QSOL 2018 昆州境内工签持有者州担保清单 Working in Queensland

2018-2019 年度最新昆士兰州境内工签申请人州担保职业清单 - 飞出国

昆士兰州担保境内已经工作半年(6个月)的申请人可以提名的州担保担保清单, QLD 官方 2018年7月2日最后更新。

在昆州 Onshore 申请昆士兰州担保需要在昆州已经工作6个月且当前雇主offer还有12个月,同时提名职业与正在工作的职业相关。


  1. 雅思4个6(或PTE A 4个50)
  2. 通过职业评估
  3. EOI 分数达到 65 分(自身分数到达60分可以申请190,自身分数达到55分可以申请489,有些职业有自己的分数要求)
  4. 获邀时年龄45周岁之内

20180702 昆州境内工作6个月以上申请人可担保职业清单(335)-飞出国


ANZSCO QLD 昆州工作类别 - 飞出国 190 签证 489 签证 具体要求-飞出国
121111 水产养殖农民 / Aquaculture Farmer 190 489
121211 棉农 / Cotton Grower 190 489
121212 花农 / Flower Grower 190 489
121213 水果或坚果种植者 / Fruit or Nut Grower 190 489
121215 葡萄种植者 / Grape Grower 190 489
121217 甘蔗种植者 / Sugar Cane Grower 190 489
121221 菜农(澳洲) / Vegetable Grower 190 489
121299 作物农民NEC的 / Crop Farmers nec 190 489
121311 养蜂家 / Apiarist 190 489
121312 肉牛农民 / Beef Cattle Farmer 190 489
121313 奶牛农民 / Dairy Cattle Farmer 190 489
121316 马饲养员 / Horse Breeder 190 489
121317 农民人畜混 / Mixed Livestock Farmer 190 489
121318 养猪农民 / Pig Farmer 190 489
121321 家禽饲养 / Poultry Farmer 190 489
121322 羊农民 / Sheep Farmer 190 489
121399 畜牧业农民NEC / Livestock Farmers nec 190 489
121411 混合作物和牲畜农民 / Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer 190 489
131112 销售和市场营销经理 / Sales and Marketing Manager 190 489 70分
131113 广告管理 / Advertising Manager 190 489 70分
131114 公共关系经理 / Public Relations Manager 190 489
132111 企业服务经理 / Corporate Services Manager 190 489
132211 财务经理 / Finance Manager 190 489 毕业后2年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
132411 政策和规划经理 / Policy and Planning Manager 190 489
133111 施工项目经理 / Construction Project Manager 190 489
133112 项目建造师 / Project Builder 190 489
133211 工程师经理 / Engineering Manager 190 489
133511 生产经理(林业) / Production Manager (Forestry) 190 489
133512 生产经理(制造业) / Production Manager (Manufacturing) 190 489
133513 生产经理(采矿) / Production Manager (Mining) 190 489
133612 采购经理 / Procurement Manager 190 489
139915 体育管理员 / Sports Administrator 190 489
134111 幼儿中心经理 / Child Care Centre Manager 190 489
134212 护理临床主任 / Nursing Clinical Director 190 489
134213 初级卫生机构经理 / Primary Health Organisation Manager 190 489
134214 福利中心经理 / Welfare Centre Manager 190 489
134299 卫生和福利服务经理NEC / Health and Welfare Services Managers nec 190 489
139911 艺术管理者或经理 / Arts Administrator or Manager 190 489
139913 实验室经理 / Laboratory Manager 190 489
139914 质量保证经理 / Quality Assurance Manager 190 489
139999 专家经理 NEC / Specialist Managers nec 190 489
141111 咖啡馆或餐厅经理 / Cafe or Restaurant Manager 190 489 毕业后3年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
141311 酒店或汽车旅馆经理 / Hotel or Motel Manager 190 489
141999 住宿和接待经理NEC / Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec 190 489
149413 运输公司经理 / Transport Company Manager 190 489
211112 舞蹈演员及编舞 / Dancer or Choreographer 190 489
212411 文案 / Copywriter 190 489 毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
212412 报纸或期刊编辑 / Newspaper or Periodical Editor 190 489 毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
212413 报刊杂志记者 / Print Journalist 190 489 毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
212415 技术作家 / Technical Writer 190 489 毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
