如果拿到魁省的工作OFFER, 8.16魁技会帮我提前处理吗?

##如果拿到魁省的工作OFFER, 8.16魁技会帮我提前处理吗? 谢谢!

会的 持工作offer的会优先处理,而且不受配额限制。

Priority processing

The following applications will receive priority processing:

  • applications submitted under the Programme de l’expérience québéboise (PEQ - Québec experience program);
  • applications from candidates who have an employment offer validated by the Ministère;
  • applications from candidates who earned points under the factor Area of training.


请问什么样的offer是有效offer, 大于12个月的博士后工作offer是有效offer吗?可以获得加分吗?