安省雇主担保移民对雇主及担保职位的要求 2018 OINP Employer & Position Criteria

OINP 安省雇主担保 2018 年基本要求 - 飞出国


OINP 对雇主要求(Employer Criteria)-飞出国 2018:

  • 运营要求:企业运营3年以上,在安省有实际办公地点,符合安省法规
  • 年收入及雇员要求(雇员需要加拿大永居或公民):
    • 大多地区(Greater Toronto Area),最近财年营业额100万加币,雇佣5个全职员工
    • 大多以外地区,最近财年营业额50万加币,雇佣3个全职员工

OINP 对担保职位要求(Position Criteria)-飞出国 2018:

  • 职位需要是全职和连续的(每周30小时,一年1560小时)
  • Foreign Worker with a Job Offer Stream 要求 0,A,B 技能级别职业,In-Demand Skills Stream 需要是农业和建筑业的 C,D 类职业
  • 符合当地的收入标准(一般要求是达到平均收入,而且不能比已经在职相同岗位的其他职员的低)
  • 岗位需求出于企业经营需要,工作职责需要与企业的业务一致
  • 该雇员必须是在多伦多地区工作(不能外派到其他地区或境外)
  • 雇主需要证明已经在当地努力招聘过

OINP Employers - Who can Support an Application

To be eligible, an employer must also meet the employer criteria and position offered to the applicant must meet the position criteria . The employer will attest to the employer and position criteria using the Employer Form. For the In-Demand Skills Stream, the employer is required to submit supporting documentation to confirm the information provided in the Employer Form.

Employer Criteria

  • Employers must have been in active business (corporations, limited partnerships and sole proprietorships) for at least 3 years .
  • Employers must have business premises in Ontario where the prospective nominee will work.
  • Employers must be in compliance with the Ontario Employment Standards Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act .
  • Employers inside of the Greater Toronto Area must have:
    • A minimum of $1,000,000 in gross annual revenue for the most recent fiscal year,
    • Five full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the location where the applicant will work.
  • Employers outside of the Greater Toronto Area must have:
    • A minimum of $500,000 in gross annual revenue for the most recent fiscal year,
    • Three full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the location where the applicant will work.

Position Criteria

To be considered for as an eligible position, the position must:

  • Be full-time position and of an indeterminate duration
    • Must consist of a minimum of 30 hours per week and at least 1,560 hours in a one year period.
  • Be in a eligible occupation:
  • Meet the median or low wage level for that occupation and region of Ontario.
  • For the Foreign Worker and In-Demand Skills Streams, the position must meet the median wage level for the occupation in the specific employment region of Ontario where the applicant will be working.
  • For the International Student Stream, the position must meet the low wage level for the occupation in the specific employment region of Ontario where the applicant will be working.
  • If the applicant is already working for the employer in the position, the wage of the job offer must also be equal to or greater than the wage level that the employer currently pays the applicant in that position.
  • Not affect the settlement of any labour dispute or affect the employment of a person involved in such a dispute.
  • Be necessary to the employer’s business. This means that the job duties must be consistent with the business activities of the business.
  • The anticipated employment activities related to the position must occur primarily in Ontario.

Note: Employers may have to demonstrate sufficient proof of recruitment efforts if the applicant is an individual who currently lives abroad, is visiting Canada, or is working in a province or territory other than Ontario.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


安省雇主资格申请指南-飞出国: oi_en_employer-2018-flyabroad.pdf (597.1 KB)。


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