212416 电视记者 / Television Journalist 190 489 毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
212499 记者和其他作家NEC / Journalists and Other Writers nec 190 489 毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
221111 会计师(普通) / Accountant (General) 190 489 毕业后2年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
221112 管理会计师 / Management Accountant 190 489 毕业后2年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
221113 税务会计师 / Taxation Accountant 190 489 毕业后2年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
221211 公司秘书 / Company Secretary 190 489
221213 外审 / External Auditor 190 489 EOI 70分,毕业后2年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
221214 内审 / Internal Auditor 190 489 EOI 70分,毕业后2年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
222211 金融市场经销商 / Financial Market Dealer 190 489
222213 证券经纪交易商 / Stockbroking Dealer 190 489
222299 金融交易商NEC / Financial Dealers nec 190 489
223112 招聘顾问 / Recruitment Consultant 190 489
223211 ICT培训师 / ICT Trainer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
224111 精算师 / Actuary 190 489
224112 数学家 / Mathematician 190 489
224212 画廊或博物馆馆长 / Gallery or Museum Curator 190 489
224213 卫生信息管理员 / Health Information Manager 190 489
224214 记录管理员 / Records Manager 190 489
224412 政策分析师 / Policy Analyst 190 489
224511 土地经济学家 / Land Economist 190 489
224711 管理顾问 / Management Consultant 190 489
224712 组织和方法分析师 / Organisation and Methods Analyst 190 489
224912 联络主任联络官 / Liaison Officer 190 489
224914 专利审查员 / Patents Examiner 190 489
224999 信息和组织专业人员NEC / Information and Organisation Professionals nec 190 489
225311 公共关系专员 / Public Relations Professional 190 489
231111 飞机飞行员 / Aeroplane Pilot 190 489
231113 飞行教练 / Flying Instructor 190 489
231114 直升机飞行员 / Helicopter Pilot 190 489
232111 建筑师 / Architect 190 489
232213 制图师 / Cartographer 190 489
232214 其他空间科学家 / Other Spatial Scientist 190 489
232212 测量员 / Surveyor 190 489
232511 室内设计师 / Interior Designer 190 489
233111 化学工程师 / Chemical Engineer 190 489
233112 材料工程师 / Materials Engineer 190 489
233211 土木工程师 / Civil Engineer 190 489
233212 岩土工程师 / Geotechnical Engineer 190 489
233213 工料测量师 / Quantity Surveyor 190 489
233214 结构工程师 / Structural Engineer 190 489
233215 交通工程师 / Transport Engineer 190 489
233311 电气工程师 / Electrical Engineer 190 489
233511 工业工程师 / Industrial Engineer 190 489
233512 机械工程师 / Mechanical Engineer 190 489
233513 生产或工厂工程师 / Production or Plant Engineer 190 489
233911 航空工程师 / Aeronautical Engineer 190 489
233912 农业工程师 / Agricultural Engineer 190 489
233913 生物医学工程师 / Biomedical Engineer 190 489
233914 工程技师 / Engineering Technologist 190 489
233915 环境工程师 / Environmental Engineer 190 489
233916 海军建筑师 / Naval Architect 190 489
234111 农业顾问 / Agricultural Consultant 190 489
234112 农业科学家 / Agricultural Scientist 190 489
234113 护林员 / Forester 190 489
234213 葡萄酒生产商 / Wine Maker 190 489
234311 保育主任 / Conservation Officer 190 489
234399 环境科学家NEC / Environmental Scientists nec 190 489
234411 地质学家 / Geologist 190 489
234611 医学实验室科学家 / Medical Laboratory Scientist 190 489
234711 兽医 / Veterinarian 190 489
