
1 关于supporting documents的翻译问题,需要翻译的文件有:结婚证,出生证明,毕业证,学位证,工作证明,银行流水,存款/理财等。在上海,有推荐的翻译公司吗?公证处的翻译去咨询过,时间更长,价格更贵。移民指导里关于移民的说明如下,那么是否翻译公司即可?还是需要翻译+公证?最后一句话中,proof from the translator describing their translation ability or certification. 是指什么?翻译公司的营业执照吗?
Certified Translation of Documents: When documents are not in English or in French, the principalapplicant
must submit a copy of the original document and a copy of the certified translation. NSOI will only accept
translations prepared by certified translators. Translators must be certified by a regulatory body and cannot be a
family member of the applicant or spouse, or common-law partner, or work for a paid consultant or representative
who is preparing the application. The applicant must also supply proof from the translator describing their
translation ability or certification.

