2018年萨省省提名技术移民官方申请周期 SINP International Skilled Worker Processing Times

2018年一月,萨省萨省开始按周来统计处理速度。International Skilled Worker 类别里,有雇主offer的是1个半月,没有雇主offer的需要7-8个月,且还没有计算申请人因职业认证需要的额外时间。也就是说,萨省允许申请人在申请过程中补交 license 或 professional certification。

Does not include the time required by the applicant to obtain licensing or professional certification documents.

SINP Category Quarter 3 - 2017-18 (Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2017) Measured in weeks
Employment Offer 6 weeks
Occupation In-Demand 31 weeks*
Express Entry 31 weeks*
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2018年第一季度 SINP 国际技术工人类别处理周期提速

与2017年第三季度申请相比,2018年萨省技术移民处理在提速。联邦阶段非EE处理周期当前 19 个月,一年半多一点。EE 类别 6 个月。因此 EE 确实是快速通道,比传统省提名处理快很多。

International Skilled Worker

SINP Category Quarter 1 - 2018-19 (Apr. 1 to Jun. 30, 2018)Measured in weeks
Employment Offer 5 weeks
Occupation In-Demand 26 weeks*
Express Entry 23 weeks*

*Does not include the time required by the applicant to obtain licensing or professional certification documents. It does include time spent waiting on applicants to provide additional information and program integrity reviews, if required.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