241111 幼儿教育(学前教育)教师 / Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher 190 489 需要获得 Queenslnad College of Teachers 注册;
241213 小学教师 / Primary School Teacher 190 489 需要获得 Queenslnad College of Teachers 注册;
241511 特别需要教师 / Special Needs Teacher 190 489 需要获得 Queenslnad College of Teachers 注册;
241512 聋哑教师 / Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 190 489 需要获得 Queenslnad College of Teachers 注册;
241513 视障教师 / Teacher of the Sight Impaired 190 489 需要获得 Queenslnad College of Teachers 注册;
241599 特殊教育教师NEC / Special Education Teachers nec 190 489 需要获得 Queenslnad College of Teachers 注册;
251211 医用放射诊断技师 / Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 190 489
251212 医疗放射治疗师 / Medical Radiation Therapist 190 489
251213 核医学技师 / Nuclear Medicine Technologist 190 489
251214 超声检查技师 / Sonographer 190 489
251311 环境卫生官员 / Environmental Health Officer 190 489
251312 职业健康与安全顾问 / Occupational Health and Safety Adviser 190 489
251411 验光师 / Optometrist 190 489
251412 视觉矫正师 / Orthoptist 190 489
251511 医院药剂师 / Hospital Pharmacist 190 489
251512 工业药师 / Industrial Pharmacist 190 489
251513 零售药剂师 / Retail Pharmacist 190 489
251911 健康推广主任 / Health Promotion Officer 190 489
251912 矫形或义肢技师 / Orthotist or Prosthetist 190 489
251999 健康诊断和促进专业人员NEC / Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec 190 489
252311 牙科专家 / Dental Specialist 190 489
252312 牙科医生 / Dentist 190 489
252411 职业治疗师 / Occupational Therapist 190 489
252511 物理治疗师 / Physiotherapist 190 489
252611 足病诊疗师 / Podiatrist 190 489
252711 听力学家 / Audiologist 190 489
252712 语言病理学家 / Speech Pathologist 190 489
253111 普通科医生 / General Practitioner 190 489
253112 居民医疗官 / Resident Medical Officer 190 489
253211 麻醉师 / Anaesthetist 190 489
253311 专科医师(全科医学) / Specialist Physician (General Medicine) 190 489
253312 心脏病专家 / Cardiologist 190 489
253313 临床血液病医生 / Clinical Haematologist 190 489
253314 肿瘤内科医生医生 / Medical Oncologist 190 489
253315 内分泌学家 / Endocrinologist 190 489
253316 胃肠病医生 / Gastroenterologist 190 489
253317 重症监护专家 / Intensive Care Specialist 190 489
253318 神经学家 / Neurologist 190 489
253321 儿科医生 / Paediatrician 190 489
253322 肾内科专家 / Renal Medicine Specialist 190 489
253323 风湿病专家 / Rheumatologist 190 489
253324 胸科医学专家 / Thoracic Medicine Specialist 190 489
253399 专家医师NEC的 / Specialist Physicians nec 190 489
253411 精神科医生 / Psychiatrist 190 489
253511 外科医生(普通) / Surgeon (General) 190 489
253512 心胸外科医生 / Cardiothoracic Surgeon 190 489
253513 神经外科专家 / Neurosurgeon 190 489
253514 矫形外科医生 / Orthopaedic Surgeon 190 489
253515 耳鼻喉科专家 / Otorhinolaryngologist 190 489
253516 儿科医生 / Paediatric Surgeon 190 489
253517 整形外科医生 / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon 190 489
253518 泌尿科医师 / Urologist 190 489
253521 血管外科医生 / Vascular Surgeon 190 489
253911 皮肤科医生 / Dermatologist 190 489
253912 急诊医学专家 / Emergency Medicine Specialist 190 489
253913 产科医生和妇科医生 / Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 190 489
253914 眼科医生 / Ophthalmologist 190 489
253915 病理学家 / Pathologist 190 489
253917 诊断和介入放射科专家 / Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist 190 489
253918 放射肿瘤科专家 / Radiation Oncologist 190 489
253999 其他医疗执业人员 / Medical Practitioners nec 190 489
