



Earlier today, the Quebec Government published new regulations related to Quebec’s immigration programs, including the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program. Important changes to the QIIP include the following:

  • Candidates must have net assets of at least $2,000,000;
  • The investment candidates must make has increased to CAD$1,200,000.

It is projected that these regulations will be implemented in August this year. Until that time, Quebec Immigration will not be accepting any new applications.

At this point, no information has been released regarding the dates of the intake period or the number of files that will be received by Quebec Immigration. We should have more news in the near future, and will continue to keep you informed as we learn more.

If you are no longer interested in receiving updates about the Program, please let me know and we will remove you from our distribution list.


  • 1978年,加拿大联邦与魁省签订移民协议,魁省可自主选择移民;
  • 1986年,魁省旧政正式开启,家庭净资产要求80万加币,全款投资额40万加币,贷款投资额12万加币;
  • 2010年12月,魁省新政正式开启,净资产的要求增加到160万加币,全款投资额增加到80万加币,贷款投资额22万加币;
  • 2012年3月,首次限额,全球2700个名额,在2012年4月收满关门;
  • 2013年8月,抽签制,重新开放,全球限额1750个名额,单一国家不多于1200个名额;
  • 2015年1月,首次“基金配额制”,开放至2015年3月,全球限额1750个,单一国家不多于1200个名额;
  • 2015年8月,全球限额1750个名额,单一国家不多于1200个名额;
  • 2016年5月,全球限额1900个,中国地区不多于1330个名额,有法语成绩的不受名额限制;
  • 2017年5月,全球限额1900个,中国地区不多于1330个名额,有法语成绩的不受名额限制;
  • 2017年,由于受外汇管制和反洗钱的影响,基金只接受22万加币贷款投资的形式;

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me


魁北克投资移民815后开放,基金方式投资额是 35 万加币(不返还),直接投资的话是投资 120 万加币。

魁北克投资移民 CSQ 阶段首先要给基金审核拿配额,然后等开放后递交,递交后魁北克移民局审查,从拿档案号到有结果大概10个月吧,快的7-8个月,慢的12-14个月。

拿到CSQ后联邦阶段现在拿到签证要2-3年,特殊的有3-4年的,当前官方现在给出的数据是 45 个月,看起来魁北克投资移民联邦阶段确实是有意放缓速度,投资提上去3-4年才给签证。


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


魁北克投资移民2018全球1900配额不变,中国区配额减少100多,1235个:可以选择投资 120 万加币5年后无息返还,也可以直接花费 35 万加币买身份。

** Un maximum de 1 235 demandes de ressortissants étrangers de la République populaire de Chine, incluant les régions administratives de Hong Kong et Macao, sera accepté.

Next Opening of the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program

Yesterday, by way of Ministerial Decree, Quebec’s Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion announced that the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program will reopen from September 10 2018 to March 15 2019. The maximum number of applications that can be received during this period is 1,900.

Sherbrooke Street Capital is the leading financial intermediary, and once again because of our success, we expect to manage one of the largest allocations from Quebec Immigration.

Some key points to consider for the next opening:

  • In order to qualify for the Program, applicants must have:

    • At least two years of management experience during the five years preceding the application;
    • A legally-accumulated net worth in excess of CAD$2,000,000; and
    • The intention to reside in the Province of Quebec and commit to investing CAD$1,200,000. Financing is available. At current rates, the cost to the client will be $350,000.
  • All applications must be submitted to Quebec Immigration in Montreal;

    • The Government processing fee will continue to be $15,235 until December 31 2018;

    • Any applicants who demonstrate an intermediate ability in French, can submit their application at any time until March 31, 2018 and will receive priority processing.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/



  1. 申请人名下所有资产的合法来源证明以及
  2. 近五年内至少2年高级管理经验,能提供管理经验证明文件(部门经理以上级别即可要求不是很高)


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


2018-19 年度魁北克投资移民递交时间延期至2019年8月31日-飞出国

飞出国:由于涨价,周期长,可能出台居住限制,中国申请人配额减少等原因,魁北克投资移民2018-19年度的 1900 配额的申请接收时间为 2018年9月10日到2019年8月31日。


魁北克 investors 项目作为当前加拿大唯一一个一步到位只需要投资不需要实际经营的真正意义上的投资移民项目,当魁北克投资移民要求严格,材料处理复杂,审理周期长,加上2018年提高投资额到120万加币(600万人民币),很多申请人要么不符合条件,要么选择其他项目。

Investors - Quebec

Notice: Please note that the intake period for this program has been extended until August 31, 2019.

The maximum number of applications for permanent selection that will be accepted for processing under the Investor Program is 1,900 for the period September 10, 2018, to August 31, 2019.

Investor candidates who demonstrate, by means of a test recognized by the Ministère, that they have an advanced intermediate knowledge of French, are not subject to this maximum and can submit their application at any time. These applications will receive priority processing.

All applications must be sent by courier or regular mail to Direction de l’enregistrement et de l’évaluation comparative, in Montréal. Only one application can be sent at a time. Applications dropped off in person will not be accepted. The envelope in which the application is sent must indicate the program under which it is submitted.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/




魁北克投资移民管理经验怎么证明: 任命文件,公司内盖章的证明自己的审批签字的文件或电邮文件截图等都可以证明。都可以。