


是新西兰吗,会计不是紧缺职业,当前不容易达到 160 分。

正常情况下主申请不满足申请 PRV 条件前副申是不能自己单独申请的,也有例外情况,例如下面列举的。

Non-principal applicants can’t apply for permanent residence before the principal applicant, unless a non-principal exception applies.

Eligibility for partners of principal applicants

If you were the principal applicant’s partner when you were included in their residence application, you may be eligible for a variation of travel conditions or a new resident visa if one the following apply to you:

  • You and the principal applicant have separated or divorced.
  • You have a protection order against the principal applicant.
  • The principal applicant has been convicted of an offence against you or a dependent child.
  • The principal applicant died.
  • The principal applicant is a New Zealand citizen now.


达到 160 可以申请新西兰: