2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test

2017年7月最新澳洲技术移民评分标准 - 飞出国


年龄得分 Age(30) - 飞出国 Points
18-24 years 25
25-32 years 30
33-39 years 25
40-44 years 15

英语:澳洲技术移民认可的英语考试不仅包含雅思(A,G都可以),而且认可 PTE-A,TOEFL iBT 这些,成绩有效期3年。特殊情况下可以豁免 Competent English 考试成绩。飞出国提醒注意的是,这些语言考试是 EOI 里要求的,职业评估机构可能有自己额外的英语考试要求。

英语得分 English(20) - flyabroad Points
Competent English 0
Proficient English 10
Superior English 20

工作经验: 澳洲技术移民工作经验分为澳洲工作经验和澳洲外工作经验,加分累计最多20分,工作经验需要与提名的职业相关才能算分,工作年限不局限与职业评估上的工作经验,职业评估完成后的工作经验仍然可以计算在内(通过推荐信)。

澳洲外工作 Skilled employment in the last 10 years – outside Australia(15) Points
Less than 3 years 0
3-4 years 5
5-7 years 10
8-10 years 15

澳洲工作经验 Skilled employment in the last 10 years – in Australia(20) Points
Less than 1 year 0
1-2 years 5
3-4 years 10
5-7 years 15
8-10 years 20

学历: 博士20分,硕士和学历都是15分,专科学历只有10分,同时专科学历很难通过职业评估(或工作年限扣减多,有些评估机构是要扣减年限的),专科申请人很难申请澳洲。

学历 Qualifications(20) - 飞出国 Points
博士 A Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution or a Doctorate from another educational institution that is of a recognised standard. 20
本硕 A Bachelor degree from an Australian educational institution or a Bachelor qualification, from another educational institution that is of a recognised standard. 15
专科技校 A diploma or trade qualification completed in Australia 10
职业评估机构认可的其他学历 An award or qualification recognised by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation. 10

澳洲2年学习: 完成2年澳洲认可的学历的可以获得额外5分加分,鼓励澳洲留学。

澳大利亚2年学历 Australian study requirement(5) - 飞出国 Points
At least one degree, diploma or trade qualification from an Australian educational institution that meets the Australian study requirement 5

STEM-I 2年澳洲硕博: 完成澳洲2年硕士或博士的科学,技术,工程,数学和ICT课程的有额外5分加分。

澳洲硕博学历 Specialist education qualification(5) - flyabroad Points
A Masters degree by research or a Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution that included at least two academic years in a relevant field. 5

额外加分项: 社区语言需要通过 NATTI 二级考试,在澳洲偏远地区完成2年学习,配偶需要通过职业评估(给189加分需要职业也在 MLTSSL 列表上)达到 Competent English 英语水平,当前只有 ICT,会计,工程师职业有专业年,专业年面向的是澳洲留学毕业生。

其他加分项 Other(20) - flyabroadvisa Points
社区语言 Accredited in a community language 5
偏远地区学习 Study in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area that meets the Australian study requirement 5
配偶职业评估 Partner skill qualifications 5
专业年 Professional year in Australia 5

担保: 489偏远地区担保或489指定地区亲属担保可以获得10分,190州担保可以获得5分。

州,偏远地区,亲属担保 Nomination or sponsorship(10)-飞出国 Points
Nomination by a state or territory government 5
Nomination by a state or territory government to live and work in a regional or low population-growth metropolitan area 10
Sponsorship by an eligible relative to live and work in a designated area of Australia. 10

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me
