
如果189的4万多的名额包括了新西兰公民的话 那岂不是189 Point-tested的要大幅缩水 这个是不是现在一轮才1000个的原因啊?

是呀,现在有了 189 Skilled Independent 189 (New Zealand) stream, 境外189不会缩水很多,因为本身每年实际189申请人都没法满足配额要求。满足条件的新西兰公民不会太多。

Skilled Independent 189 (New Zealand) stream

To be eligible for the Skilled Independent 189 (New Zealand) stream, at the time of application you must:

  • hold a Special Category (subclass 444) visa
  • have been usually resident in Australia for a continuous period of five years immediately prior to application, and have commenced that period of usual residence on or before 19 February 2016
  • have a taxable income at or above an income threshold for each income year in the five years prior to lodging an application (unless claiming an exemption).
  • meet mandatory health, character and national security checks
  • lodge a visa application and pay the relevant visa application charges.

You can include the following people in your visa application:

  • your partner
  • your child/step-child or your partner’s child/step-child.

These members of the family unit:

  • must meet mandatory health, character and national security checks
  • can hold any visa.

满足条件的新西兰公民有6-7万 今年189总的才4万多 所以7月份和8月份每轮只发1000个可能就是这样原因。如果这样下去的话 非热门专业每轮给到的名额只有100左右, 也就是说非热门专业的没有70分都没戏。

我看一篇链接说7月份申请的新西兰公民有1000左右。结合这几轮只发1000来看。相当于4万会分一半给新西兰公民。那给points-tested stream的就只有两万多了。再加上今年会计等热门专业ceiling增加。两万多去掉两万个热门专业。这个财年留个非热门专业的只有4000左右了。相当于70分以下的可以退出竞争了。

这样看来澳洲 189 还不乐观,看前两次邀请分数确实是这样: