed education Ranking Points
Master’s degree or Doctorate 125
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each 115
One post-secondary program of three years or more 110
One post-secondary program of two years 100
One-year post-secondary program 70
Trade Certificate 70
No formal post-secondary education 0
Maximum Points – Factor 4 125

Factor 5: Adaptability

Adaptability points are calculated based on the type of connection you have to Manitoba. All candidates must have at least one type of connection to our province (Regional Development is considered a supplemental connection factor; points can only be awarded in combination with a Manitoba connection). You cannot be awarded points for more than one connection factor, you will only be scored based on your connection which gives you the highest score. Supplemental points for Regional Development cannot be awarded to candidates whose connection to Manitoba is based on Manitoba Demand. All candidates indicating that they plan to settle outside of Winnipeg MUST at the time of application satisfactorily demonstrate that they have a convincing connection to a region outside of the capital city indicating a strong likelihood that they will make a long-term economic contribution to that region.

Adaptability Factor Ranking Points
Connection to Manitoba
Close relative in Manitoba 200
Previous authorized work experience in Manitoba (six months or more) 100
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (two years or more) 100
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (one year) 50
Close friend or distant relative in Manitoba 50
Manitoba Demand
Ongoing employment in Manitoba for six months or more with long-term job offer from the same employer 500
Invitation to Apply under a Strategic Initiative 500
Regional Development
Immigration destination in Manitoba outside of Winnipeg 50
Maximum Points – Factor 5 500

Factor 6: Risk Assessment

Ranking points will no longer be deducted if you or your spouse have a close relative living in another Canadian province or if you have a previous immigration application to another province. You are still required to answer these questions. The maximum negative ranking points possible now is -200.

If you have a valid EOI, you do NOT need to create a new one, the points will automatically be adjusted. You can log-in to view your current score and change/update your valid profile at any time if your circumstances change by updating the information in your EOI and hitting re-submit.

Points are calculated based on any connections you or your spouse, if applicable, may have to other parts of Canada.

Risk Factor Ranking Points
Close relative in another province and no close relative in Manitoba 0
Work experience in another province -100
Studies in another province -100
Previous immigration application to another province 0
Maximum Points – Factor 6 -200


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


曼省技术移民 EOI 评分参考-飞出国

曼省EOI评分项-飞出国 得分 说明-飞出国
雅思听 22 CLB8 25分;CLB7 22分;CLB6 20分;CLB5 17分;CLB4 12分
雅思读 22 CLB8 25分;CLB7 22分;CLB6 20分;CLB5 17分;CLB4 12分
雅思写 22 CLB8 25分;CLB7 22分;CLB6 20分;CLB5 17分;CLB4 12分
雅思说 22 CLB8 25分;CLB7 22分;CLB6 20分;CLB5 17分;CLB4 12分
第二语言 0 总分 CLB 5 25分,语言最高 125分
年龄 75 21-45 75分;46 40分;47 30分;48 20分;49 10分
工经经验 75 1年 40分;2年 50;3年 60;4年 75;职业资格100
教育 125 硕博 125,双学历115,3年专科本科110,2年100,1年或技工 70
适应分 200 曼省近亲 200;曼省工作半年 100;曼省留学2年 100,曼省留学1年或朋友 50。曼省6个月工作和 Strategic 邀请500分,偏远地区 50,最高500
风险扣分 0 其他省读过书或工作过,每项扣50
曼省EOI得分 563 飞出国:按硕士雅思4个6,工作4年,年龄45岁内来算


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
