AHSP 大西洋四省试点高技术移民项目 Atlantic High-Skilled Program

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program: Atlantic High-Skilled Program

AHSP Atlantic High-Skilled Program 属于 AIPP 大西洋四省试点移民项目里三种类别之一,不要求有大西洋四省2年留学学历,但要求近3年内最少有一年 NOC 0,A,B 的工作经验,且在大西洋四省找到合适雇主。

AHSP 申请要求-飞出国:

  • 近36个月内有最少12个月全职,带薪的NOC 0,A,B 类职业,加拿大境外或加拿大境内的都可以
  • 获得大西洋省份雇主最少一年的 NOC 0,A或B类职业的全职雇主offer,
  • 语言达到 CLB 4,雅思要求G类,2年有效,递交原件

AHSP 项目语言要求低,不要求已经在大西洋四省工作,找到大西洋四省雇主offer就可以在境外申请,比读书移民来的快而且快刀斩乱麻避免夜长梦多。政策总在变!政策总在变!政策总在变!

AHSP 材料清单-飞出国

AHSP 具体申请材料与 AIGP 类别基本一致,只是多了对近3年内有1年noc 0,A,B 职业工作经验证明的部分:推荐信,工资单,税单,劳动合同等。

Proof of previous relevant work experience (letter of employment, paystubs, etc) You must show that you have at least 12 months of authorized, full-time (or part-time equivalent) work experience within the 36 months before your application is received. You must show that you performed:

  • the activities identified in the lead statement of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) description; and
  • a substantial number of the main duties, including all of the essential duties listed in the NOC description.

For the Atlantic High-Skilled program, your work experience must be at Skill Type 0 or level A or B of the NOC matrix.

Submit the documents below:

  • Copy of your most recent work permit in Canada (if applicable)
  • Employer reference letters for the periods of work experience identified in your application. The letters must include:
    • specific period of your employment (to/from dates)
    • description of your main responsibilities and duties
    • the corresponding NOC code (if known)
    • your total annual salary and benefits
    • the number of hours you worked per week
    • your employer’s name, signature, full address, telephone number and email address (if applicable)
  • Copies of your T4 tax information slips and your Notice of Assessment (if applicable)
  • Work contracts
  • Pay stubs

ATLANTIC HIGH-SKILLED PROGRAM -CHECKLIST-imm5457e-flyabroad-2018.pdf (472.7 KB)

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me
