QLD 2018年7月2日最新昆州担保清单-境外类别-Queensland Skilled Occupation Lists (QSOL) Offshore (subclass 190) & (subclass 489)

昆士兰州担保删除 233914 工程技师职业-飞出国20180716

飞出国:233914 工程技师 Engineering Technologist 职业已从所有 QSOL 清单里删除(16 July 2018)。又一个热门职业无法申请了。移民要趁早,要早做准备,在配额需要抢的年代只有前面已经准备好的申请人才能第一时间抓住机会。

BSMQ Update to QSOL – Engineering Technologists

16 July 2018

Engineering Technologist (233914) will be removed from all the Queensland Skilled Occupation Lists (QSOLs) on 16 July 2018 as BSMQ has received large number of EOIs for this occupation and have filled the quota.

If you have not received an invitation by today, BSMQ is no longer in a position to issue any new invitations.

BSMQ may open this occupation at a later date if current invitees do not respond in the requested time frame. If this happens, information will be posted on our website. Please keep an eye on the BSMQ website for the updated information of QSOL list.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