254111 助产士 / Midwife 190 489
254411 护士执业 / Nurse Practitioner 190 489
254412 注册护士(老年护理) / Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 190 489
254413 注册护士(儿童和家庭健康) / Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) 190 489
254414 注册护士(社区卫生服务) / Registered Nurse (Community Health) 190 489
254415 注册护士(重症监护和紧急) / Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) 190 489
254416 注册护士(发展迟缓) / Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) 190 489
254417 注册护士(残疾和康复) / Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) 190 489
254418 注册护士(医学) / Registered Nurse (Medical) 190 489
254421 注册护士(医疗实践) / Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) 190 489
254422 注册护士(心理健康) / Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 190 489
254423 注册护士(围手术期) / Registered Nurse (Perioperative) 190 489
254424 注册护士(手术) / Registered Nurse (Surgical) 190 489
254425 注册护士(儿科) / Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) 190 489
254499 其他注册护士 / Registered Nurses nec 190 489
261111 ICT业务分析师 / ICT Business Analyst 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
261112 系统分析员 / Systems Analyst 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
261212 Web开发员 / Web Developer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
261311 分析程序员 / Analyst Programmer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
261312 开发程序员 / Developer Programmer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
261313 软件工程师 / Software Engineer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
261314 软件测试员 / Software Tester 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
262112 信息和通信技术安全专家 / ICT Security Specialist 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
263111 计算机网络和系统工程师 / Computer Network and Systems Engineer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
263112 网络管理员 / Network Administrator 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
263113 网络分析师 / Network Analyst 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
263211 ICT质量保证工程师 / ICT Quality Assurance Engineer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
263212 信息和通信技术支持工程师 / ICT Support Engineer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
263213 信息和通信技术系统测试工程师 / ICT Systems Test Engineer 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
263299 信息和通信技术支持和测试工程师NEC / ICT Support and Test Engineers nec 190 489 EOI 70分,ACS认可的毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
271111 律师 / Barrister 190 489
271311 律师 / Solicitor 190 489
272111 职业顾问 / Careers Counsellor 190 489
272112 药物和酒精顾问 / Drug and Alcohol Counsellor 190 489
272113 家庭和婚姻顾问 / Family and Marriage Counsellor 190 489
272114 康复顾问 / Rehabilitation Counsellor 190 489
272115 学生顾问辅导员 / Student Counsellor 190 489
272199 辅导员NEC / Counsellors nec 190 489
272311 临床心理学家 / Clinical Psychologist 190 489
272312 教育心理学家 / Educational Psychologist 190 489
272313 组织心理学家 / Organisational Psychologist 190 489
272314 心理治疗师 / Psychotherapist 190 489
272399 心理学家NEC / Psychologists nec 190 489
272412 口译 / Interpreter 190 489
272499 社会专业人员NEC / Social Professionals nec 190 489
