BCPNP 2018 年收入要求 Minimum Income Requirements - Skills Immigration

卑诗省提名技术工人类别收入要求 - 飞出国

温哥华地区收入要求根据家庭规模比其他地区高 3000-10000加币。3口之家在温哥华地区最低收入3.5万加币,大温之外地区2.91万加币。

Family Income Threshold by Area of Residence

Size of Family Greater Vancouver Regional District Rest of B.C.
1 $22,804 $19,006
2 $28,390 $23,659
3 $34,902 $29,087
4 $42,376 $35,316
5 $48,062 $40,054
6 $54,205 $45,175
7 or more $60,350 $50,296

The income thresholds in this table represent 90% of an amount calculated from the appropriate 2017
Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) figures set by Statistics Canada.

This table is updated regularly to reflect the latest LICO figures.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


BCPNP 技术移民最低收入要求 - 飞出国2018

国际硕士留学生类别不需要满足这个收入要求,包含主申在 BC 的收入,也包含副申(如果副申也在BC工作的话)。

大温地区(Greater Vancouver Regional District)要求比其他地区高。家庭成员个数不包含是加拿大公民或加拿大永居。配偶只有在提供离婚或分居证明时才不计入家庭成员个数,在 BC 阶段的家庭成员个数需要与在联邦阶段的相同。

对已经持有效工签在加拿大工作的需要提供历史工资收入,证明一直满足要求。对获得IRCC LIMA认证的工作,提交BC申请时该工作offer需要满足上述收入要求。

Minimum Income Requirements - Skills Immigration - BCPNP 2018

To be eligible for the BC PNP’s Skills Immigration streams, except for the International Post-Graduate stream, you must meet minimum income requirements according to your:

  • annual wage in B.C.
  • location of residence in B.C.
  • number of dependants

The BC PNP has established minimum family income thresholds for the Greater Vancouver Regional District and the rest of B.C. Your family must meet the minimum family income threshold for your
chosen area of residence.

Family income is the total of:

  • your regular gross annual wage from the B.C. employer supporting your BC PNP application plus
  • if applicable, your spouse or common-law partner’s regular gross annual wage in B.C. Your spouse or common-law partner must have a valid work permit or valid employment authorization

In calculating your family income, the BC PNP will only consider regular gross annual wages. BC PNP does not consider bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing distributions, tips/gratuities, overtime wages, housing allowances, room and board or other similar payments to be part of your wage.

Please note that for the purposes of determining your family income, your annual wage is calculated using the number of hours worked in a week to a maximum of 40 hours/week x 52 weeks per year. For longhaul truck drivers, your annual wage is calculated using the number of hours worked in a week to a maximum of 60 hours/week x 52 weeks.

  • For the purpose of calculating family size, dependants who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents are not included in the calculation.

The onus is on your employer to demonstrate that the offered wage is genuine and bona fide. Applications will not be approved where the BC PNP believes that the offered wage has been inflated or increased for the purpose of meeting minimum income requirements, or for the purpose of obtaining a higher registration score.

If you are working for your B.C. employer on a valid work permit, you must be able to demonstrate a history of earning the offered wage and a history of meeting minimum income requirements prior to submitting a registration and application to the BC PNP. Entry level and semi-skilled applicants must be able to demonstrate a history of meeting the applicable income threshold requirement for the full nine month period prior to submitting a registration and application.

If you were originally hired based on a positive federal Labour Market Impact Assessment, the wage you are earning at the time of registration and/or application must be equal to or greater than the wage stated in the offer of employment and on the Labour Market Impact Assessment.

Your spouse or common-law partner’s annual wage will only be included in the family income calculation if your spouse or common-law partner has a valid work permit or valid employment authorization, and is currently employed in B.C. The table below includes the size of your family unit (your spouse or common-law partner and dependent children, whether or not they come with you to live in B.C.), to determine if you meet the minimum family income threshold for your area of residence.

Please note that your spouse will be included in the size of your family unless you provide a signed Statutory Declaration of your official separation, a Divorce Certificate, or an equivalent official document indicating that the relationship has ended.

Please also note that the number of dependants declared on your federal application for permanent residence to IRCC must match the number of dependants listed on your BC PNP application. The BC PNP must be informed of any changes to your family size throughout the BC PNP and IRCC permanent residence application process.

Any changes to your dependant information may affect minimum income requirements. Failure to notify the BC PNP of any changes may result in a refusal of your application or withdrawal of your nomination.

The income thresholds in this table represent 90% of an amount calculated from the appropriate 2017 Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) figures set by Statistics Canada.

This table is updated regularly to reflect the latest LICO figures.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