272511 社工 / Social Worker 190 489
272611 社区艺术工作家 / Community Arts Worker 190 489
272612 康乐主任 / Recreation Officer 190 489
272613 福利工作者 / Welfare Worker 190 489
311111 农业技术员 / Agricultural Technician 190 489
311211 麻醉技术员 / Anaesthetic Technician 190 489
311212 心脏技术员 / Cardiac Technician 190 489
311213 医学实验室技术员 / Medical Laboratory Technician 190 489
311214 手术室技术员 / Operating Theatre Technician 190 489
311215 药剂技术员 / Pharmacy Technician 190 489
311216 病理收集员(澳洲)-抽血员(新西兰) / Pathology Collector 190 489
311299 医疗技师NEC / Medical Technicians nec 190 489
311312 肉类督察 / Meat Inspector 190 489
311399 初级产品检查员NEC / Primary Products Inspectors nec 190 489
311411 化学技术员 / Chemistry Technician 190 489
311412 地球科学技术员 / Earth Science Technician 190 489
311413 生命科学技术员 / Life Science Technician 190 489
311499 其他科学技术员 / Science Technicians nec 190 489
312113 建筑检查员 / Building Inspector 190 489
312114 建筑估算员 / Construction Estimator 190 489
312116 测量或空间科学技术员 / Surveying or Spatial Science Technician 190 489
312199 建筑,建造及测量技术员NEC / Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec 190 489
312211 土木工程绘图员 / Civil Engineering Draftsperson 190 489
312611 安全检查员 / Safety Inspector 190 489
312911 维护规划员 / Maintenance Planner 190 489
312912 冶金或材料技术员 / Metallurgical or Materials Technician 190 489
312913 矿副 / Mine Deputy 190 489
312999 建筑及工程技术员NEC / Building and Engineering Technicians nec 190 489
313111 硬件技术员 / Hardware Technician 190 489 EOI 70分,毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
313112 ICT 客户支持 / ICT Customer Support Officer 190 489 EOI 70分,毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
313113 Web管理员 / Web Administrator 190 489 EOI 70分,毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
313199 信息和通信技术支持技术员NEC / ICT Support Technicians nec 190 489 EOI 70分,毕业后5年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
313211 无线电通信技术员 / Radiocommunications Technician 190 489
321111 汽车电工 / Automotive Electrician 190 489
321211 汽车技工(普通) / Motor Mechanic (General) 190 489
321212 柴油汽车技工 / Diesel Motor Mechanic 190 489
321213 摩托车技工 / Motorcycle Mechanic 190 489
321214 小型发动机技工 / Small Engine Mechanic 190 489
322211 钣金行业工人 / Sheetmetal Trades Worker 190 489
322311 金属构造工 / Metal Fabricator 190 489
322312 压力焊工 / Pressure Welder 190 489
322313 焊工(甲等) / Welder (First Class) 190 489
323111 飞机维修工程师(航空电子) / Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) 190 489
323112 飞机维修工程师(机械) / Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) 190 489
323113 飞机维修工程师(结构) / Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) 190 489
323211 钳工(普通) / Fitter (General) 190 489
323212 钳工和车床工 / Fitter and Turner 190 489
323213 钳工,焊工 / Fitter-Welder 190 489
323214 金属机械师(甲等) / Metal Machinist (First Class) 190 489
323299 金属钳工和机械师NEC / Metal Fitters and Machinists nec 190 489
323313 锁匠 / Locksmith 190 489
323314 精密仪器制造和修理工 / Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer 190 489
323412 模具工人 / Toolmaker 190 489
324111 钣金工人 / Panelbeater 190 489
324211 车身修理工 / Vehicle Body Builder 190 489
324212 汽车翻修工 / Vehicle Trimmer 190 489
331111 瓦工 / Bricklayer 190 489
331112 石匠 / Stonemason 190 489
331211 木工和细木工 / Carpenter and Joiner 190 489
331212 木匠 / Carpenter 190 489
331213 细木工 / Joiner 190 489
332211 绘画工人 / Painting Trades Worker 190 489
333111 玻璃工 / Glazier 190 489
333211 纤维泥水匠 / Fibrous Plasterer 190 489
333212 固体泥水匠 / Solid Plasterer 190 489
333311 屋顶铺瓦工 / Roof Tiler 190 489
333411 墙和地板瓦工 / Wall and Floor Tiler 190 489
334111 管道工(普通) / Plumber (General) 190 489
334112 空调和机械服务水管工 / Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber 190 489
334113 下水道工 / Drainer 190 489
334114 煤气工 / Gasfitter 190 489
334115 屋顶水暖工 / Roof Plumber 190 489
341111 电工(普通) / Electrician (General) 190 489
341112 电工(特种) / Electrician (Special Class) 190 489
341113 电梯升降机技工 / Lift Mechanic 190 489
342111 空调和制冷技工 / Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 190 489
342211 电气接线员 / Electrical Linesworker 190 489
342311 商业机械技工 / Business Machine Mechanic 190 489
342313 电子设备行业工人 / Electronic Equipment Trades Worker 190 489
342314 电子仪器行业工人(普通) / Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) 190 489
342315 电子仪器行业工人(特别类) / Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) 190 489
351111 面包师 / Baker 190 489 毕业后3年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
351112 糕饼师 / Pastrycook 190 489 毕业后3年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
351211 屠宰及熟肉加工 / Butcher or Smallgoods Maker 190 489 毕业后3年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
351311 主厨 / Chef 190 489 毕业后3年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
351411 厨师 / Cook 190 489 毕业后3年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
361311 兽医护士 / Veterinary Nurse 190 489
362212 树艺师 / Arborist 190 489
362311 球场管理员 / Greenkeeper 190 489
362411 托儿所保育员 / Nurseryperson 190 489
391111 理发师 / Hairdresser 190 489 毕业后3年有效工作经验(昆州最少6个月);
392311 印刷技工 / Printing Machinist 190 489
394111 细木工 / Cabinetmaker 190 489
394211 家具装订工 / Furniture Finisher 190 489
394213 木机械师 / Wood Machinist 190 489
394299 木机械师和其他木技工工人NEC / Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nec 190 489
399111 船舶构造和维修 / Boat Builder and Repairer 190 489
399112 造船工人 / Shipwright 190 489
399212 天然气或石油操作 / Gas or Petroleum Operator 190 489
399213 发电厂操作 / Power Generation Plant Operator 190 489
411111 救护主任 / Ambulance Officer 190 489
411112 重症监护救护车医务人员 / Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic 190 489
411211 牙齿卫生员 / Dental Hygienist 190 489
411213 牙科技师 / Dental Technician 190 489
411214 牙科治疗师 / Dental Therapist 190 489
411311 措施满足治疗师 / Diversional Therapist 190 489
411411 登记护士 / Enrolled Nurse 190 489
411611 按摩治疗师 / Massage Therapist 190 489
411711 社区工作家 / Community Worker 190 489
411712 残疾人服务主任 / Disabilities Services Officer 190 489
411713 家庭支持工作家 / Family Support Worker 190 489
411716 青年工人 / Youth Worker 190 489
452311 潜水教练(开放水域) / Diving Instructor (Open Water) 190 489
452312 体操教练或导师 / Gymnastics Coach or Instructor 190 489
452313 骑马教练或导师 / Horse Riding Coach or Instructor 190 489
452315 游泳教练或导师 / Swimming Coach or Instructor 190 489
452316 网球教练 / Tennis Coach 190 489
452317 其他体育教练或导师 / Other Sports Coach or Instructor 190 489
452321 体育发展主任 / Sports Development Officer 190 489


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me


昆州境内已经工作6个月申请人州担保要求 - 飞出国


I’m Working in Queensland - QSOL

Eligibility Criteria - flyabroad

To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both Australian Department of Home Affairs (DHA) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category.
DHA criteria requires you to:

  • have a points test result of 65 or higher, inclusive of state nomination points;
  • have a positive skills assessment in your nominated occupation;
  • be under 45 years of age;
  • meet the minimum English language requirement of COMPETENT, unless a higher level is required by your assessing authority; and
  • submit additional documents if invited to lodge an application for a subclass 190 or subclass 489 visa.

BSMQ criteria requires you to:

  • have an occupation on the QSOL for applicants currently ‘Working in Queensland’ (onshore);
  • satisfy other requirements for certain occupations (higher points, more work experience, registration/licencing)
  • provide evidence of full-time employment in your nominated occupation for the past six months;
  • if employed through a labour hire company, provide evidence that they are registered in Queensland (incl overseas companies)
  • provide evidence of ongoing employment with a Queensland employer registered in Australia for a further 12 months; and
  • commit to living and working in Queensland for two years from visa grant.

I’m currently employed full-time in Queensland


This stream is for migrants who are currently living and working in Queensland in their skilled occupation (or closely related), and have an occupation that has been identified as a shortage in Queensland. Applicants under this stream must not be currently studying.

Nominations are offered under the following visa subclasses:

Skilled Nominated (Permanent) visa (subclass 190) This visa is for skilled workers and postgraduate alumni who wish to live and work in Queensland permanently.
Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) This visa is a provisional visa that allows nominated skilled workers to work and live in regional Queensland for four years, and is a pathway to permanent residency. Employment can be undertaken in the following ways:
  • Work for one or more employers
  • Two part time jobs
  • Be self employed/own your own business.

Applicable regions

Excludes Greater Brisbane Area and the Gold Coast. Includes the following postcodes: 4124 to 4125, 4133, 4211, 4270 to 4272, 4275, 4280, 4285, 4287, 4307 to 4499, 4515, 4517 to 4519, 4522 to 4899.|

If you are a current holder of a Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) you will not be eligible for nomination for the Skilled Nominated (Permanent) visa (subclass 190).

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both the Australian Department of Home Affairs (DHA) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category.

The DHA criteria requires you to:
  • have a points test result of 65 or higher, inclusive of state nomination points
  • have a positive skills assessment in your nominated occupation
  • be under 45 years of age
  • meet the minimum English language requirement of COMPETENT, unless a higher level is required by your assessing authority
  • submit additional documents if invited to lodge an application for a subclass 190 or subclass 489visa.
BSMQ criteria requires you to:
  • have an occupation on the QSOL ‘Working in Queensland’ list
  • provide evidence of full-time employment (post-qualification) in your nominated occupation for the past 6 months in Queensland
  • provide evidence of ongoing employment with a Queensland employer registered in Australia for a further 12 months (minimum of 35 hours per week)
  • commit to living and working in Queensland for 2 years from visa grant.

Labour hire employment

If you are employed through a Labour Hire company please make sure that they are registered in Queensland. All labour hire providers operating in Queensland need to be licensed under the new Labour Hire Licencing Act 2017 – including, those based interstate or overseas who supply workers in Queensland .

All existing labour hire companies operating in Queensland had until 15 June 2018 to comply with new registration requirements. Evidence that companies comply with these registration requirements will be required.

Application process

Step 1: Review your eligibility criteria, visa conditions and document checklist on the DHA website and the BSMQ website. Ensure you meet both the DHA criteria and BSMQ criteria, and have all your documentation (including proof of registration if required for your particular occupation) ready before you apply.

Step 2: For Queensland State nomination, submit an EOI with SkillSelect. Please ensure all information, such as work experience, is included in your EOI. Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice over applicants who select ‘ANY’ state.

Step 3: BSMQ assesses all EOIs that meet the DHA and BSMQ criteria. If you are successful, will receive an email invitation to lodge an application and be requested to provide the BSMQ required documents. Documents are to be uploaded electronically, through the Document Portal link provided in your invitation email. We no longer accept attachments sent to us by email.

Step 4: When you have received your invitation:

  1. Upload required documents
  2. Pay the non-refundable application fee to BSMQ in order to finalise your application.

BSMQ will review your application and may request further information.

Please note: you will be given 14 days to finalise your application from the date of invitation. If you are unable to provide the relevant information within this time frame, you must seek an extension from BSMQ. Applications not finalised within time frames will be closed and applicants will need to submit a new EOI if they wish to re-seek Queensland nomination.

Step 5: Once your completed BSMQ application is received and approved, you will receive an invitation from the DHA to lodge your visa application. You will be given 60 days to lodge your application with the DHA.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
